"TAE MARINE REVIEW a. Winter [ooring List of Lake Vessels. Name of Vessel. Name and Address of Managing Owner. Milwaukee, Wis. Str. Martin Mullen....Hutchinson & Co., Cleveland. Str. City of Glasgow..Hutchinson & Co., Cleveland. Schr. Abyssinia....... Hutchinson & Co., Cleveland. str. Pascal P. Pratt...Lake "Erie Transportation Ga. ; ~ Cleveland. Green Bay, Wis. Str. Bragike 33.40 32 Wisconsin Transportation Co., She- boygan, Wis. Ashtabula, O. .Leatham & Smith Towing & Wrecking Co., Sturgeon Bay, Wis. Sturgeon Bay, Wis. Si Chas. B. Packard. Leatham & Smith Yowine & Wrecking Co., Sturgeon Bay, Wis. Bge. Porto Lapidum.. Sir, Jos. i Hurd.:...: Leatham & Smith Towing & Wrecking Co., Sturgeon Bay, Wis. mit 1. No Tester... Leatham & Smith Towing & Wrecking Co., Sturgeon Bay, Wis. Tie A. 4. Wright... .. Leatham & 'Smith Towing & . Wrecking Co., Sturgeon Bay, Wis. .Leatham & 'Smith Towing & : Wrecking Co., Sturgeon Bay, Wig Tug Geo.-Nelson..... Leatham & Smith Towing & Wrecking Co., Sturgeon Bay, Wis. Bee Bdvances 63 sis Leatham & 'Smith Towing & : Wrecking Co., Sturgeon Bay, Wis. Bge. M. Dohearty..... Leatham & Smith Towing & Wrecking Co., Sturgeon Bay, Wis. Tug John Leatham.. Bor Kellage Gage eee Leatham & Smith 'Towing & Wrecking Co., Sturgeon Bay, Wis. shee, Pewaukee... -.- Leatham & Smith Towing & Wrecking Co., Sturgeon Bay, Wis. Garden Island, Ont. See SIM oo ee The Calvin Co., Garden Island, Ont. SER POUIa cy. vs oe seve koe Calvin Co. Garden Island, Ont Ste. 1). Garvin'. 2.3 The Calvin Co., Garden Island, Oni. 'coo Chiettainy ble: 2. The Calvin Co., Garden Island, Ont. Tie ePatthias 0 The Calvin Co., Garden Island, Ont. Tug Frontenac........ The Calvin Co., Garden Island, Ont. Tuc W. Johnston,.:- . The Calvin Co., Garden Island, Ont. bee: Buri The Calvin Co., Garden Island, Ont. Bae. -CeViohss cae k The Calvin Co., Garden Island, Ont. -Benton Harbor, Mich. | Str. City. ot "Benton Tat. Cari Graham & Morton Transportation Co.;. Chicago: ; .Graham & Morton Transportation Co., Chicago. Str. City of Chicago... Str, Vevsme be. Graham & Morton Transportation : Co., Chicago. ; pir Vumiad. oe .Graham. & Morton Transportation Co., Chicago. ' Str, PM No 5.0.43 Graham & Morton Transportation Co., Chicago. De BOM: os aa ee Graham & Morton Transportation Co., hicago. Ogdensburg, N. Y. Str: Nicaragua... rs Ogdensburg Coal Towing Co., Ogdensburg, N. ; Sir Avon... ok. Ogdensburg Coal Towing Co., Ogdensburg, N. Tug Geo. D. Seymour.Ogdensburg Coal Ogdensburg, N. Towing Co., Wie SAVER Fa -Ogdensburg Coal Towing Co., Ogdensburg, N. Sir. Denver. 245s ies Ogdensburg Coal Towing Co., Ogdensburg, N. -Ogdensburg Coal . Ogdensburg, N. Bge. Isaac StephensonOgdensburg Coal Ogdensburg, N. Bge. Henry Witheck . Towing Co., Towing Co., Bae. Pred Carney ..;.- Ogdensburg Coal Towing Co., Ogdensburg, N. : Bge. Menominee ..... Ogdensburg Coal Towing Co., Ogdensburg, N. : Bge. Hoboken ....... Ogdensburg Coal Towing Co., Ogdensburg, N. .