12 THE Marine REVIEW The MIETZ & WEISS wwe OIL, ENGINES comnts ----Operated by ---- 'Kerosene Oil, Fuel Oil, Distillate or Crude Oil. Simplest, Safest, most Reliable and most Economical Engines on the market, 9 STATIONARY TYPE. ne Oa Especially adapted for operating electric Ne Tescne Soarkine Devices generators for lighting launches, yachts ne rene niti eh Compression. and house boats. Perfect regulation, great- ee No Danger- est economy Ah ous Gasolene | and absolute used, safety. SEND FOR CATALOG, DEPT. 102. 1 to 60 horse power, A U G U Tr MI ET 7. 1 to 75 horse power. Iron Foundry and Machine Works, 128-138 [lott Street NEW YORK, U.S.A. Ashton Highest Grade Pop Saiety Valves and Steam Gages Unequalled Efficiency, Durability and Perfect Satisfaction. Special Features in valves. Outside Pop Regulation. -Cam Lever Attachment. Jessops Steel Spring. Gages have Non-Corrosive Movements. Accurately Graduated Dials. Seamless Drawn Springs. Specify the Ashton and Get the Best. THE ASHTON VALVE COMPANY. 271 Franklin St. =. BOSTON, MASS. \ Branches ; New York. Chicago, Philadelphia. San Francisco.