46 VESSEL AND INSURANCE AGENTS. "TAE. MARINE. REVIEW VESSEL AND INSURANCE AGENTS. PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY. PRED. ?. BELCHER, ' Vessel and Insurance Agent, 430 Grain Exchange, WINNIPEG, MAN. P.+-O. Box 230. Ss) LESLER, Steamship Agent and Freight Broker. Manager Steamer ST. LAWRENCE, 83 Dalhousie St. QUEBEC, QUE. WILLIAM F. CARROLL, Lawyer and Proctor in Admiralty Twenty years' general practice State and Federal Courts, Minnesota, New - York and Illinois. 613-59 Dearborn St. Chicago, III. Phone 4232 Central. - JOHN J. BOLAND & CO., Vessel and Insurance Agents. 800-804 Prudential Bldg. Both Phones. BUFFALO, Ney Cc. W. Elphicke. J. J. Rardon. C. W. ELPHICKE & CO. Vessel and Insurance Agents. No. 6 Sherman St. CHICAGO, ILL. Telephone, Harrison 1194. . Re McCART EY, Steamship and Freight Broker. Chartering, Forwarding and General Com- mission Agent; and Broker for the Sale, Purchase and Construction of Steamers and Sailing Vessels. Cable Address, "Macarthy, Montreal." _ (Watkins', Scott's Liebers and A. B. C. Codes Used.) Shipping Agent to The Asbestos & Asbestic Co., Ltd., of Danville, Que. The Belgo Canadian Pulp -& Paper Co: Litdi of Shawinigan Falls, Que. Edward Lloyd, Ltd. Paper Manufacturer, of London (Eng.). 404 Board of Trade Bldg.. MONTREAL, CAN. Correspondence Invited and Agencies Solicited. ALBER I sj. GILCHRIS £, Proctor in Admiralty. 604 Perry-Payne Building, CLEVELAND, O. GOULDER, HOLDING & MASTEN, Law Offices. H. D. Goulder. S. H. Holding. F. S. Masten. Perry-Payne Building, CLEVELAND, O. E. J. FLEMING & CO. Vessel and Insurance Agents. 24-25 No. 6 Sherman St., CHICAGO. Office: Tel., Harrison 4975. Residence: Tel. Drexel 1736. CP rLCRIS) & CO. Vessel and Insurance Agents. Sale and Exchange f Vessels a Specialty. Lumber and ¢ eal Chartering. Full Telephone Service, Office and Resi- dence. (Local and Long Distance.) 411 Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, O. [Wien 1 P Wedow. A. Mickel: MITCHELL & CO, Vessel and Insurance Agents. 508-10 Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, O. Office Tel. M. 767. Res. John Mitchell, Doan 341. John F. Wedow, Doan 141-J: Alfred Mitchell, Doan 218. Office Tel. Main 5314. PARKER BROS. CO.,: Erp. Vessel, Marine Insurance and Wreck- ing Agents. Marine Surveyors. Night: Main 290 - ) Night: Grand 1723 J. 15 Atwater St. West, Detroit, Micu. moyY tl, DUSTIN & KELLEY, Lawyers and Proctors in Admiralty. Offices, 702 Western Reserve Bldg., CLEV BLAND, 0. ' JENKINS, RUSSELL & EICHELBERGER, Attorneys-at-Law and Proctors in Admiralty. 1520 Rockefeller Bldg. CLEVELAND. JOHN DB. HALL, Vessel Agent. 17 Exchange Bldg., 202 Main St., Telephone, Seneca 802. BUPrALO, N.Y. W. C. RICHARDSON, Vessel Owner and Broker ana Marine Insurance Agent. 420-421 Perry Payne Building, : CLEVELAND, O, Office Tel. 338. Residence Tel. 2938. C. E. KREMER, Counselor at Law and : Proctor in Admiralty. Suite 1505- 1506-1507 Fort Dearborn Bldg., CHICAGO, LLL. W. A. Hawgood. Arthur H. Hawgood. Wo AO HAWGOOD & CO, Vessel and Insurance Agents. 220-21 Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, O. Office, Main 2395. Telephones: Res. W. A. Hawgood,Doan 84-J. Les. A. H. Hawgood, Doan 841-J. D. Sullivan. F. J. Sullivan. Dy SULLIVAN & CO. Vessel Agents. Marine Insurance. 2-4 Sherman st, "CHICAGO, ILE. Office Tel., Harrison 2847. Res. Ashland 2483. RAY G. MacDONALD, Attorney-at-Law and Proctor in Admiralty. 1018 Hartford Building, Telephone, Central 2484 CHICAGO, ILL. Pm T HELM & Co. Vessel and Insurance Agents. Telephones--Office 263. --Res. 381-3. 'DURUTH, 2. = - MINN. SAMUEL HOLMES, Steamship Offices, For Selling, Chartering and Building all Classes Steam Vessels. . Steam Vessel Circulars Weekly Freight Circulars. . Morris Bldg.,66-8 Broad St., New York. NAVAL ARCHITECTURE, by Tuos. H. Warson. A manual on laying off iron and steel vessels. Valuable for naval architects as well as beginners in ship yards Price, $5.00. Order from THE PENTON Pus. Co., Cleveland, O. C. L. Hutchinson. W. H. McGean. HUTCHINSON & CO. Vessel and Insurance Agents. Office, Main 2453. Phones: Res. C. L. Hutchinson, Lake 244. Res. W. H. McGean, Doan 274. 1408 Rockefeller Bldg. Cleveland. SHAW, WARREN, CADY & OAKES, Attorneys-at-Law. and Proctors in Admiralty. Union Trust Bldg., Detroit, Mich. WHITE, JOHNSON, McCASLIN & CANNON, Attorneys-at-Law and Proctors in Admiralty. Williamson Bldg. CLEVELAND, O. MARINE INSURANCE, by WILLIAM Gow. Price, $1.50. THe Penton Pus. Co., Cleveland, O.