"TAE MarRINE. REVIEW 35). Steamship Minnesota equipped with Hyde Windlass and Capstans. Selected for the Minnesota. and Dakota of the Great Northern Steamship Co.'s fleet--the largest vessels ever built in the United 'States. They are also being in- stalled on nearly all of the vessels now building for the Navy Depart- ment, -Revenue Cutter service, Lighthouse Board and the United States Coast Survey. Reason--Their Superiority -- Send for Illustrated Catalog. HYDE WINDLASS COMPANY BATH, MAINE Geo. L. McCurdy 169 Jackson Boulevard CHICAGO LLLINOES INSURANCE HULLS and CARGOES DIRECT. REPRESENTATIVE OF LEADING AMERICAN AND FOREIGN UNDERWRITERS . THE BOURNE-FULLER CO. IRON STEEL -- PIG IRON COKE Cleveland, Ohio. Prindiville & Company INCORPORATED 'AVERAGE ADJUSTERS AND INSURANGE BROKERS 234 La Salle Sti. Chicago, Ill. Representing Foreign Representatives Johnson & Higgins Willis Faber & Co., Ltd., London. New York John D, Tyson & Co,, Liverpool.