TRAE MARINE REVIEW 49 A Handy Little Chart of the Great Lakes 10%X15 INCHES. Mounted on Linen. Price Postpaid, 25 cts. Clearly showing every port on the Great Lakes from Clayton to Duluth. It is small enough to fold up and carry in the coat pocket or pigeon hole of a desk, and is also very suitable for framing. With this little chart near at hand, you save the trouble of stepping to a chart case and taking out a great big three-foot square chart that is awkward to handle. The Most Accurate Small Chart Ever Published. FOR SALE BY THE MARINE REVIEW, - - CLEVELAND. SSRIS RAAT RARE AERA HS ER AOE TT LTE A TEE SSIS LD ae TT WA PIE eo OILER TUBES a PSA, ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF ADVERTISERS IN THE MARINE REVIEW. The star (*) indicates that the advertisement appears alternate weeks. For addresses see advertisements on pages noted. The dagger (t) indicates that advertisement appears once a month. : Almy Water Tube Boiler Co...... 41| East End Boiler Works........... 41 | Lake Superior Contracting & Red Star' Line. .....26......- American Industries. :..... 55.2... 3): Mlphicke: C. W. & Co: 543 46 Dredying' Cont. ee 42 | Republic Belting & Supply Coes quero pisoerer Coc a ie Erie Ralnoad <i .cntn ces oes 50 poles oo et Industrial -- me oe Wa ee pete ester is 46 MMOTICHN: PANO sc. cos ot Set os OSCR OO yen eee eee itchie ONS Ho B es ee, 7 American Ship Building Co....... 4/1 Falls Hollow Stay bolt Co ug | eockwood Mig:Oo 220, 20.2.0 50 | Roberts Safety Water-Tube American Ship Windlass Co...... 2 | -Witz-Simons & Connell Co ........ 49 | 'Long Arm" System Co........ t BoilerCo 5 3 Armstrong Cork Co.....,......... Oe | dietg Smee ee ie) | eOvVeRIN, Des. be ce nee + | Roelker,H, Bo..322 60 ' Atlantic Works SS . Fleming & Co., Ry ic (ag | uunkenheimér Co: {-.... 14:| Rogs Walve-Co.-;,....2.. 0.04... 50 Atlantic Works, Inc ............. Peeener etd WwW. & geese aes = Cee Sopa Car Heating & Lighting Shiniolaine Os. cOarthy, Ds I 0. ne. cae 26 seer ashe ice tees Baker, Howard H. & Co 52 ee ee . MeCurdy, G Re a pe a Scherer Rolling ft Brid ae - it aker, . se teeeeees acDona RY Go Belcher; Fred 2... ..... ..- 46| General Electric Co............... 52 | Mallory Line.. ~ ae eo ena? #5 Schrader's Son, Inc.,A a - 60 Boland, oY ee 0:40) Gilchrist. Albertsdi<.2.5.. 07 s.. 46 | Manitowoc Dry Dock Co.......... Shaw, Warren, Cad it Oakes.... 46 Bonner & Co., Wm. T ............ tT) Gilchrist & Co,0 P... 63. 46 | Marine Iron Co., Bay City, Mich. st Shelby Steel Tube Co............. 49 Boston & Lock ort Block Co..... --}| Goulder, Holding & Masten ...... 46 | Marine Mfg. & Supply Co........ Shetiits Mig. Co 3.3 44 Boston Steamship Co.............. 45| Greacen- -Derby Engineering Co.. - Martin-Barriss (o........... ..... Ee Shipping orld Year Books... 47 Bourne-Miller Co. 22. 6. 85 | Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co.. Matyland Steeli@o. oc. 10 ee Dey DOCK 0. heh + Bowers; li: Mo. & Coie... 23... 