"TAE Marine. REVIEW | 13 w- 70 SCHERZER ROLLING LIFT BRIDGES have already been built, superseding and replacing swing bridges and other old types of movable bridges for rail- roads, electric railways and highways in the most progressive cities and harbors of the world. Modern High d Electric Rail - ing Lift Brides open for the. Seesace of ere ae H I GH EST A WA R D Superseded and replaced a center pier swing bridge. World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904 'Center pier swing bridges form artificial obstruc- tions, blocking navigation and commerce. They are condemned, removed and replaced by modern SCHERZER ROLLING LIFT BRIDGES wherever Manufacturing, Commerce, Transportation, Railroads and Ships are valued, protected and advanced." Write us for photographs, information, sketches and estimates THE SCHERZER ROLLING LIFT BRIDGE Nhe COMPANY Se Modern Railroad Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge in the open position. Longest span Bascule Bridge in the Main Offices: Monadnock Block, Chicago, U. S. A. world. Also Highway Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge open further down the river. a _GREACEN-DERBY Oumntard ENGINEERING COMPANY Engineers and Contractors lron Works Company Office 742 E. 12th St NEW YORK MANUFACTURERS OF MARINE, ENGINES, BOILERS Gas Works Apparatus, Sugar, Cement, Mining, Dredging Manufacturers of the BLACKBURN-SMITH PATENT and all kinds of Machinery. REFLEX FILTERS for extracting Oil, Grease, Air, Mud, Sand, or any For- eign Mechanical Matter from BOILER FEED WATER uaraniced tnd epey ie merits Ab any oie Hie oe nt : market, viz.: ective surface per Boiler Horse-Power. We N. F. PALMER, President per H.-P. Rating. Efficiency due to double filtration. STEVENSON TAYLOR, Vice Pres. ACCESSIBILITY -- PRICE -- COMPACTNESS -- SIMPLICITY GEO. Q. PALMER, Treas. and Genl. Mgr. DUKABILITY--TERMS PERTH AMBOY, N. J.