'TAE Marine REVIEW 4lI THE MOSHER PATENT WATER TUBE avenis N Simplest, Lightest, most = In Use in the United Compact Boiler Made. oe States, Brazilian can be cleaned and Russian and retubed without Mexican disturbing Navies. connec- en. tions. 5 a As many as forty tubes can be cleaned or renewed through a single hand-hole; has greater steam and water capacity than any other water tube boiler. Send for descriptive catalogue. MOSHER WATER TUBE BOILER CO., no. 1 sroapway, N. Y. Detroit Scotch Water Tube Boiler Internally Fired, Scotch and Water Tube types combined, eliminating all objec- tions. Half the weight of ordinary Scotch boil- ers. Standard corrugated « furnaces. Investigate before buying any other. EAST END BOILER WORKS Detroit, Mich. Patent applied for. Taylor Water Tube Boiler Co. Vertical Tubes, section- al, large steam space and liberating area. Fire box, combustion chamber, and course for the furnace gases similar to the Scotch Marine. Free circulation type. Send for full description. 322 Franklin St. DETROIT, MICH. Thropp & Sons Co. TRENTON, N., J. Builders of Single, Com- pound, Triple - Expansion and Direct Connected En- gines. Boyer Sectional Water Tube boilers and Machinery complete for light draft Pass- enger Boats, Yachts, Tugs, Etc. 25OSIEM VESSELS Now Equipped With -- ALMY'S PATENT SECTIONAL Water Tube Boilers Bear Evidence of Their Excellent Qualities Almy Water-Tube Boiler Co. PROVIDENCE, RI. MARINE BOILERS OF ALL TYPES KINGSFORD FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS, Oswego, N.Y. LATEST PATENT ANCHOR =) The National and Inter- ened national THE NATIONAL ANCHORS. APPROVED BY LLOYDS. Manufactured by L.M. BOWERS &CO., Binghamton, N. Y. Catalogue on Application. Furnished to oe Lake Trade Ly: The Upson-Walton Co., CLEVELAND, O. Northwestern Steam Boiler & Mig. Co. DULUTH, MINN. Manufacturers of we Q 0g Oe ° é' 9.96? °@0 @ 00 oO east 09° BOILERS, ENGINES AND MACHINERY Special facilities for Marine Work. Repairs promptly attended to Night or Day. Wecarry a complete line of Marine and Engineers' Supplies. TELEPHONES: OFfFficE AND Works, 615. RESIDENCE CALLS: M. A. RYAN, Pres. and Gen'l Mgr., TI6-R. J. H. OPPERMAN, Secretary, 579-R ; E. KRIZ, Superintendent, 551-M.