Buyers' Directory of the Marine Trade. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS. General Electric Co.......Schenectady, N. Y. Mietzs, Aug. ...:..0.c0..0s0%+--+3- New. York. Sturtevant, B. F. & Co......Hyde Park, Mass. Thropp & Sons, John E.......Trenton, N. J. ENGINE BUILDERS, MARINE. American Ship Building Co........Cleveland. Atlantic Works...........East Boston, Mass. Chicago Ship Building Co..........Chicago. Chase Machine Co..........+----.-Cleveland. Cramp, Wm. & Sons............Philadelphia. Craig Ship Building Co...........Toledo, O. Detroit Ship Building Co............. Detroit. ' Fletcher, W. & A. Co.........Hoboken, N. J. Fore River Shipbuilding Co....Quincy, Mass. Great Lakes Engineering Works.Detroit, Mich. Hall Bros.< 3.03. oi. Denis oes ....~ Philadelphia. Lockwood Mfg. Co.........East Boston, Mass. Maryland Steel Co..:....Sparrows Point, Md. Mietz; Aug: . cose s Gils be Wie e's 00s New York. Milwaukee Dry Dock Co.......... Milwaukee. Mosher, Chas. D..... See ekbe esas New York. Moulton Steering Engine Co....... New York. Newport News Ship Building Co......... gcc bs ounecn cas deccuns NewpoLt (NEWS, Vai New York Shipbuilding Co....Camden, N. J. Nortnwestern Steam Boiler & Mfg. Co... Pics cae Cece eset is eG es "Duluth, "Mich. Quintard Iron Works Co...........New York. Roach's Ship Yard..:............ Chester, Pa. Sheriffs: Mig: Co. 30 ccc is oss Milwaukee. 'Superior Ship Building Co....Superior, Wis. . Vhropp, J. E. & Sons Co....:.:. Trenton, N. J. Trout; FH. Goer cs. os Peek Oeste cece Buffalo. 'ENGINE ROOM TELEGRAPH, CALL BELLS, ETC. Cory, Chas. & Son...... bic iadhs where cls New York. Marine Mfg. Supply Co............ New York. ENGINEERING SPECIALTIES AND : SUPPLIES. ' Kieley & Mueller ...............-New York. Lunkenheimer Co. ...... ees: Cincinnati. Northwestern Steam Boiler & Mfg. Co... Duluth, Minn. eeeereesececeres eeeecce eoee ENGINEERS, MARINE, MECHANICAL, CONSULTING. Hynd, Alexander .................Cleveland. Hunt, Robt. W. & Co....... he Chicago. Kidd Joseph. .0 ocs2365 done --.Duluth, Minn. Mosher, Chas, Divi. c. oS New York. Nacey, James 000. oso re Cleveland. Roelker, He: Bie os ec nes Sees New York. Wood, We J.5 hee ee. Chicago. ° FEED WATER PURIFIERS AND HEATERS, Greacen-Derby Engineering Co........ stele seeiesre os seene ocaies seb erth. Amboy, Ne J. Ross: Valve: Co. 03.5233 Ss. atoy, Ni. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. Safety Fire Extinguisher Co.......New York. FIXTURES FOR LAMPS, OIL OR ELECTRIC. General Electric Co....... Schenectady, N. Y. FORGES. Sutton Co., C.: E. Dials ais Dhieeece aa ..- Toledo, O. FORGINGS FOR CRANK, PROPELLER OR THRUST SHAFTS, ETC. Cleveland City Forge & Iron Co...Cleveland. Fore River Shipbuilding Co.....Quincy, Mass. Macbeth Iron Co...... ete ee ne Cleveland. FLUE WELDING. Fix's, S.. Sons... .. eee ooeeee-. Cleveland, FUELING COMPANIES AND COAL DEALERS. Hanna, M. A. & Co...............Cleveland. Ironville Dock & Coal Co..........Toledo, O. Parker Bros. Co, Ltd. .0. i230 2 Detroit: Pickands, Mather & Co............Cleveland. Pittsburg Coal Co.................Cleveland. Smith, Stanley B., & Co.............Detroit. Smith Coal & Dock Co., Stanley B. Toledo, O. "TAE. MARINE. REVIEW FURNACES FOR BOILERS. Continental Iron Works..........New York. GAS BUOYS. Safety Car Heating & Lighting Co..New York. GAS AND GASOLINE ENGINES. Chase: Machine * Co.eiiik. eset ores Cleveland. GAUGES, STEAM AND VACUUM. Iuunkenheimer °Co.00. i. 665.56 6c ees o Cincinnati. GAUGES, WATER. Bonner Cos, "Wine Teor ss Wolicea seus Boston. Tankenheimer Co. 0650 6o3 sss... 6 Cincinnati, O. GENERATING SETS. General Electric Co...........Schenectady, N. Y. GRAPHITE. Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph. .Jersey City, N. .J GREASE EXTRACTORS. Greacen-Derby Engineering Co..... seen sais Dees Vaklcdesiesees aie ete Perth Amboy, N. J. HAMMERS, STEAM. Chase Machine: Co.......... Batata ars Cleveland. . HEATING APPARATUS. Sutton Co;,:G. Be. ees seesce ue. oledo, O: HOISTS FOR CARGO, BTC. American Ship Building Co........ Cleveland. Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. (Inc.).... Bers Crs Gee te as Gi ete a o's Ge ee ole Cleveland. @hasé Machine (Gow. 06.55 ceed esc Cleveland. General Biecizic Cols. oie... New York. Georgian Bay Engineering Works........ dae e lb ia eidhcle WV Bs cin eres Yess oc. Midland, : Ont. Hyde Windlass Co........6- sean... bath, Me: Marine: Tron. Com cyac ose co ves , Bay City. Metz AUIS se io cs oh ees aeons --New York. HOLLOW SHAFTINGS, IRON OR STEEL. Falls Hollow Staybolt Co...Cuyahoga Falls, O. HOLLOW STAYBOLT IRON. Falls Hollow Staybolt Co...Cuyahoga Falls, O. HYDRAULIC DREDGES. Great Lakes Engineering Works...... Detroit. HYDRAU- IC TOOLS. Watson-Stillman Co., The......... New York. - ICE MACHINERY. Great Lakes Engineering Works...... Detroit. Roelker.: Ho Bice: ose < Goes -INew York. INJECTORS. American Injector. C0. : <5. .3.. ee be Detroit. Jenkins Bros. .:;..... iideleeeiece owes New York. dgum kenheimer "Com. os. see. ose s Cincinnati. Renberthy Injector Co......... Detroit, Mich. INSURANCE, MARINE. lpnicke, CC.) W. & Co...2.3 0. Salercues Chicago. Dleming CO. Bees. cols kc cecec Chicago. Culenrist @. Co., Cy Pi. .c..c...0c5% Cleveland. Hawgood & Co,, W. Avice. oes. sce: Cleveland. MOM We COr Ws Los cs es aie oo so ce le eas Duluth. IeUteHinson Ww COs... cc. ccs eee kk, Cleveland. MeGarthvied.: Ri... cel cs cea Montreal. MoGCurdy, Geo. [oc ee Chicago. Mitchell o& Co... ss. ts ceces sce e kc Cleveland. Parker Bros. Co... Ltds.3..:. 3. 7. 6c: Detroit. Peck, Chas. EK. & W. ¥..New York & Chicago, Peindiville 66.00...) 2s sce ce ce Chicago. Bicnardeans Wa Coe ae cs Cleveland. Muniven: D. & Co... co a Chicago. IRON CASTINGS. Button Cor, CoB. ose vce coc cess Toledo, O. IRON ORE AND PIG IRON. Bourne-Fuller Cone. econ.) ss Cleveland, /O; Hanna, M. A. & Co...............Cleveland. Pickands, Mather & Co.........++-+Cleveland. Continued. LAUNCHES--STEAM, NAPHTHA, ELECTRIC. Truscott Boat Mfg. Co.....St. Joseph, Mich. LIFE PRESERVERS, LIFE BOATS, BUOYS. Armatrong, Cork (C0.0. 4 05 os ses cc Pittsburg. Drein, Thos. & Son.........Wilmington, Del. Kahnweiler's Sons, D..............New York. LIGHTS, SIDE AND SIGNAL. Russell) & Watson 35. 3700204... . Buffalo. LOGS. Nicholson. Ship Tog Co:.72.2 <.. ...Cleveland. Walker & Sons, Thomas....Birmingham, Eng. Also Ship Chandlers. LUBRICATING GRAPHITE. Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph. .Jersey City, N. J. LUBRICATORS, Lunkenheimer. Co; 4, 25.6... 5. Cincinnati LUMBER. _ . Martin-Barriss Co....... Seteboe ee ay Cleveland. MACHINISTS, Chase Machine Cosi. 213) ci Clevelana, Hickler Bros... 233325 Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Lockwood Mfg. Co........East Boston, Mass. MACHINE TOOLS (WwooD WORKING). Atlantic: Works; ines 2. 3s Philadelphia. MARINE RAILWAYS. Hickler Bros..........Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. MARINE RAILWAYS, BUILDERS OR. Crandall & Son, H. I.....East Boston, Mass. MATTRESSES, CUSHIONS, BEDDING. Boge, Mi Wee... sie eisl cue slate neue 5 New York. MECHANICAL DRAFT FOR BOILERS. American Ship Building Co........ Cleveland. Detroit Ship Building Co........ «ees Detroit. Great Lakes Engineering Works......Detroit. METALLIC PACKING. Katzenstein, 1. & Co.........<...New York. MOTORS, GENERATORS--ELECTRIC General Electric Co....... Schenectady, N. Y. NAUTICAL INSTRUMENTS. Benjamin Farnum How........:......... Boston Ritchie, Bh. S., & Sons. ..... Brookline, Mass. NAVAL ARCHITECTS. Hynd, Alexander ....... WOE es BG Cleveland. "Midd; Joseph: -;. 330.34 Ree Duluth, Minn. Mosher Chas." Diveee. .o 5... Sislel wre New York. Nacey, James«, 2.5. ec Cleveland. Wood, OWs de oes ec ee Chicago. OAKUM. Stratford, Oakum Co.......Jersey City, N. J. OIL ENGINES. Mictz. "Aug foo. 05 he ee ote New York. OILS AND LUBRICANTS, Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph. .Jersey City, N. J. Standard Oil' Cos. 3. oi eee. +.-..Cleveland. PACKING. Jenkins Bros. ....... Cova Ss aes ey New York. Katzenstein. Ls & Co... 3.2 New York. The National Metallic Packing Co.... Oberlin, O. PAINTS, Baker, Howard H. & Co.............Buffalo. Upson-Walton Co. ...... eeeeseeee Cleveland, PATTERN SHOP MACHINERY. Atlantic Worke, Inc........... - Philadelphia.