62 TAe Marine REVIEW TRADE MARE q Wilford's Waterproof Cloth is made of pure twisted flax thread. It is stronger and more durable than cotton, and on account of its light weight is most desirable "for Hatch, Boat or Sail covers, Tarpaulins, Side Cloth or Roofing. It will not crack and is positively impenetrable by salt or fresh water. Our customers know this-- from. others we solicit a trial order. EDWARD A. BUNKER Sole Agent for the United States and Canada P.O. BOX 1579, NEW YORK ARBECAM'S ALIDADE Adjustable Compass: Deviation Corrector. - Position and Distance Finder. A Modern Necessity on Ship Board. Booklet sent on request. BENJAMIN VARNUM HOW : General Agent. 106 Tremont St. Boston, Mass. » "Fight Jo oints. can only be. 'main- tained by the use of high grade flange packing. Jenkins 96 Packing is uncquatea for durability. It is absolutely guaranteed. all denvine peaee Trade Mark as shown in the cut. Write for Booklet "POINTS ON PACKING'? | JENKINS BROS., New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, London, General Electric Company Motor driven blower out-= fits, built in any size for ventilation purposes in marine work. 850 Sales Offices in all large cities. Principal Office: SCHENECTADY, N. Y. AND . Zip it Wee " of every 'hag AMI', mC -- Description. Moa ro a se / We are among the Iargest manufacturers in the country of canvas goods. The UPSON=WALTON Co., ' - CLEVELAND, O. = AWNINGS S SS BUNTING LIFE PRESERVERS--BUOYS ACME. SOLID CORK. Each Preserver stamped by U. S. In- spector guaranteeing proper buoyancy. Cork Filled Yacht Fenders. Cork Mooring Buoys. Material and Finish Guaranteed. Orders filled promptly. "ARMSTRONG CORK COMPANY Boston 'New York: Philadelphia Pittsburg Cincinnati Chicago St. Louis. Baltimore HOWARD H. BAKER & CO. SHIP CHANDLERS and SAIL MAKERS BUBFALO, N.Y: 18 to 26 Terrace,