'TAE MaRINE. REVIEW 33 Name of Vessel. Name and Address of Managing Owner. Name of Vessel. Name and Address of Managing Owner. Ste Youkers 20.20 Western Transit Co.; Buffalo, N. Y; Schr. Keweenaw .:.... George Nester, Detroit, Mich. Boe Teutonia ..5 3323. M. Sicken, Marine City, Mich. Str 10nd fa. ' logia rans, Co., Detroit, Mich: Str. City of Bangor ...Charles A. Eddy, Bay City, Mich. ett, NoMa. .¢s7.- Kelley Island Lime & Transport str. B.C. Pope Fs t6 Charles A. Eddy, Bay City Mich. : Co., Cleveland. Marine City, Mich. Str. Annie Laura ;,... C.. McG. Koch, Sandusky, 0. 2 stro Norwalk 337853 Shoal Water Transportation Co., Str Mary Fe John Homegardner Jr., Sandusky. Mt. Clémens, Mich. SchrrcC rete) 7 2 W. C. Richardson, Cleveland. Bge. Thomas Gawn ...M. Sicken, Marine City, Mich. Str: sAttow <..2..7 4.7 Sandusky & Islands & Sandusky & Bee. L. Rawson ......M. Sicken, Marine City, Mich. z Peninsular -S. S. Co., Sandusky. Bee. C, Spademan ....M. Sicken, Marine City, Mich. Str. Lakeside .........Sandusky & Islands & Sandusky & s Bge. Grace Whitney ..M. Sicken, Marine City, Mich. Peninsular S. S. Co., Samiagky, Bee. Melvina 3... sos M. Sicken, Marine City, Mich. SiR. Bo Hayes 2 G,. A. Boekling, Sandusky, O. Str M:. Sicken ....-,.% M. Sicken, Marine City, Mich. Str. A. Wehrle Jr. ....G. A: Boekling, Sandusky. O. Bee, St: Joseph +. ..42: M. Sicken, Marine City,-Mich. _ | Charlevoix, Mich. : Tonawanda, N. Y. ; : Str, Pine Lake eves Charlevoix Lumber Co.,; Charle- Str. George King ..... M. Sicken, Marine City, Mich. we ich Str Oo. Martin'. oe M. Sicken, Marine City, Mich. Sheboygan, Wis. Bge. D. Pendell ee Chicas Eos City; Mach. Str. Susie Chipman ...Julius Kroos, Sheboygan, Wie? | WO eee Tani teamshi Co., Chicago. Cleveland, O. Se ee Bet MEE : . Str. H. D. Coffinberry Eugene M. Carleton, Cleveland. Str. Frank E. Kirby ..Ashley & Dustin, Detroit,. Duluth, Minn. Chicago, Il. ' Str. G. J. Grammer ...England Transit Co., Cleveland. Str. Wm. Livingstone. Wim. Livingstone, Detroit;: Mich, Str Re We England .. England Transit Goi, Cleveland. Str. L. Edward Hines. Edward oe Lumber Co., Chi- " Michigan City, Ind. : cago, ih. ; is Hinton ..Marine Navigation Co., Michigan ' Str. Trude R. Wiehe .. Edward see Lumber Co., Chi- Sit Pian ae City, Ind. . . eBoy tes os : Str. Acc, ...Marine: Navigation Co., Michigan' Ste Ostodd a. vise. Edward Hines Lumber Co., Chi- ae A City, Ind. s : oe cago, Ill. : Algonac, Mich. : : Str. Louis Pahlow ....Edward Hines Lumber Co., Chi- Ser. Wyomiig 224 | Port Huron & Duluth 'Steamship cago, Ill. : Co., Port Huron, Mich. Bge. Wayne .......... Edward Hines Lumber Co., Chi- Str. Eda Boe. ..Charles Lonsby, Mt. Clemens, Mich. cago, II. a Mt. Clemens, Mich. Bge. Marvin ..........Edward Hines Lumber Co., Chi- Str. Mascotte (3.54... Gilbert LaCroix, Mt. Clemins, Mich, cago, Ill. Soe Str Clinton 34.365. -¢ Charles Lonsby, Mt. Clemens, Mich. Bge. Alice B. Norris ..Edward Hines Lumber Co.,. Chi- Se. Clair, Mich: cago, Hl. ; Str. Edward P. Recor..E. C. Recor, St. Clair, Mich. Bee. Delta... pecs Edward Hines Lumber Co., Chi-_ . Str. Isabella J. Boyce. .Capt. C. Pringle St. Clair, Mich. cago, Ill. : St. Ignace, Mich. Bee Di. Filter. -e-. Edward Hines Lumber