-Ogdensburg Coal Ogdensburg, N. HR RP RK RK BK Bp KX > Ki Bp RK Ro Ki ROK Ro Bge. James Buckly . Towing Co., Str. H. B. Hawgood . Name of Vessel. Name and Address of Managing Owner. Bee, 'lrelatd <i cA Ogdensburg Coal & Towing Co., Ogdensburg, N. Y. Deer HH. Bb, ...Ogdensburg Coal & Towing Co., Ogdensburg, N. Y. ! Manitowoc, Wis. Str. Langham ........Thomas Adams, Detroit, Mich. Buffalo, N. Y. Str. John Stanton ....; Hutchinson & Co., Cleveland. Str. William $. Mack..Lake Erie Transportation - Co. Cleveland. str, PF: BP Milter o..4 +. %. Sa. Buffalo, Ny x, str. New Orleans ...°€ap€, J, B. Hall, Buffalo, Ni. str. Columbia .4.272.. Capt. J. 5. Hall, Buffalo, N. Y. str. Minneapolis ...... Minneapolis, St. Paul & Buffalo steamship Co., Buffalo, N.- Y. . Minneapolis, St. Paul & Buffalo Steamsttip Co., Buffalo, N, Y. Stt; Huros vivo Minneapolis, St, Paul & Buffalo Steamship Co., Buffalo, N. Y.- ~ Str. W. Castle RhodesMinneapolis, St. Paul & Buffalo Steamship Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Str. Thos. Adams ....Thomas Adams, Detroit, Mich. str." Geo. L. Craig ...:Thomus Adams, Detroit, Mich. Str. Northern King ...Mutual Transit 'Co., Buffalo, NY: Str. Northern Queen .. Mutual Transit Co., Buffalo, NX str. North Wind .:... Mutual Transit Co., Buffalo, Ny Xe Str. Northern Light ..Mutual Transit Co., Buffalo, N. Y. mit. North Shar. .o 2, Mutual Transit Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Str. William A. RKogersNiagara Stee Co., North Tona- wanda, N. .Henry A. Weceaes Perry-Payne Bldg, Cleveland. pit Usibtie 220 Henry A. Hawgood, Perry-Payne Bldg, Cleveland. fo _ Sheboygan, Wis. Mit. oO. Cy 4) ot. Henry A. Hawgood, Peéry-Payae Bldg, Cleveland. South Chicago, Il. ..Henry A. Hawgood, Perry-Payne Bldg, Cleveland. eS Detroit, Mich. Str. Wisconsin .. mir Nittotie 4. ie Detroit, Belle Isle & Windsor = ; Ferry Co., Detroit. Str. Excelsior w+ sesls Detroit, Belle Isle & Windsor : é Ferry Co., Detroit. wt Gatland 9 Detroit, Belle Isle & Windsor : Ferry Co., Detroit. Sit Sappho «24, eee Detroit, Belle Isle & Windsor : Ferry Co., Detroit. Str. Promise:s.i,° oy Detroit, Belle Isle & Windsor ee Ferry Co., Detroit. ott; Pleasure i), ca.c. Detroit, Belle Isle & Windsor Ferry Co., Detroit. Sir,; Columbia: . 450.5. Detroit, Belle Isle & Windsor : Ferry Coa. -Détroit, .. wir: Pagpoose. 2.42508 Detru:t, Belle Isle & Windsor Ferry Co., Detroit. | ; bir. Gettxtbure ..3..%: Alger, Smith &. Co., Detroit. Chicago, Ill. | : Sehr, Athens ¢.. ibs Lake Erie Transportation Co., Cleveland. ' Os Cleveland, O. c Sth, UO. Lenty oi. Saginaw Bay Transportation Co, Cleveland. Str. Rhoda Emily ....Saginaw Bay Transportation Co., 'Cleveland. Bge. R. Bottsford ...:Saginaw Bay Transportation Co., Cleveland. Bre. Pattie: <. icc Saginaw Bay Transportation Co. Cleveland. Schr. Emma C. Hutch- oe WSO: 2 a ae Hutchinson &.Co., Cleveland. Schr: 'Shawnee ....% J. N. Hahn, Cleveland. Str. Jas..S. Shrigley ..J. N. Hahn, Cleveland. Saugatuck, Mich. | Str Saggatuek'. 3. 60) Chicago, Saugatuck & Douglas : Trans. Co., Saugatuck, Mich. Duluth, Minn. : oseph G. Butler ae r. oe well etaye. Hutchinson & Co., Cleveland: Str. Northern Wave ..Mutual Transit Co., Buffalo, N. Y.