TAE. MaRINE. REVIEW Views of New Lake Vessels E.xcellent photographs of the following vessels which came out during the season of 1905, may be had for $1.00, postage paid. Ball Brothers Stephen M. Clement Wm. E. Corey James Davidson Henry C. Frick Elbert E. Gary Leonard C. Hanna Frank J. Hecker ALPHABETICAL The star (*) indicates that the advertisement appears alternate weeks. Negative size 8 x 10 inches Hoover & Mason George W. Perkins Wn. A. Paine Francis L. Robbins Geo. H. Russel Wm. A. Rogers Powell Stackhouse Socapa For Sale by THE MARINE REVIEW CLEVELAND Lyman C. Smith John Stanton ~Amasa Stone Superior Sylvania James P. Walsh James C. Wallace Peter White INDEX OF ADVERTISERS. IN THE MARINE REVIEW. The dagger (+) indicates that advertisement appears once a month. Almy Water Tube aes woe eae o7 | East End Boiler Works ........... dv] Lake Superior Contracting & Red Star Line. c0..e 8 American Industries... iene 3-00) |: WIP MICK6, Or Wi, 65 OO. hss... 62 Dredping' Co. eo 58 | Republic Belting & Supety Oo. American Injector Co............. 0| Erie Railroad Co... 6.60. 2s. 66) Lester, SiSon 2c ae 62) | Richardson Ws : American sore May: a Lockwood Mfg. Co................ 66| Ritchie & Sons, E.S. _. 56 American Ship Windlass Co ..... | Falls Hollow Staybolt Co......... 6 tortie Eb el Oe Armstrong Cork Co .............. 68 ee ae & Connell Co....... 58! Lunkenheimer Co...........s00.0, 10. Boelker, Fc 66 Ashton Valve: Go. 8. 3. cho) Toe Riss 8 OHS. 2. Senet 66 Ross Valve Go 2 kee: Atlantic Works. i6 legis so: 64 pl aoeee oe ei oe ' 5 Atlantic Works; LaCie ecicnes acces 55 etcher Or. : MbOarthy; T. Bois cc. eee 62 ga Oss MW: ee ccs 66 MECurds, Get 6 te 49 oe Car Heating & Lighting kor Howard Te Go 68 Fore River Shipbuilding Co...... 64 McMyler Mfg Co ae 'oerrcessdereas ae ; a be eeneete OO oe ee a ee er at On: MER: Gees ae e eats piling bake Hide ces Belcher, Fred P.............+..+++- o General Hlectric Co. ...........:.. 68 Meronald, Bay Gees cence see = Schrader's Son ad 7 Ae mee ; B oe a Boland, J.J... ee wes eeees oy | Qilehrist, Albert Joo. iscscscs 2 | Manitowoe Dry Dock Go..020./.) 11 Shaw, Warren, Cad r& Oakes. (2 62 Bonner & Co., Wm. bee oe ie . Goulder, 'Holding & Maston | wee a Shelby Steel Twhe Gor & Boston & Lockport Block Co..... 61 Greacen-Derby Engineering Co.. 13 Marine Mfg. & Supply ie os Sheriffa Mig) Co... 5. 60° Boston Steamship Co............. fee Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co.. 58 Miike ra Shipowners' Dry Dock Go 77771. 2 Bournetuller Co. 6s. os o Great Lakes Engineering Works 16 Minis : Shipping World Year Bok ly a Bowers, L. M., oe Hi eae * 5g| Great Lakes Register .........., SE] Merchants Menienl line. 52 Smit Coil. Pade A sco ke: 58 Sree Se ea! aes Great Lakes Towing Co......... 9 Mietz Aug a, ee ie Smith Coal & Dook Co.. Stanley B 3 Buffalo ceed aie Oo bas oe 58 Milwaukee Dry DockCo | ...... 5 ee ay Core Buitalo Dry Dock:Co. .. sciccca. 3s cae z Bet eee ues oe 62 ee ck go eS ss Stamford Houndry Go oi & Barrons heel os Hawyood & Go, W. A 11170! @| Mosher Watér-Pabe Boiler Co... 57 | Starke Dredge & Dock Go.,0. Hi. 2 elm Os OD Soa ee rae 62 ~ | Stirling Co. 15 Helwip Mip. Con 6h Bo te aE ge ee ee eee ee ee oe | elie Bere 58 Stratford Ga am Co., Geo... S Chicago Nautical School.......... €0 Holmes, Seminel ttt tt eeet eee eeeen es a Nowport News Ship Building' & 63 fe & CD. vos aeae net Cleveland & Buffalo 'transit Go. 59 | Hoyt, Dustin © kelley. 100.1171"! @ | Dry Dok Co g | Superior Ship Butlaing Go... 4 Cleveland City Forge & Iron Co . 67 Hubbell Ge. 6 FN as Be eee 58 ner Soe Picea: 8. 8. Co.. _ 'sia aig 1004 e : vee Ing Cos ic i oe of. END tee 0! - Hatchincon & Cob ae Se a Nicholson Ship Log Car eed 14 Taylor woe ee Boiler Co ... 57 Cowie. ohn pr og) Byde windlass Oo 753... 49| Northwestern Steam? Boiler & Tee id. E.;&SonsCo . 1dis Co. % MigCg@e 57. |, Tietjen Lang Dry Dock Co... eralg hi a mg CO... .-.. Toledo & poe eel COr eet Farr: . & Sons, S. & E. B. g| International Mercantile Marine Otis Steel Co : ote Be ee A Se SASSI pelea Ane erate On ee a, ee ee Wise Sac 14 oo pele eos ruscott Boa POO see Crancail @& Son, BE. 63003) 225: 11 Jenkins Brothers... ..s6232 62. 32 63 | Parker Bros. 06. 25 8 62| United Fruit Co..... Deer eee eS Ghomiéal Wks. 9 | Jemkins; Russell & Hichelberger... 62 Bock, Chas. 1, & WB icc. e bi | Upeon-Walton Gos. ...600. 527 88 Dearing Water Tube eee Go, enberthy injector Co ..,........ 9 oe : Sciawece River Iron S. B..& E. Kahnweiler's Sons, David ........ 67 oe Main -- O8) Fa ae 5 Walkes: Thomas, & Son 2 AE ROR (eee ede 67| Katzenstein, L., & Co.....:... 67 fF ROU Her Peg ees Ww a Li , nett acbees boo ta Pilling Gc 4 Rida docepkk Gh | Rober, o: Rs ay eee & Wor 'eatinan see is hee 3h eee OL Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph ...... 60| Kieley & Mueller........... * Power St ecialty Coie 5.6 es avson-otiliman Co. ....... 67 Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co S eer Foundry & Machine Drein, Thos., & Son ... Dunbar & Sullivan Dredging Hd 83 Kremer: CoM... 62 Quintard Iron Works Co. Hwee e cers eect er escees Prindiville & Co........... For addvaaned see advertisements on pages noted. eee a White, Johnson, McCaslin & ; Cannon. 33. 42. APNE EOE 62 Wood; W: £2 425-4" Cg wee eeeee