32 THE MARINE REVIEW NATIONAL METALLIC PACKING. The National Metallic Packing Co., of Oberlin, O., has placed on the market a metallic packing which is fast finding favor and which is destined to find even greater favor in the future. The company, which has been ex- ploiting the railway field for the past two years, has re- cently entered the marine field and already has a number of orders on its books. Among the orders received are -- to fit the two steamers building for the Jones & Laughlin Co. of Pittsburg at the yard of the Great Lakes Engineer- ing Works, Detroit, with this packing complete. The steamer C. S. Hebard, building for the Wilson Transit Co. of Cleveland and the steamer building for W. C. Richardson of Cleveland will be equipped with it. Orders have also been received to equip the Saranac, Seneca and Tuscarora of the Lehigh Valley Line, as well as the Mutual Line steamers. This packing will also be installed in the steamers of the Norfolk & Washington Steamship Co.'s fleet plying on the Potomac river and Chesapeake, Bay. The illustration accompanying this article shows quite clearly the simple and effective way in which Na- tional metallic packing avoids the ordinary troubles in- cident to the use of packing on engines. This packing is milled from the best grade of charcoal iron, having a NATIONAL METALLIC PACKING. square and tangent cut interlocking, doing away with any doll pins. It glazes the rods perfectly and conforms it- self to any size of rod. It is guaranteed to be absolutely steam tight under all conditions. It is not necessary to take out the piston rod or to remove the cylinder head to put the packing in. It can be applied in a very few minutes. It saves power by eliminating friction of the rod and its life is represented to be far greater than any packing on the market. In fact the manufacturers guar- antee it for three years, but say there is absolutely no question but that the packing will last from ten to fifteen years or the life of the engine. As stated, the con- struction of the packing is such as to adjust itself to the irregularity of the piston rod. The guide bars or cross- head being out of line does not interfere with the proper working of the packing which remains steam tight under all conditions. It can also be used in the air and steam end of pumps, holding air as well as steam. In fact it can be used in any place wheze an absolutely steam or air-tight packing is desired. Mr. E. M. Cook of Oberlin, the inventor of this form of packing, is the president of the company. He has been in the engine business all his life, leaving the Lockwood Manufacturing Co. of East Boston, Mass. to devote his time to developing and marketing his invention. Mr. W. P. Carruthers of Oberlin is the secretary and treasurer of the company. Mr. Eugene Passano is the general ma- rine agent of the company for the great lakes, with head- quarters in the Western Reserve building, Cleveland. The company will also be represented in Cleveland by Mr. Fred M. Harmon, chief engineer of the Wilson Transit Co. The agents of the company at Milwaukee will be the Downie & Kruse Co. Thomas B. Banner, 57 E. Kinzie street, Chi- cago, will act as marine agent at Chicago, while Mr. Cam- -eron, chief engineer of the Tribune building will take care of the stationary trade. From assurances that the company has already received there is no doubt that it will do a suc- cessful business. -- ee SUMMARY OF NAVAL CONSTRUCTION, The monthly report of the bureau of construction and repair exhibits the following state of progress: Per cent of Name of completion Vessel. Building at Jan. 1. Feb 1. BATTLESHIPS. 1906 Virginia Newport News S. B. Co... 08: 08.6 Nebraska - Moran: Bros. Co. .3.4..0.. Bae, 8697 Georgia Bath [tom "Works. 2.0020; Ol-24 03.45 New Jersey Bore River SB. Co... 3. 05.5. 96.5 Rhode Island Pore kiver S, B. Co... 2. do. 99.5 Connecticut Navy Yard, New York.... 93.69 95.16 Louisiana Newport News S. B.-Co... 94.17 05.24 Vermont Pore River S. B.°Co.0., YOF 73k Kansas New ork 9 Bl) Co. 8: 4 Gye a8 Minnesota Newport News S. B. Co.. 80.33 82.08 Mississippi Was Ceamp & Sons..).. 255. 47.32 49.08 Idaho Wim, Cramp: & Sons... .. 45.39 47.19 New Hampshire New York S.-B. Co...:... Bt A ert ARMORED CRUISERS. California Union fron Works.:..-.. 87.5 + 687 South Dakota Union leon Works.; .... 86.2 87:3 Tennessee Wain Cramp. & Sons..-:,... 97.66 9453 Washington New York S, Be Co,. 23.) 01.9 94.4 North Carolina Newport News S. B. Co.. 30.74 34.48 Montana Newport News S. B. Co... 25.84 30.11 PROTECTED CRUISERS. St. Louis Neafie & Levy S. & E. B. CO) ee ae 86. 88.34 Milwaukee Union iten Works... 20.3. 87.9 898 TRAINING SHIPS. Cumberland Navy "Yard, Boston. 3:2. 95. 95. Intrepid Navy Yard, Mare Island... 97.5 97. SCOUT CRUISERS. Chester Baty iron Works... 203) 15.53 19.07 Birmingham Fore River S, B. Co..... ou) 36.2 208 Salem Hore iver S..B. Co...02.. 17:0 2t.t SUBMARINE TORPEDO BOATS. No, 0, Fore River S. B: Co. 460. sr. No. 10, Fore River S. Bo Coe. 378 © 43.3 No:-1T; Fore River S.:B.-Co. 30.0 =< 43.5 NO, t2, Fore River S. B, Co. 367 430 Submarine T. Submarine T. Submarine T. Submarine T. Se GRAIN CARGO RECORD. Tonawanda, Feb. 13.--The largest cargo of grain ever brought down the lakes to Buffalo in one vessel, and in fact the largest cargo of wheat ever afloat on the great lakes, arrived at Buffalo on the big freighter, William A. Rogers, owned by the Niagara Transit Co., of this port. The Rogers steamed into Buffalo last December with 351,621 bushels of wheat, which was more than 1,600 bu. greater than the previous record made by the freighter Wolvin a week before. T. W. Kennedy, superintendent of the Lake Carriers' Association says that the season of 1905 has been a very successful season along the docks for the grain shovelers. While there have been many seasons when the grain shovelers have kept busier, last year more than came up to the average. The highest salary that any gang made this year was $35 for one week, but that was an exception. The men are paid $2.50 each for every 1,000 bushels un- loaded. Of course, no individual records of men wer kept. The association divides the amount pro rata amon the men. ce o 5S Q