40 TAe MARINE REVIEW TRADE NOTES. The Watson-Stillman Co., 46 Dey street, New York, has just issued another catalog devoted to hydraulic jacks. There are included in it a number of new sizes and new cuts which do not appear in the earlier edition. This catalog should be secured by everyone interested in jacks and filed. The Means Foundry & Machine Co., Steubenville O., has just issued a catalog concerning bronze and brass cast- ings. The company has met with fine success in the manu- facture of castings. Their phosphor bronze bearings pos- sess a peculiar toughness and wearing ability. The catalog is well illustrated and can be had for the asking. ~The American Machine & Manufacturing Co. of Cleve- land has secured an order from the Lorain yard of the American Ship Building Co. for two 7-ton cranes of 58 ft. 6% in. span and four 7-ton cranes of 48 ft. 614 in. span. The company is completely modernizing its plant at Lo- rain and will make it the most pos of its numerous yards. The Westinghouse Machine Co. has opened a Philadelphia sales office in room 1003 North American building. The establishment of this office was necessitated by their rapidly expanding business in this territory, particularly in gas en- gines and Westinghouse-Parsons steam turbines, and is in line with the progressive policy of the company to establish headquarters in all industrial cities. : The American Boiler Cleaner Co., 508 Broad St., Bank building, Trenton, N. J., has just put out a little catalog describing the American Boiler Flue Cleaner. The illu- trations of the cleaner are printed on one page and a description on the other making it quite graphic. The little catalog will be sent to anyone upon request. In- cluded in it are a number of endozsements of the device. During | the first two weeks in February the Westing- house Machine Go. took some of the largest orders that were ever awarded to the East Pittsburg works since the Westinghouse-Parsons steam turbine has been intro- du®éd. Among these orders was one for the Phosphate Manufacturing Co., of Lakeland, Florida; Columbia Elec- tric Street Railway, Light & Power Co. of Columbia, S. C.; Citizens Light & Power Co., of Adrian, Mich.; Penn- Sylvania Light & Power Co., of Allegheny, Pa.; E. J. Dupont Co., of Wilmington, Del; The Kennebec Light & Heat Co., of Augusta, Me. The Independent Pneumatic Tool Co., First National Bank building, Chicago, has found the present capacity of its plants at Aurora, Ill. insufficient to meet the demands for Thor pneumatic tools and it has therefore leased the large building adjoining the plant and says that it will purchase $50,000 worth of new machinery for installation therein at once. The company's domestic business has grown to such an extent that it is several months behind on orders. A cable order was received last week from London for 300 Thor pneumatic tools, being an addition to an order for 200 Thor pneumatic tools received from the same source about three months ago. The New Jersey Paint Works, corner Wayne & Fre- mont streets, Jersey City, N. J., manufacturers and ex- porters of marine paints, have recently put out a calendar in which the products of their plant are well advertised. The calendar shows an illustration of a board, one end of which was painted with New Jersey copper paint and the other end left unpainted. The board was placed in salt water at Port Royal, South Carolina, for five months. The ravages of the salt water worm upon the unpainted end of the wood are plain to be seen, whereas no appreciable dif- ference is noted in the painted end. This exhibition of the virtue of the paint is very convincing. The Bourne-Fuller Co., of Cleveland, O., has just issued a catalog concerning Scott's crucible tool steels. These steels are fully guaranteed and any steel proving defect- ive for the purpose specified will be replaced. The steel is made of the best possible raw materials. The utmost care is exercised in the manufacture and inspection of every bar. A tasty little booklet has been issued 'oy Benjamin Var- num How, Boston, Mass., general agent of the Arbecam Nautical Instrument Co. It shows how to find the mag- netic bearing, magnetic course, ship's position, deviation of the compass and how to adjust the compass by the use of Arbecam's Alidade. Capt. Robert Huntington, princip- al of the Atlantic School of Navigation, 150 State St., Boston, Mass., has published a little book on the subject and the booklet issued by Mr. How contains excerpts from Mr. Huntington's book. With the aid of Arbecam's Alidade it is represented that every master can be his own compass adjuster and that it should be on every ship or insuring. Attention is called to United States Patent No. 811,520, issued on January 30th, 1906. This patent relates to horizontal-vertical types of steam engines, and was granted, after long deliberation and controversy in the patent office, on an application filed in August, 1900, by Mr. Edwin Reynolds, and was assigned by him to Allis- -Chamers Co. The claims under this patent broadly em- brace the dominating or basic principles pertaining to the invention of horizontal-vertical types of steam engines, and notice is hereby given that the Allis-Chalmers Co. will fully protect and enforce its rights under this patent, against all infringers, and both the public and manufac- turers are hereby warned against purchasing from un- licensed manufacturers, using or manufacturing steam en- gines, embodying an infringement of these rights. The Abner Doble Co., of San Francisco, Cal., has just put out a new catalog entitled Doble Tangential Water Wheels, being the first comprehensive catalog relating to its hydraulic products that the company has issued. The first portion of the catalog contains general niatter descriptive of the water wheels, special attention being paid to the Doble needle regulating nozzles, ellipsoidal buckets, ring-oiling bearings, nickel-steel shafts, etc. The illustrations of the dif- ferent types of water wheels are followed by descriptions and some of the typical hydro-electric power plants in which Doble water wheels are operating. The latter portion of the book contains the Doble water wheel tables covering all conditions of water power up to a head of 2,550 ft. and in capacities up to 5,000 H. P. Other tables relate to the loss of head in pipe by friction, riveted steel pipe, etc. and four pages contain useful hydraulic information. The last seven pages are devoted to a series of ready conversion factors, most of which have been compiled from a recent work by Carl Hering. The company will be pleased to send copies of this catalog to persons interested in water power devel- opment. Messrs. Purdy & Collison of City Island have laid the keel of-a 67 ft. trunk cabin gasoline launch from designs by Cox & Stevens, and they expect to make delivery by May first. This vessel will have a so H. P. Standard motor and will be very handsomely finished. She will be used on the Maine coast. At Lawley's Yard, South Boston, work is being pushed rapidly on the 150 ft. steam yacht for Roswell Eldridge, from the designs of Messrs. Cox & Stevens. It is ex- pected that the vessel will be turned over to her owner in July.