"TAE. MarRINE. REVIEW 9 226=234 Postal Telegraph Bldg., CHICAGO WM. H. EDGAR, Founder DEARBORN FEED-WATER TREATMENT Made to suit the water as per analysis, used regularly, keeps boilers free from scale and prevents any corrosive action the boiler water may have on the iron. Economy of operation is possible only with clean boilers, 20 Branch Offices in the U. S. 299 Broadway, NEW YORK Be ee A bi PENBERTHY } a ee Injectors and Engine Room Specialties Oe I are upheld by over 450,000 engineers / § as the standard automatic injector of \ the world. i. PENBERTHY water gages, gage | cocks, oil and grease cups, injectors, | Mt standard of excellence which the oil pumps. etc., maintain the high aoe h CEB name of PENBERTHY stands for. ; The Penberthy Bulletin, a 24-page bee Ss monthly magazine for en- TIN gineers, sent 3 months free on request. Write for our, ) ) catalog for engineers. } PENBERTHY INJECTOR CO- Largest manufacturers of tnjectors in the world. 861 Holden Ave;, Detroit, Mich, I MADE IN CANADA BY | | The Penberthy Injector Co., Ltd., sf Windsor, Ont. | ae Tn § Aatomatic ~ Injector Ol STATTS -- 1] atiI5Ibs.on a2foot litt © @ The wide range of the U.S. Automatic Injec- tor is but ome of the features which make it the most desirable injector on the market, and remember that the range and capacity of the U. S. Injector are guaranteed. --Ly, aa SS Tad to >! 1 J fo F Oy Te te : () Pete Oy Tad el ted Te SoS -- @ Each U. 8. Injector is carefully tested before leaving the factory, and the result of this test shows on the Guar- antee Card which accompanies it. pt @ The U. S. Automatic Injector is the one injector with a Drip-cock, and has a score of other important advan- tages over other injectors, all of which are carefully explained in the '*Engineers' Red Book," sent free to all who write. Contains also information on over 500 points of interest to every engineer. Is inval- uable. Write for a copy today. Jas oy Pe American Injector Co. DETROIT, U.S.A. OI \ CRRA RT ENS TOT TO PO Oe eT Z--? The Dry Dock of the 20th. Century. | RAILWAY DRY DOCKS TIMBER OR STEEL CONSTRUCTION Safe--Convenient-- Rapid. H. I. Crandall ¢c& Son Co. Engineers and Contractors East Boston, Mass., U.S.A,