"THE MARINE. REVIEW 57 . fone MOSHER PATENT WATER TUBE BOILER Si mplest, Lightest, most a In Use in the United Compact Boiler Made. : States, Brazilian can be cleaned and. Russian and retubed without Mexican disturbing Navies. connec- tions. TYPE A. cleaned or renewed through a single hand-hole; has greater steam and water capacity than any other water tube boiler. Send for descriptive catalogue. MOSHER WATER TUBE BOILER CO., no. 1 sroapway, N. Y. As many as forty tubes can Taylor Water Tube Boiler Co. Vertical Tubes, section- al, large steam space and liberating area. Fire box, combustion chamber, and course for the furnace gases similar to the Scotch Marine. Free circulation type. Send for full description: 322 Franklin St. DETROIT, MICH. John E. Thropp @ Sons Co. TRENTON, N. J. Builders of the sa Boyer Sectional Water Tube Boiler. Single, Compound and Triple Expan- sion Engines. Machinery com-. plete for light draft Passenger Boats, Yachts, Tugs. Detroit Scotch Water Tube Boiler Internally Fired. Scotch and Water Tube types combined, eliminating all objec- tions. Half the weight of ordinary Scotch boil- ers. Standard corrugated « furnaces. Patent applied for. Investigate before buying any other. EAST END BOILER WORKS Detroit, Mich. STEAM | 25 Orissa Now Equipped With ALMY'S PATENT SECTIONAL Water Tube Boilers Bear Evidence of Their Excellent Qualities Almy Water-Tube Boiler Co. PROVIDENCE, R. 1. MARINE BOILERS OF ALL TYPES KINGSFORD FOUNDRY & MACHINE + WORKS, Oswego, N.Y. The National and Inter- national ANCHORS. Furnished to sue Lake Trade y The Upson-Walton Co., CLEVELAND, O. LATEST PATENT ANCHOR THE NATIONAL APPROVED BY LLOYDS. Manufactured by L.M. BOWERS &CO., Binghamton, N. Y, Catalogue on Application. Northwestern Steam Boiler & Mfg. Co. ne DULUTH, MINN. Manufacturers of BOILERS, ENGINES AND MACHINERY Special facilities for Marine Work. Repairs promptly attended to Night or Day. Zo ss Wecarry a complete line of Marine and Engineers' Supplies. TELEPHONES: OFFicE AND Works, 615. RESIDENCE CALLS: M. A. RYAN, Pres. and:Gen'l Mgr., T16-R. J). H: OPPERMAN, Secretary, 579-R; E. KRIZ, Superintendent, 551-M.