"TAE MARINE. REVIEW 9 National Metallic Packing PATENTED IN U.S. AND FOREIGN COUR eee This packing is giving perfect satisfaction on all styles 'of rods on marine and stationary engines, locomotives and air compressors, and works perfectly on all sizes of rods from . the highest to the lowest pressure. A glance at the above | cut will show that the packing is arranged so that it ad justs itself to the rod and gives the rod a high polish and reduces the friction to a minimum. t The National Metallic Packing Co., OBERLIN, 0. EUGENE PASSANO, Gen. Marine Agent, Western Reserve Bldg., Cleveland, O. THOMAS :B. BANNER, Marine Agent, 57 E. Kinzie St., Chicago, Il.. DOWNEY & KRUSE, Marine Agents, Milwaukee, Wis. A wise captain will 'not save a tow bill and lose a trip. Send us tiformiation of any peculiar | or extraordinary conditions under which your | injector is to be used, and we will furnish a special perfectly adapted to the Work and deliver it quickly. A wise owner will not want him to. We supply Special Injectors to start with no lift, as low as five pounds, or special high steam injectors to. work up to 300 pounds or more. The U. S. Automatic Injector is the simplest, most reliable, most efficient and durable injector on the market. " Best for all boilers and all conditions. Recommended by & the U. S. Government and endorsed by over 200,000 prac-:. -- tical engineers. ENGINEER'S RED BOOK FREE. Write for a copy. Answers over 500 questions on points interesting to every engineer. FREE on request. Ask for Catalog of ejectors, ee grease cups, oil cups, jet pumps, fire plugs, etc. American Injector Co., DETROIT, U. S. A. TTSBURG COAL COMPANY GENERAL OFFICE, LAKE DEPARTMENT, PERRY-PAYNE BUILDING, CLEVELAND, OHIO Steamboat Fueling Facilities at Various Points on the Great Lakes 4 Car Dumpers. { Car Dumper. CLEVELAND HARBOR) $ Lichters. FAIRPORT HARBOR }{ Lichter, ERIE nanson | }ay Pactees : asuTaputa Hanson |! £21,Dumper. DETROIT RIVER BRANCH {Docks and Pocketsat Dock and Pockets at Detour. SAULT RIVER BRANCHES 5 Beck and Pockets at Sault Ste. Marie. (The Port Royal Dock Co.) WE FURNISH ONLY THE BEST GRADE OF PITTSBURG AND YOUGHIOGHENY COAL.