- Str Str. Str. Str. tt: Str. Str, Sir, Séit. Str. Str. Str. Str; Ste Str: Str, Str. Str. Str. Str. Str: Str. Bge. Str Str: Str. Sir. Str. Str. Str. Str. Str. a2 Ott: eur, Str, Superior City .... Pittsburg Steamship ee Buffalo, N. Y. Gilenrist :.....c....% Gilchrist Trans. Co., F, W. Gilchrist ..Gilchrist Trans. Co. Go. Hand ...... Gilchrist Trans. Co., WoW, part _.....Gilchrist Trans. Co., Be ecker oo. .s Gilchrist Trans. Co., PHOIeY oo Se. Gilchrist Trans. Co., bake Shote,.....- Gilchrist Trans. Co., Wats oo... Se Gilchrist Trans. Co., Neptune... ile... Gilchrist Trans. Co., George H. RusselGilchrist Trans. Co., "TAE. MARINE. REVIEW Co., Cleveland. Co., Cleveland. Co., Cleveland. Co., Cleveland. Co., Cleveland. Co., Cleveland. Co., Cleveland. Co., Cleveland. Co., Cleveland. Co., Cleveland. Co., Cleveland. Co., Cleveland. Co., Cleveland. Co., Cleveland. Co., Cleveland. Co., Cleveland. Co., Cleveland. Co., Cleveland. Co., Cleveland. Co., Cleveland. Co., Cleveland. Co. Cleveland. Co., Cleveland. Co., Cleveland. Name of Vessel. Name and Address of Managing Owner. Edenborm ...2.' .. Pittsburg Steamship BUWOGd os cas ce: Pittsburg Steamship fimpire City ...... Pittsburg Steamship Ericsson .........Pittsburg Steamship Parveen oi... 3s Pittsburg Steamship FI AtV AIG ou ous es Pittsburg Steamship 'Hounghton. <...:. Pittsburg Steamship MeDougall «..... Pittsburg Steamship Mallietoa,.;.... ... Pittsburg Steamship WieanOla oan Pittsburg Steamship Maricopa ........Pittsburg Steamship Mating 6254... Pittsburg Steamship Mariposa 2.000005 Pittsburg Steamship Moataaia ...505. 40: Pittsburg Steamship Norse Cig ie. oui . Pittsburg Steamship Murphy. Jk os Pittsburg Steamship Rocketeller, 2... : Pittsburg Steamship DasOn Fh. ua ek Pittsburg Steamship BMW ce ke 'Pittsburg Steamship. DICMENS 652.6: Pittsburg Steamship Van ise 25.) 2... Pittsburg Steamship Watt 2.2... Sere Pittsburg Steamship Bryn Mawr :....: Pittsburg Steamship Cleveland. Cleveland. , Cleveland. Cleveland. Cleveland. Cleveland. Cleveland. Cleveland. Cleveland. Cleveland. Str. R. E. Schuck ....Gilchrist Trans. Co., Cleveland. min. tect King... <.. Gilchrist Trans, Co., Cleveland. Str. "Uranus 2.5. Si eeee Gilchrist Trans. Co, Cleveland. | mir, Venus ..02....22.- Gilchrist Trans. Co. Cleveland. Sic. FG Walker ....Giichrist Trans. Co., Cleveland. Sir. ©. Ww: Watson .<. Gilchrist 'Frans. Co. Cleveland. Str. Lizzie Madden ...M. J. Lynn, Bay City, Mich. Str, Kensington ...... IF. B. Chesbrough, Emerson, Mich. Ore Panay «2 ice. os: oO. Catter, Eric, Pa. Sir bao 655... 1. Carter, Erie, Pa. Si. Vuscarora ........ vehigh Valley Trans. o., Buffalo. DBtf. Salata.) 2... se Lehigh Valley Trans. Co., Buffalo. Ste Seneca 25... . ...Lehigh Valley Trans. Co., Buffalo. Str. Wilkesbarre ...... Lehigh Valley Trans. Co., Buffalo. Str. Mauch Chunk ....Lehigh Valley Trans. Co., Buffalo. Sth Ua se ces ss Kea star Line Buftalo. N..Y¥- Str. Robert Mills ....Red Star Line, Buffalo. N. Y. Str Australia. 6.05.5: James Corrigan, Cleveland. ite C aledonig 4%... James Corrigan, Cleveland. 2 Cleveland, O. Str. Angeline Bc aks Cleveland Clits Iron Co,, Cleve- and Sit, Preeque isle ....Cieveland Cliffs Iron Co,; Cleve- land. Str Cestirion iis 1s. Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co., Cleve- land. Bit: POUUae esl iss. elas Clits iron Co.,:Cleve- and. Str. Prontenac ....6.... Cleveland Cliffs iron Co., Cleve- oe land. St. Cadilee<.3 os -4. Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co., Cleve- Lhe land. Str Pioneer S555 ss Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co., Cleve- land. mtr, Andaste 4.05.7. ».Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co., Cleve- : eo tan. Bir. Cuoctaw.. 5.62... end Ciifis iron Co., Cleve- oS and. Sit aicon ie es. Cleveland Cliffs Iron. Co., Cleve- : land. Schr. Chattanooga eee rpeiand Cliffs Iron Co., Cleve- and. Dir. Atizene......-7..,Gtay Transportation Co.,. Cleve- land. Bee. Seon. 20,6505. a hey Transportation Co. Cleve- and, Bee, Plymouth ....... ee eheportation Co., Cleve- ; and, Str. Capt. Thomas Wil- SOG es co as Wilson Transit Line, Cleveland. Samuel Mitchell ..W. C. Richardson, Cleveland. 'Name of Vessel. Name and Address of Managing Owner. 