44 THE Marine REVIEW HAWKINS' WORKS FOR ------ENGINEERS Popular among young men in the engine departments of ships is "Engineers' Examinations with Questions and Answers" Sells at $2.00, which is the cost delivered, of the following works: Hawkins' New Catechism of Electricity. Hawkins' Maxims and Instructions for the Boiler Room. Hawkins' Hand Book of Calculations for Engineers. Hawkins' New Catechism of the Steam Engine. THE MARINE REVIEW, CLEVELAND. Dake Pilot House Steam Steerer For Tugs and Steamers. Simple, Durable, Eff- cient and practically noiseless. Can_ easily be changed to hand gear if necessary. DAKE ENGINE CO. Grand Haven, Mich. "Ler DIXON'S 4) GRAPHITE -? LUBRICANTS t ON SHIPBOARD ASSURE SS ENCY WHICH CANNOT BE OTHERWISE SECURED "VALUABLE CATALOGUE No. 77-I FREE JOSEPH DIXON CRUCIBLE CO., | JERSEY CITY, N. J. | Engines and Propeller Wheels. H. G. TROUT, NSSie 4 (@ f en King [ron Works, 226 Ohio St., BUFFALO, N. Y. ESTABLISHED, 1854. SHERIFFS MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of PROPELLER WHEELS Marine Engines and Repairs. Milwaukee, Wis. The Republic Belting and Supply Company Cleveland, oO. FORMERLY THE BODIFIELD BELTING CO. Manufacturers of LEATHER BELTING "REPUBLIC" a Mechanical Rubber Goods. A STEAM STEERER DIRECT AND POSITIVE QUICK ACTING Especially adapted for Steam Yachts Ferryboats Lake, Ocean and Harbor Tug Boats. -| Send for Cata- logue and Particulars. MOULTON STEERING ENGINE CO., '*°arSaew'ysy, oF) Phone S. 163 2s TEE Aids to Navigation are of vital importance to vessel interests. -SCHERZER ROLLING LIFT BRIDGES aid navigation and meet with the approval of all vessel interests, because of the wide and unobstruc- ted channel provided for navigation, enabling vessels to pass easily and rapidly through the draw. The Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge Co. Main Offices: 1616 Monadnock Block, CHICAGO, U. S. A.