'6 THE MarRINE REVIEW Manufactured by WALKER'S "CHERUBAL" SHIP-LOG (Gherub Mark II) With Ball Bearings. Sold By M. Kupp & Co., -- - - CC. Putchinson, - Riggs & Bro., - . 8. Carpenter & Co., - The Upson-Walton Co., - (S. Wi Josselyn & Co., - San Francisco. ©. |, Flendrys, Son & Co., San Francisco. and other marine opticians. Thos. Walker & Son, Ltd. 58 Oxford Street, BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND. New York. Boston. Philadelphia. Chicago. Cleveland. SHIP MACHINERY, embodying the latest designs and many important patented improve- ments. Sole builders of the Original and Only AUTOMATIC STEAM TOWING MACHINE. Morison Suspension Boiler Furnaces For Land and Marine Boilers Uniform Thickness--Easily Cleaned UNEXCELLED FOR STRENGTH Also Fox Corrugated Furnaces West and Cayler Sts., NEW YORK. 0 R KS Near 10th and 23d Sts. Ferries - 3 Borough of Brooklyn, : THE BROWN HOISTING MACHINERY CO. INCORPORATED Sole makers of the " Brownhoist" High Speed Canti- lever and Gantry Cranes. The most economical cranes for covering large areas in steel works or ship yards. Machinery for handling Structural Work, Marine Plates, etc., in Ship Building Yards. Coal and Ore Handling Cranes of all Types Machinery Steam Electric and Hand Power. 26 Cortlandt St. mS BICE OND WORKS) Carnegie Building NEW YORK CITY CLEVELAND, 0,, UY. §, A, pittsaure, pa. European Office, 39 Victoria St., LONDON, S. W. FERRALL'S )HUB HOISTER AND Sheave for Same. The sheaves of these hoisters are fitted with Star Metaline Bushings , and Side Bearings, which keep the Wi sheaves from heating, make them run true and together with the J rounded edges of the shells, soon Y¥ save more than their cost, by pre- serving the rope. BOSTON & LOCKPORT BLOCK CO. Established: 1857 AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS CO. Providence, R. I. P. O. Box 53 BOSTON = MASS. We have completed our new Iron Foun- dry, and are pre- pared to execute orders for Castings, guaranteeing _ first- class work, prompt service and reason- able prices. Send for illustrated catalogue Address FRANK S. MANTON, President