4 Schr. Chicamauga.. 5. W. C. Richardson, Cleveland. ' Str; Roamania 22.02. W. C. Richardson," Cleveland. Str. J. J. Albright ....Mitchell & Co., Cleveland. Str. E. A. S. Clarke ..Mitchell. & Co., Cleveland. Str. M. A. Hanna ....Mitchell & Co., Cleveland. Sir Touisiana 6477.0, F. M. Osborne, Cleveland. Str. Gity Of Brie... «Cleveland & Buffalo Trans. Co., Cleveland. Str. City of Buffalo ...Cleveland & Busale 'Trans. Ga, Cleveland. Ste Ag cose, 'Argo Steamship Co., Cleveland. Bge. C. B. Jones ....Argo Steamship Co., Cleveland. Bge. D._ P. 'Dobbins.::Argo.:Steamiship Co., Cleveland. Str. Mary A. McGregor Potter, Teare & Co., Cleveland. Schr, Grampian, 9.23. 3: James. Davidson, West Bay City, Mich. Buffalo, N. Y. Bee. Polynesia: .......5 James Corrigan, Cleveland. Bee Amazon (2. .3..% James Corrigan, Cleveland. Stes India oa Anchor Line, Buffalo, N. Y. Sir, Japan. 2. woke Anchor. Line, Buffalo, N. Y. Str; Juniata oe as Anchor Line, Buffalo, N. Y. Stre Mahoning *..;.:.. Anchor Line, Buffato, N.Y: Str. Conemaugh (55 635 Anchor Line, Buffalo, N. Y. Ste; Muney 2.7... Amehor Line, Buffalo, Ny vies Str: Mohegan... 22555 Holland & Graves, Buffalo, Ny; Seles Minsoe 6. Holland & Graves, Buffalo, N. Y. Sclr Aloha er ee Holland & Graves, Buffalo, N. Y. Schr. .\Wilson 32... Holland & Graves, Buffalo, N. Y. Schr. Francomb ......Holland & Graves, Buffalo, N. Y. - Str. North West 27... Northern Steamship Co., Buffalo. Sir. North band -2.3: Northern: Steamship Co. Buffalo. Str. Scranton ovo. Lake Transit Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Str. Lackawanna ..... Lake Transit Co., Buffalo, Ne ¥. Str FB Squire 2... Mack Steamship Co., Cleveland. Str. Sie: Str, Sir Str: Str: Str. Str. Str. Str. Str. Str. Str. Bee. Bee. Sit Bee. Sic Str, Str, Str, Str: Str: Str, Stra Str. Str: Str. Sit. Ste: Str. Stir Str. Str: Str Str. Str. Str. Str: Str; Str. Str. Str, Wm. Henry Mack.Mack Steamship Co., Cleveland. James P. Walsh . Ohio Steamship Co., Cleve- and. J. H. Devereaux..W. C. Richardson, Cleveland. Jim Sheris:. .. J. W. Squires, Marine City, Mich. Moses Taylor..... Mitchell & Co., Cleveland. Vole oe ree oe R. R. Rhodes, Cleveland. ~ W. C. Rhodes ....R. R. Rhodes, Cleveland. Minneapolis ...... R. R. Rhodes, Cleveland. St. Paths: woo R. Rhodes, Cleveland. HMPON Sees. R. R. Rhodes, Cleveland. : Nenezuela: 44 65 4 Jove oe West. Bay. City, ic Sacramento. 2... 'James Davidson, West Bay City, Mich. Algonac, Mich. Simon Langell ...Comstock & Sinclair, Duluth. W. K. Moore ....Comstock & Sinclair, Duluth. Interlaken: .4 3... Comstock & Sinclair, Duluth. Port Huron, Mich. Ct Rint... Comstock & Sinclair, Duluth. Aretne peor kG Comstock & Sinclair, Duluth. Toledo, O. Penopscot 2.03... - Charles A. Eddy, Bay, City, Mich, Milwaukee, Wis. Maryland 2.0.0. Vance & Joys €o.; Milwaukee, Wis. Manchester ...... Vance & Joys Co., Milwaukee, Wis. F. Schlesinger .... Vance & Joys Ca: Milwaukee, Wis. By ioe Vance 2. Vance & Joys.Co., Milwaukee, Wis. RP Blower: 3: Vance & Joys Co., Milwaukee, Wis. OM Peek. vas Frank W. Smith Milwaukee, Wis. Popeka seek ss Frank W. Smith Milwaukee, Wis. Mary H. Byce ....Frank W. Smith Milwaukee, Wis. Christophet: 5.5" W. H. Meyer, Milwaukee, Wis. Lticy Nem. 22.4 S. O. Neff Trans. Co., Milwaukee. Adella Shores ....5. O. Neff Trans...Co., Milwaukee. City of Fremont..Barry Bros. Trans. Go. Chicago. Selwyn Eddy ....Charles A. Eddy, Bay City, Mich. Buffalo, N.Y: WryanZacy tic ce James McBrier, Erie, Pa. PAUpULN oor. es Western Transit, Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Boston 2 sens. Western Transit Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Bataleon Western Transit Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Commodore ...... Western Transit Co., Buffalo; N. Y; Daluth 3c. oe Western Transit Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Mohawk s.0s..46 Western Transit Co., Buffalo, N. Y. ROM@> viyecct ees Western Transit Co., Buffalo,.N. Y. Superior... Western Transit Co., Buffalo, N. ¥. Syracuse hii cs sees Western Transit. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Vioy Foe ie, Western Transit Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Utila, oa Western Transit Co., Buffalo, N. Y.