66 © : TAE MARINE REVIEW Chas. Cory~ ¢& Son Manufacturers of Mechanical and Electrical Telegraphs and Indicators. Engine Bells and Electric Call Bells. >, PATENTEES NEW YORK 278-279 Division St. NEW YORK CITY. ae Water Filters, Regulators and Engines. We make Pressure Regulating «Valves for, all purposes, steam or water. Our Feed-Water Filter will keep oil out of your boiler. F A Pp uy Re al, vk > AN ell Ca I] Keep Oil out of your Boiler with the Feed-Water Filter For Marine and Land Service. Two of these Filters are in use on the Oceanic. We can interest you if you use a condenser. Water Engines for Pumping Organs, HL OS Sn 07 Ad ae 1 O ata Quintard Iron Works Company Office 742 E. 12th St., NEW YORK. Manufacturers of MARINE ENGINES, BOILERS, ETC. Gas Works Apparatus. Sugar, Cement, Mining, Dredging and all kinds of machinery N. F. PALMER, President STEVENSON TAy' or, Vice Pres. GEO. Q. PALMER, Treas. and Gen. Mgr. The Lockwood Nanufacturing Co. EAST BOSTON, MASS. ' ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. Builders of Steamships, Tow Boats and Marine Engines. | Repairing of Hulls and Machinery. Tietjen G Lang Dry Dock Co. HOBOKEN, N. J. EIGHT DRY DOCKS 600, 800, 1,000, 1,200, 1,400, 1,800, 2,000, 10,000 TONS . General Repairs on Wooden and Iron Vessels FT. OF 17th STREET Telephone 700 Hoboken HOBOKEN, N. J. The C. E. Sutton Company Toledo, Ohio, U. S. A. Manufacturers of PUNCHES AND SHEARS, FORGING MACHINES AND STEEL CASTINGS Marine Steel Castings a Specialty THE ALLEN DENSE-AIR ICE MACHINE Contains no chemicals, only air. Proven by many years' service in the tropics on United States men-of-war,steam yachts and passenger steamers. A hundred are in daily service on steamers. H. B. ROELKER, 41 Maiden Lane, NEW YORK. Consulting and Con- l J Designer and Manufacturer structing Engineer. of Screw Propellers. Established 1844 A. SCHRADER'S SON, Inc. 32 Rose Street, NEW YORK Manufacturer of | Submarine Armor and Diving Apparatus We carry a complete stock of Dresses, Hose and Repair Sundries. |_ improved Bolt Helmet All orders filled day received Write for our prices ESTABLISHED 1860 S. FIX'S SONS SUCCESSORS TO S. Fix & SON, Steam Flue Welding Works Our work stands government test. Our Welds are perfectly smooth. Write us for prices. _ ORAM FIX SOW RIX . Cor. LEONARD AND WINTER STS CLEVELAND, oO. M. W. FOGG Mattresses and Cushions 202 Front St. NEW YORK CITY. | fs = Going to Pittsburg 1 The Erie Railroad is the only road that sterilizes and purifies, through a process invented by its own chemist, its Passenger coaches, Parlor cars, Cafe cars, Dining cars and Sleepers, a very essential safe-guard to its patrons, for it kills all poisonous germs and makes traveling in such sterilized cars absolutely safe in preventing disease infection. 2 The Erie Railroad has the largest passenger locomotives in the world--only eleven words but they mean a good deal. 3 The Erie Railroad has built and uses a steel Baggage car--something new on steam roads. { 4. The Erie Railroad is the road that runs every day (not every day except Sunday, but every day). Seven fine passenger trains from Cleveland to Pitts- burg and seven from Pittsburg to Cleveland--that's fourteen fine passenger trains daily between the two cities. SN Felis ce Ck { & The following may surprise you--The Erie Rail- road--was the first railroad in the world to run sleep- ing cars. The Company built two cars, known by the names of "Ontario" and "Erie", remember please that this was before Pullman or Wagner Cars existed. F 6 Patrons of the Erie Cafe Club cars Cleveland to Pittsburg have FREE use of the spacious lounging and smoking parlors of the car. "Stecee elie. (0 Ee = eee Veet baie nines ses aes Ae 3