5, 41| Great Lakes Engineering Works 2 MistzAue 2G +| Smith Co., SJ Ao 43 Breymann & Bros., G. H.. 42 | Great Lakes Register.............. oF Milwaukee Dry Dock Co...) 5 | Smith Costs & Book Co.. Stanley B 3 pone Hoisting Machinery Co., a Great Lakes Towing Co........... 9 Witchell @ Co... oe 46 Poco May og 4 ri ety Z fatwa cig a wlasese tise b OIGR We Re oe ore © Morse & Son, A yee es oe ag mooth-On gz a a sieee a ewes puto Drodets ae eens - BA oe oa a ac oe Water-'Tube pole Co. " Sn Bos Company....... : uffalo Dry VOCK UO..........+---. alg UM eA gi 6 a's ahs Uaiel Gye cs olor oht oulton eerin meine Co..... 44 | SbUaNGAarad VILUO .... ec cee eeavveee Bunker, Edw. A. ......sscsssesss-. 82 | Hawgood & Oo. W. A000 46 8 Starke Dredge & Dock Go., 0. H. 43 elm OD iy ee ean od itling: Coc... 3. 3 ae [ Helwig Mfg. Oo........2......002 +| Nacey & Hynd ...........--...... 47 | Stratford Oakum Co., Geo ....... 48 Hickias Bros 42 National Matallic Packing Co.... 11 Sturtevant, B. F. Go 52 @hase Machine Co... 2.3. .-.50... Me Rigienan Gavadel 0. kc 59 | Newport News Ship Building & ulllvan, Moan ee Chicago Nautical School.. --- 44) How, Benj. V Kelis 11 | xpDry Dock Co oo... weer eens i Sullivan & Oo...) 4.05 46 Chicago Ship Building Ropes: 4| Hoyt, Dustin & Kelley.... 't" 4g | New York & Cuba Mail S. 8. Co.. Superior Ship Building Co........ 4 Cleveland City Forge & Iron Co.. 51| Hubbell Co., H. W. 42 | New York Shipbuilding Co. ..... t Sutton 'Co,, O: Bs. 4... 50 Continental Iron Works ......... 2| Hunt & Co.,Robert W.... 'tt rt Go | Nicholson Ship Log Co. . * Cory, Chas. @ Son... .2.45% <2 2505 -. 50 Hutchinson @ Co... ee. 46 Northwestern Steam Boiler & Taylor Water-Tube Boiler eke . 41 ae Pe Boise ee 2 "he: 3 Hyde Windlass Co..............-+: 35 eee SO . Teo. - ioe Do pak 6 a: ram nOne. . B. Co. g Dry Dock Co . Crandall @ Son, Heke sees 4| International Mercantile Marine _ | Otis Steel Co ......-......cseenee es 3 | Roledo Shipbuilding Co........... 28 Oe er 45 Lae lg Boat-Mig Go°.)., 2... 43 Dako Engine Qo. ences brs 44| Jenkins Brothers..............+6+5 _ 2 | Parker Bros. Co................... 46.\ Tinited Fruit Co... Paarborir Drug & Chemical Wks. 9| Jenkins, Russell & Eichelberger 46 | Peck, Chas. KE. & W.F............ 37 Oe ae Oo. ee 4 Dearing Water Tube Boiler Co = Penberthy Injector Co............ 9 ' Delaware River Iron 8S. B. & E. Kahnweiler's Sons, a eras 51 | Bickands, Mather & Co ---- 43! Walker, Thomas & Son. .... ..:- 2 WOrKS. =: 51 | Katzenstein & Oo; ia... .< <2 ol Pittsburg Coal Co.... -- (0) Weed Vine... 8 45 Detroit Ship Building Co. .. .... dy Bidd, Joseph. is se ce 47 | Potter, J.D........... -- 47 | -Watson-Stillman Go...) .......... 51 Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph....... 44| Kieley & Mueller.......... ... ... 2 | Power Specialty Co............... 43 | White, Johnson, McCaslin &..... DonnellySalvage & Wrecking Co. 47 Kingsford Foundry & Machine Gannon 23.05. 2 46 Drein,Thos. & Son Oe eeest eee 47 WOYKA! 0. eee ee oe 41 : W000. Wid iio 47 Dunbar & Baltivan Dredging Co. 42.|-Kremer, 0. B vic. cincsccesescyeeso °46 | Quintard Iron Works Co........ 50 | Woodhouse Chain Works......... *