TURBINE STEAMERS, | THE MARINE REVIEW Ba ctmecemn vineiidi TAE Marine REVIEW UILT AND B 27 D | Z Date. Vessel. Service. Owner. Builder. Length. a A tq Soe 1698") Pug Dinas oo. ee ces Exoerimental. 577. sa. PARSONS. cr ec erga ee Patsons 0 es '100 % iO0L King Bdward.. 000). ...58 Pleasure Steamer. ........ Turbine'Steamers,. Ld... ........: Denys or as ee oe 250 2 3 6 1902 |Queen. Alexandra......... sd6 ee dot a. ae G0 2055 270 66 MBOO Vipet om vor ewe ee Be Di aie ay RGN es . Ts "| Hawthorn- Leslie... 40 210 69 0: | GObia soc ees ae DOs ea GOe ee ee ees Armstrong..... cnen ce eee eae oiN ears 293 73 1908 | Nielox 22.5 osc eee GO We GOP oes i cp eens ek ce Hawthorn-~leshie. a. ocokcis 210 78 NODC NE en 8h. as a es G0: ee GO eh ek ae, as Ola a a 220 14.3) 8 3 1905 |Coastal Destroyers........ dO. 0-97 GO ie re ee Thornycroft, Yarrow & White 175 Heo a do. |Ocean-going Destroyers... G0. -2 Fs ae GO Le eee Laird-ERormycroit 2223, 250 a do. |Experimental Destroyers. Oe ia GO ee ee aaa uuaahe ice olen «eee eee eer 320 a |e. HOS: apantula fe. es. ace cnt Sey ee ee WOK "Vanderbilt; 3) 22.3. 2)... 3: VATIOW. ee oe eae 526.1 115318 4150 G0. (Worena ccc gin ek cad dO. seis ae a A oreBarber.. 68 te es Ramage & Ferguson... 250... 2... 0. 253 33 3120.4/13 0 Go. de meralds oo. cca. os dO. oa ed lt C aeumnOSS. i ke a eae Steplhensse sei 198° = 28. 718.6 $905 1 Albion = 6s .21y- fata, le Sita. NCWHOE S66 op coke ia a ss Swan.tc Hater yours a 270 ae... Glo: {Nateiseas 252.0 o074....5; BOE ee Ay MUNOy eT ie Fatra@id. 0 FR a 245 27 6116.3 do; (Royal Yacht... 00... dO. H. M. King Edward........: Pease Ac), HOWE ee eee ey ee 310 | 46 No. 2| Mahroussant 6:5 os 2.01.3: GO. ete The Khedive of Beypt........ 2.23 Rebuildingiby:do.;....c30... 4... 400 42 196 '6|..-. 1903: | The-Queens 3s. 005. a8 3 Channel Steamer. .:.,..... S.E.& Chatham'Rly. €Co........ DERRY ise ie ee 310 40 125 |11 0 U0. (Brighton 30 te Go. a ee iB. & South' Coast Rly. Co..:... GO eee ee ee 280 34 J29 | 90 1904 Princess Maud............ dO eee Stranraer & Larne Service........ G6. aa ee ee 300 40 |24.6/10 0 tip. (Londonderry «2.375. 2=. ce? GO" tee eee iMidtandIRiy.. 2367 oe BO 0 oe 330 42 195 6}10 6 do. (Manxman . o.oo G0 er eee Gloieens ee eae Wickets: 2. a ee ee 380 43 |o5 6/10 6 1905 VIKING. oss eo ee GO ae Isle of Man S.S Co... GI StLONS 62005 eo eee 360 42 |17.3|10 6 GO tOmNardi aie dO see eee es DS. th ee Chatham (Rly Con, 2. Denny. io ee 310 40 |25 {11 0 GO, |DIGDPE oa ee dO. So a lb B SS: Coast Riv, Co. a WMaireld 3) 2a eee 280 34 8114.6] 9 3 GOs (bo ee a 6 6 GS) aDuUmne a et ues 0 oS ee a |... GOs Wp Bega ce GO eee Goreat Western Rly. /2.. 23... John Brown Co. & Laird & Co...- 350 40°} .. 1140 do. |Princess Elizabeth........ COKE ees ie heletan Govt, 255360 oe Cockerille. ©. 3.25 Saree 335 40 |23,3}13 6 DOG Ge as en cee Hampure Meng oand.. 20) es Vulcan CO. 03 300 . 31881. ...|9 10 NOQ4Wehashas es India Coast Service ....... British-Indiq $.°S-Co. 02.233) 4 Denny. 505 Ae eee 275. «(44 «(125.6).... Intermediate. : do. |Loongata,,......0......58 3. Inter-Colonial Service... |Union S. S. Co. of New Zealand... d0 ee 300 126 os Tasmania, Melbourne 2 do. |TurbiniaII............,... beget Steamer, Lake...|Turbine S.'S. Co..-..::... Se Swan & Huntey....6 260 {38 |20.91 9 6 ntario PO0D | Maneno. cs: inter;Colomial. 052)... Union S:.5:Ca. af¢New Zealand.: |:Denny..;..5:..3.-.6-52..-404.0. 4 50 133.6]..-- 1005 | Victomal 4) oor ae. pe ie tnt ereeaie eee malaneS, SCO. a ee Workovan t Clarke) 3277.0: on 160 ie 27 6 ervice : Go. |Carmania....-:.1..--..-+.. Atlantic' Mall... ra Cid C6. ee Jabn Brown & Co... ...2...0...., 678 ~--s«d72.