Co., Chi- Str. Algomah .........Island Transportation Co., St. Ig- cago, Il. : nace, Mich. Bge. Ida Corning ....Edward Hines Lumber Co., Chi- Str: Dulith= 6 Ae. Island Transportation Co., St. Ig- ' capo, iii : : : nace, Mich. Bge. Lizzie A. Law ..Edward Hines Lumber Co., Chi- Str. Wai Kon 2 ue. Island Transportation Co. St. Ig- cago, Ti : nace, Mich. Bge. City of Chicago ..Edward Hines Lumber Co., Chi- Ogdensburg, N. Y. = 4 cago, Ill. Str: Nipivor Marine Transportation Co., Ogdens- St Milwaukee 22.0.2. Western Transit Co., Buffalo burg, N. Y. Str. €icaeo 345 oS. s Western Transit Co., Buffalo See Milwaukee, Wis. North Tonawanda, N. Y. ; Str. tlton 3) a Charles AL Ellis, Care John Schroe- Str. W. H. Sawyer ....Edward ae Lumber Co.,. Chi- > der Lumber Co., . Milwaukee, ' "cee: : : ine ak. Lake Shore Stone Co., Milwaukee, Steers, Barty 3 2.6.4 Edward Hs Lumber Co., Chi- Str. Hennepin Wis. ere ate ae . Emma E. Thomp- Str. Cormorant ....... Edward Hines Lumber Co., Chi- ue ee rege. lean Lumber & Shingle Co., Tre cago, Ill. . a verse City, Mich. Bge. A. C. Tuxbury ..Edward Se Lumber Co.,, Chi- Manitowoc, Wis. ee : cago, 1H. : ! illiams ...Lake Shore Stone o.; Milwaukee, Bee. C. E. Redfern ....Edward Hines Lumber Co., Chi- ine hore ee Wie oes cago, Il. : | Buffalo, N. Y. Pee Helvetia. .:.0:. i> Edward Hines Lumber 'Co., Chi- ore Augustus B. Wol- : cago, Ill. : MIA. ee ce Acme Steamship Co., Duluth, Minn. Bee. S..H. Foster ....Edward Hines Lumber Co., Chi- Duluth, Minn. cago, Ill. Str. Jaines C. WallaceAcme Steamship Co., Duluth, Minn. Saginaw, Mich. : Port Huron, Mich. Str. Robert Holland ..Shannon & Garey, Saginaw, Mich. Str: Russia veo oy. Port Huron & Duluth Steamnap Str. Homer Warren ..Shannon & Garey, Saginaw, Mich : Co., Port Huron, Mich. . Schr. Ida Keith ......Shannon & Garey, Saginaw, Mich. Str. A. De Huswadd © Gite ealioix Me Ciena . Scur. Pixie es... e's Shannon & 'Garey, Saginaw, Mich. : Mich. : Schr. White & Friant..Shannon & Garey, Saginaw, Mich. Chicago, Ill. Schr. Wm. CrosthwaiteShannon & Garey, Saginaw, Mich. Str. America ..........Charles Beyschleg, St. Clie Mich. - * Schr. 1.-G. Lester... Shannon. & Garey, Saginaw, Mich. Bay City, Mich. Schr. T. H. Cahoon ...Shannon & Garey, Saginaw, Mich. Bge. G. K. Jackson ..Geo. D. Jackson, Bay City, Mich. Ser, 5. a, Buckhont. .Shannon & Garey, Saginaw, Mich. Port Dalhousie, Canada. Ogdensburg, N. Y. Str. Petsia. avec Merchant Line, Montreal, Canada. Str, Pueblo ....: -......Frank W. Smith, Milwaukee, Wis. Sombra, Ont. oo wee mit Amand oc. Frank W. Smith, Milwaukee, Wis. Bee. E. J. McVea ....M. Sicken, Marine City, Mich. a . : ies Cleveland, O. Top de ae 'Toronto, Ont. ee Str, John Owen. i.:). Owen Trans. Co., Detroit, Mich. Ste Chincha Niagara River Day Line, Toronto. Mt. Clemens, Mich. } Str, Corotia . Asie Niagara River Day Line, Toronto. Str. Mascott .......--: G. A. Boekling, Sandusky, O. Str. Chicora 422.54: Niagara River Day Line, Toronto. Sandusky, O. Sir Onglara' so. eos Niagara River Day Line, Toronto. Str, Thomas MaythamGilchrist Trans. Co., Cleveland. .- Sir Cavliga: De Niagara 'River Day Line, Poxtnte: Str. S. M. StephensonMuskegon Steam Barge Co., Mus- Str. Neepawah ........ RO. SAG. McKay, Hamilton. kegon, Mich.