48 TAE MaRINE REVIEW ANY SIZE OUTSIDE OR INSIDE DIAMETER. AVERAGE LENGTH OF HOLLOW BARS Pe i a re e | MADE OF BEST QUALITY DOUBLE REFINED CHARCOAL Ma rie OTT ie Te Oe Makers of enly the Highest Quality of Staybolt Material, in Hollow and Solid Bars, from the Best Double-Refined Charcoal Iron or Steel. FALLS HOLLOW STAYBOLT IRON Sse tau." The Only Staybolt Iron which responds in service to the expansion . and contraction of fire box; which relieves the material in molecular strains; which is self protective from burning; which does not make the side sheets crack; which earns its own cost in oxygen through it to the fire; always sure in giving warning of breakage. : : The Staybolt which lasts longest, requires least repairs, gives longest life to the fire box, and the longest service in the engine on the rails. In use by Leading Railways of the United States, Canada, Mexico, Japan and Norway. Also by Marine Engineers and the United States Government. And by the Manufacturers of Mining Drills and by others requiring absolutely reliable material. GEO. STRATFORD OAKUM CO. JERSEY CITY, NEW JERSEY. Established 1860 Manufacturers of all grades of | Oakum Spun == Cotton FOR SALE AT SHIP CHANDLERS EVERYWHERE. FORE RIVER SHIPBUILDING CO. Steel Ship and Marine Engine Builders. CONTRACTORS FOR U.S. Torpedo Boat Destroyers Lawrence and Macdonough. U.S. Protected Cruiser Des Moines. "U.S. Battleships New Jersey and Rhode Island. U.S. Steam Light-Vessel No. 72. Office and Works, . - QUINCY, MNASS., U.S. A. W. & A. FLETGHER GO. NORTH RIVER IRON WORKS PARSONS MARINE TURBINES Contractors for Vessels Complete. Nlarine Engines, Boilers and Nachinery of all kinds Enlarged Facilities HOBOKEN, N. J. The Martin-Barriss Co. 654 Seneca Street CLEVELAND, OHIO IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF MAHOGANY WHITE MAHOGANY and all Native Cabinet Woods High Grades of Kiln Dried Woods for Cabin Work and Inside Trim WHITE OAK TIMBERS AND PLANK Constantly on Hand and Sawed to Order on Short Notice Th A | ; W k EAST BOSTON, e t antic OrKs ) Jassachusetts. 2 ' BUILDERS OF Steamships, Steam Yachts, Tow Boats, Etc. Marine Engines, Boilers and Tanks. Heavy Nachinery and Plate Iron Work. THREE MARINE RAILWAYS. THE SHIPOWNERS DRY DOCK CoO. CHICAGO, ILL. Building and Repairing of Steel and Wooden Ships with economy and dispatch. Yard and Dry Docks: Halstead St. and North Branch. Largest Dry Dock: 480 ft. on keel blocks. Office, 381 No. Halstead St. Phone, North 1658. SAFETY FIRE ) BUCKET TANK An appliance that requires no attention-- Always ready for immediate use. NOTHING TO GET OUT OF ORDER A Chemical Solution that cannot FOUL, FREEZE or EVAPORATE Indorsed by all Insurance Companies. Used by Penn. R.R. International Nav. Co. Erie R. R. Hamburg Am. Line C.R.R. of N.J, North German Lloyd SAFETY FIRE EXTINGUISHER CO. 29 W. 42d St., New York. oJ ' bom) (eps CONT TMI UE Suitable for all Boats froms: tozoo | OF all kinds and sizes, and | Somewhat the Tele UT Over ioo in successful use. VEY MOC men COBRA reliable Woollers Gas or Gasolene Stationary Engines. FOR THESE AND OTHER WELL KNOWN SPECIALTIES ADDRESS ALL INQUIRIES TO. THE CHASE MACHINE CO. Engineers and Machinists, CLEVELAND, Outo. for all purposes, especially Pee my Gaeta | Docking and Hauling Engines | Automatic fos Whistle Machines PV CCM eC Le RV Crca ome ee SUR oh Ue cc se se Steam Steering Engines.