--«sI52. 182 1904'|New Cunarders........... CO eee lene: BOs Ee ae ne as ne john Brown o Co.. e5. 22... 760 88 e 82 es Swan. @ Hunter. 2305. es er 1904 |Amethyst.................. ou class cruiser:.:......64 Roa APISEPOHG 552 oc ride 360 -. |40 |....|14 6 1005 |g beek 2. Be. COj5 German Navy... 20 2 Vilican C07. ce. ee 841 : |43 3 = 16 6 GG, ISAM se. yee, meout Cruiser: 2 WSN Bath: Iron Works... 420 46 8|....116 9 Wo. \Chester 30 lO eae USING oe ee Cee Hall Rivers. & BiGo mo s..20.... 420 46 8)... |16 9} ° 0, \Dreadhought......... 0.0: . Battleship. cc eects RONG es eee Portsmouth Dogkyard... =. v...... oe Mo. Orion clnes Armored Cruiser ......... RON ee I ee ee rn No, 243 0.00.0... e eee eee ie esata) orpedo ..<tBrench Navy 242.) 221.48 & Société des F. & C. Mediterranée! 9777) J... _ dibelluiles ers Gos ea : 1903 |Caroline. ¢ 4.016...c.3., 22, OOK a 1004 INO; 208). 3 vs es Vormedo Boat..cx.......¢-. AGUB INOS 204 ee ee es C02. hc re 00s 1S eo eS eB e Deeeee e PROVOUITION: 650.0 ue. Experimental S. Y......... *Rebuilt 1896. In addition, two vessels for Great Central Railwa }+Data contained in paper on ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. a The Wm. Skinner & Sons Dry Dock Co., and the Baltimore Ship Building & Dry Dock Co., of Baltimore, will be con- - solidated. The Standard Oil Co. has awarded contract to the Har- land & Wolff Co., Belfast, Ireland, for a tank steamer 406 ft. long and 60 ft. beam. The passenger steamer City of Holland is in the Wolv- erine Dry Dock at Port Huron. on the rocks and is in need of Moran Bros. Co., Seattle, Wash., have been awarded a contract to build a steamer 237 ft. long, 39 ft. beam and extensive repairs. She was badly pounded 17 ft. deep for the Pacific Coast Steamship Co., of San Francisco. John L. Robbins Co., Erie Basin, Brooklyn, has been awarded the contract to repair seventy-four plates on the bottom. of the steamship Brittania on its bid of $19,750. Swan, Hunter. & Wigham Richardson, Ltd., Wallsend- on-Tyne, are stated to have received from the Donald Steamship Co. of New York contract for two steamers for the fruit trade. : It is estimated that the cost of repairing the steamer $40,000. Frank Rockefeller which went on Isle Royale will be Forty-four plates will have to come off the bottom and twelve to fourteen off the stern. ws Ay YW si Gi oed 5 ae + Screws per ; peed. Som hoes ty Ay mS Wn re 32 2,000 | 3 oC 2,300 20.48 3,500 3 |L.centre 2 wing. ' pee é 21.43 4,400 | 3 1 750 1,090 30.58 13,000 | 4 2 1,180 30.2 10,000 4 3 1,050 Bint 7,000 4 1 900 26.2 7,500 | 3 2 950 26 3,600 | 3 1 1,200 33 15,000 3 1 700 36 28,000 4 i 600 25 36 2,200 | 3 3 1,200 18.02 3,800 | 3 1 50 700 -15.0 1,400 | 3 1 900 15.0 1,800 3 de 14.5 1,250 | 5 1 550 18.0 4,000 3 Me ean 18.0 6,500 | 3 Cea 21.73 8,500° | 3 1 480 500 21.5 6,000 a 1 480 c 510Ww 20.7 6,500 3 J 600 22.3 7000 | 3 1 670 4 50 23.1 8,5 1 ' 00 | 3 ai 25.03, 9,500 7 it 430 ae ae 21.75 35 1 G -- 6;500 3 630 w af cciggt ttt [oeesaegaae 3 fa, ae 9,500 3 ik 24 10,000 3 1 440 20 6,000 2 i 650 18 6,000 3 here BONS as eae 20.2 6,300 ale od 650 19 3,500 3 1 650 Pesca es a ode bss cokes ss S 1 veep eorr aed 19.5 12,000 3 1 275 21.0 21,000 3 x 185 25.0 65,000 4 al 165 21.75 des. 9,800 | 3 1 450 23.63 trial 14,000 490 22.0 des. 10,000 4 1 650 23.0 trial ; 24.0 16,000 .| 4 1 500 24.0 16,000 Po Re eee Pee ns cee sae 21.0 23,000 4 1 300 24.0 28,000 4 1 300 21.0 1,800 2 Various 1,800 ee gay ee goniey : 280 T 2.200 3 Pelee eae 2,200 Bil tiahtis o ae oe hes 6,000 Bee Sein «5 Pe 5 ces 865 1,800 2 1 : 650 Boiler Pressure. iy Be | =] > 180 150 160 2 . oO a oa Be Remarks. cA yan 45 18 |Only one screw now fitted to each shaft 28" diameter. 