"TAE Marine. REVIEW 226-234 Postal Telegraph Bldg., CHICAGO. Dearborn Water Treatment made to suit the case. it off, stops corrosion and foaming. Send gallon of water for analysis. WM. H. EDGAR, Founder CLEAN BOILERS Takes off the scale, keeps 17 Branch Offices in the U.S. 229 Broadway, NEW YORK. : a A wise captain will not save a tow bill and lose a trip. A wise owner will not want him to. Ss D : CLEVELAND HARBOR) 4 Lichterse ASHTABULA HARBOR}{ Lighter Z FAIRPORT HARBOR) { Lighter. y 1 Ue WY ; GG, Y te /y My , ' |tis a distinctive feature of the U.S. Automatic Injector, and has these special and exclusive advantages: 1. It drains the Injector when not in use, and thus prevents freezing. 2, By leaving it open you can start Injector even though the check-valve leaks. This is impossible without the Drip-Cock. 3. By opening Drip-Cock you can start with lower steam. 4, By leaving it open, when not in use, it prevents suction of pipe from getting hot, or jet from "Jim- ing up'? when steam or check-valve leaks. 5. It enables you to take hot water out of a hot suction pipe on a long lift. 6. It is always handy for draw ng hot water for any pur- pose when injector is working. Write for the Engineers Red Book. You need it and we will send it free on request \ SIN M5 SSG D949 AS MS \S M9 G ¢ SG " S5 SS SN SS aN AW SSS NS S WN S American Injector Company Detroit, U.S.A. _ PITTSBURG COAL COMPANY GENERAL OFFICE, LAKE DEPARTMENT, PERRY-PAYNE BUILDING, CLEVELAND, OHIO Steamboat Fueling Facilities at Various Points on the Great Lakes { Car Dumper. { Car Dumpec. ERIE HARBOR) Foal Pockets. DETROIT RIVER BRANCH | Docks and Pockets at mente WE FURNISH ONLY THE BEST GRADE OF PITTSBURG AND YOUGHIOGHENY COAL Sandwich and Amherstburg. Dock and Pockets at Detour. SAULT RIVER BRANCHES 'Book and Pockets at Sault Ste. Marie. (The Port Royal Dock Co.) Rare ee.