"TRAE Marine. REVIEW 3 THE STANLEY B. SMITH COAL AND DOCK CO. TOLEDO HARBOR, TOLEDO, OHIO. 1,800 Feet of Dock. 6 McMyler Derricks. Capacity 8,000 Tons Daily. Fuel Lighters = enn Docks. eee ate Bx ue IONICS. Soe OCKS.~TorEDO AND OHIO CENTRAL R. R. SMITH'S COAL DOCK, Detroit River, DETROIT, MICH. 12 Pockets. Platform. Low Dock. Operated by STANLEY B. SMITH & CO. MARINE SUPPLY COMPANY STORE AND ICE HOUSE ON DOCK. ail bas They all © agree that no boiler is complete--no boiler at its best without the aid of The Diamond Steam Flue Blower. } Clean flues mean less operating expense, and it is economy that counts. The Diamond Blower is not an experiment, but a modern necessity tried and approved. Place it now--save the time, expense and delays of installing during navigation. The advantages are many. Hundreds of blowers in use by The Pittsburg Steamship Co., Gilchrist Trans. Co., John Mitchell Co., Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co , Western Transit Co. and many others-- there's a reason. POWER SPECIALTY CO. 500 Washington Street, DETROIT, MICH. 'Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Berlin, Germany. Diamond Blower in operation. SHIP PLATES © FLANGE PLATES © TANK PLATES -- STEEL, CAR AXLES --_ FORGINGS OF ALLL, KINDS '"'Otis" Fire Box Plates a Specialty. | | STEEL CASTINGS FROM 100 TO 100,000 Les. | OTIS STEEL CO., Ltd., ties ortce ana wore, CLEVELAND, O. % e New York: Thorpe, Platt & Co,, 97 Cedar St. AGENCIES. ' St, Louis: C. A. Thompson, 516 N. Third St Montreal: Homer Taylor, 183 St. James St. San Francisco: John Woodlock, 154-156 First St. Detroix: George W. House, Union Trust Building. :