700° ¢ 4 Put in service July, 1901. i 900 ....,...|Putin service July, 1902. Very largely usedfor-ex- perimental trials. 390 3 4 |Launched 6-9, '99. Ran ashore and lost during naval manceuvers in 1901. Trials made in 1900. Astern speed 15.5 knots. 450 iw aes Sank at sea in September, 1901. ABO See Reciprocating cruising engines on inner shafts, 714", = 11" & 16" x 9" stroke. 400 R. P. M. Launched 1902 oe re (2 building. 800 6 0 |5 building 1,500 7 0 |Details unsettled Sept.,1905 14 es One screw now fitted to each shaft. 3'.0" diameter. . 1,400 4 A +Yacht measurement, ' 900 PBBOT ne. has 8 Arete yacht measurement. PORN Sica Sires Thames yacht measurement. Only twin screw Par- sons installation. 1,800 ; SOO. ees (eens In process of conversion from paddle engines totur- bine machinery. Vessel built about 1865. ese eue es 6 0:.|Screws originally arranged as in King Edward. Boot Astern speed 13.0 knots. 1200 <|, Si, Astern speed 12.5 knots. ae ee 5 0 |Bow rudder fitted. Lae eee 5 0 |See McFay's paper, I.N. A., 1905. ae 6 2 do. 5 ei Cree ee 6 6 : : : Pie ee 6 6 |Sister ship Invicta. 1,360 5 0 |See Engitueering, Aug. 18, 1905. epee ee eae ea 3 building. Se OA eee COATS ye 2 sister ships. : F000 fo a Curtis turbines. So ee ar oe Sister Ships Linka, Lunka, Lama. Designed speed 17.0 knots, 2,300 538 1,100 4 1% oe g 3+ |Sister ship Virginian, built by Stephens. {4 blades. oeetr dl St © ty baildiag oe See Engineering, Nov. 18, 1904. 8,000 6 6 : ; Weight saved = 40 tons on engines + 25 on armored BOW 4g deck. Turbines made by Brown, Bowen A.G. - voces! 8/8 |curtis turbines. aed i : Details Incomplete. 4 to build 1905-06. Estimates 92 | Various |Rateau turbines. See trans. I. N. A., 1904. Be rie ao do. ' ae 140 do Reciprocating engine on center shaft. See Engineering, Aug. 5, 1904. 2 """""""")Brequet turbines. (Not yet tried.) 400 | Various |Astern speed 16.7 knots (guarantee = 15.0). oe 4-6 |Curtis turbines. \ 4 : y Co., two for Boston and New York service, one for California Steam Packet Co., and various others are projected. Marine Steam Turbine Development and Design," by E. M, Speakman, and read before the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Mr. Lafayette Lamb, of the Lamb Boat & Engine Co., Clinton, Iowa, will build a pleasure boat to take the place of the Wanderer recently sold to the Florida East Coast Railway Co. All of the six barges which the Maryland Steel Co. contracted to build for the Panama Railroad Co. are in frame and some are entirely plated. When completed they will be knocked down and shipped to Colon via New York. are building a steam The Ful- Hall: Bras., schooner for Ira J. Harmon of San Francisco. ton Iron Works of San Francisco will install the machin- ery. The steam schooner Mayfair was launched recently The new craft will cost about $20,000. Winslow, Wash., from the yard of John Lindstrom, Aberdeen, Wash. for Beele Bros. of San Francisco. She is 180 ft. long, 38 ft. beam and 121% ft. deep. ; Statistics at the Custom House at North Tonawanda show that lumber receipts at the two Tonawandas for the past season were 465,639,603 ft. compared with 409,970,341 ft. of last year, a gain of 55,162,262 ft. The two big freighters building at the Union Iron Wks., San Francisco, for the American-Hawaiian Steamship Co., are making rapid progress. , Good progress is also being made on the two new ferry steamers for the Key route. The wooden hulls for these ferries are being built at Dickie's yard. :