TAE MaRINE. REVIEW | 59 be THE L. P. @ J. A. SMITH COMPANY CONTRACTORS FOR PUBLIC WORKS Dredging Dry Docks and Bridges, Harbor Work, Pier Building, Submarine Pile Driving, __ Railroads, Foundations, Breakwaters, | Canals, Fic... Etc, Offices: Williamson Bildg., CLEVELAND, O. MARINE MEG.® SUPPLY CO. 157 and 158 South St., NEW YORK. SHIP FITTINGS AND SUPPLIES CAPSTANS, WINDLASSES, STEERING APPARATUS, ENGINE ROOM TELEGRAPHS, BRASS AIR PORTS, DEAD LIGHTS, PUMPS, ETC. Catalogue A--Air Ports, Ventilators, ote. Catalogue B--Windlasses, Pumps, ete, Catalogue C--Steering Apparatus, Others in course of preparation, C. H. STARKE DREDGE & DOCK C0., Gontractors for Public Works. DREDGING, PILE DRIVING, AND SUBMARINE PIPE LAYING. Ganal Street, West of First Avenue, Milwaukee, - - Wisconsin. PICKANDS, MATHER & CO. FUEL LIGHTERS at Buffalo, Erie, Ashtabula and Cleveland. : At Detour, Mich., a Fuel Dock equipped with shute capacity of 600 tons. Best quality Pittsburgh coal furnished at any time during Day or Night. CLEVELAND, 0. Western Reserve Building, M. SULLIVAN, DREDGING OF ALL KINDS. THE REMOVING OF DEEP WATER EARTH AND ROCK A SPEGIALTY. - - - 535 Woodward Ave. Terrace, DETROIT, - - - NUCH. Steamboat Fuel at Ashtabula. Large Supplies of Best Quality. Lighter Carrying Different Grades atall Times. Fuel Scow witb elevators and discharging spouts. Storage of 800 tons. Discharges 250 tons an hour into steamers while unloading cargo. M. A. Hanna & Co., Miners and Shippers, Main Office, Perry-Payne Bidg., Cleveland. THE. STANLEY B. SMITH COAL AND DOCK CO. TOLEDO HARBOR, TOLEDO, OHIO. 6 McMyler Derricks. Capacity 3,000 Tons Daily. --PENNSYLVANIA R. "s Docks --HOCKING VALLEY *_TOLEDO AND OHIO TCENTRAL R.. 1,800 Feet of Dock. F ea Lighters.=:ReNsyevanta" SMITH'S COAL DOCK, Detroit River, DETROIT, MICH. 12 Pockets. Platform. Low Dock. Operated by STANLEY B. SMITH & CO. SToRE AND Ick Housk ON Dock. MARINE SUPPLY COMPANY