"TRAE. MARINE. REVIEW 35 Gob Mies 169 Jackson Boulevard CHICAGO fLLINOTS INSURANCE HULLS and CARGOES DIRECT REPRESENTATIVE OF LEADING AMERICAN AND FOREIGN UNDERWRITERS Hyde Windlasses and Capstans Steamship Minnesota equipped with Hyde Windlass and Capstans. Send for Illustrated Catalog. HYDE WINDLASS COMPANY BATH, MAINE Selected for the Minnesota and Dakota of the Great Northen Steamship Co.'s fleet--the largest vessels ever built in the United States. They are also being in- stalled on nearly all of the vessels now building for the Navy Depart- ment, Revenue- Cutter -- service, Lighthouse Board and the United States Coast Survey. Reason--Theit Superiority THE BOURNE-FULLER CO. IRON STEEL PIG IRON ' COKE Cleveland, Ohio. Prindiville & Company INCORPORATED AVERAGE ADJUSTERS -- AND INSURANGE BROKERS 234 La Salle St. Chicago, Ill. Representing Foreign Representatives Johnson & Higgins Willis Faber & Co., Ltd., London. New York John D. Tyson & Co., Liverpool.