' Information furnished on application. THE Marine REVIEW ae - WANTED and FOR SALE Department. PROPOSALS. FOR SALE. FOR SALE. U. S. Engineer Office, Jones Building, Detroit, Mich., June 4, 1906. Sealed. pro- posals for widening Sti Marys' Falls Canal will be received at this office until 2 p. m., July 24,:1906, and then publicly opened. i new; a bargain. Chas. Bo tc.) 3B: Davis, Col: Eners: T U.S. Engineer Office, Room 508, Federal Bldg., Diving Suit. FOR SALE.--Diving Suit, Pump and complete outfit, used but once, good as B.-L. Strong, 112. Sus perior St., Cleveland, O. s } A Bargain. | Steamer E. F. Gould, length 137 ft., width 28 ft , depth 8ft. 5in , tonnage 261 tons. Boiler, engine and hull in god condition. First-cl-ss, complete sand pumping outfit now installed on boat, Chicago, Ill., May 26, 1906. Sealed proposals for concrete superstructure in Chicago Harbor, IIl., will be received here until noon, June 30, 1906, cation. BIXBY, Lt. Col., Engrs. U.S. Engineer Office, Milwaukee, Wis., crib extensions of 100 feet each to break- For Sale or Charter for the Season. Commodious Steam Yacht, 75 ft. and Per N eT SREnee Information on appli- long, 18 ft: sbeam, 6% depth of a hold. Two staterooms and finest ; outfit, including electric light plant, June 1, 1906. Sealed proposals for building search light, and power launch. will sell with boat if sodesired. Apply JOHN M. McKERCHEY, Detroit, Mich. Transfer Boat. FOR SALE--At a bargain, side- wheel transfer boat Delta; 226 x 45% waters at Sheboygan and Kenosha Harbors, Triple expansion engine, safety feet -- 231 x 74 feet over ail 7 Leet Wisconsin, will be received here until 3. P. boiler. Cheap, .and easy steamer. deep. Ainslee-Cochran engines, 2334 x M., standard time, June 27, 1906, and then publicly opened. Information furnished on Mi application, W. V. Judson, Major, Engrs. Lich. Inquire of R.. J. Cram, Port' Huron, 7 feet stroke, 12 foot bucket, 2 doctor pumps, 2. donkey pumps, double engine ' U. S. Engineer Office, Jones Building, De- troit, Mich., June 11, 1906. Sealed propos-, als for dredging Shoal 28 in Mud Lake, St. Mary's River, .Mich., will be received at this -- office until 2 p. m. July 11, 1906, and then publicly opened. Information furnished on application, | Chas; BE. °L,.°B, Davis,. Col. En- gineers. : gine. | SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the Light-House Board, Wash- ington, 0. CG. until 2 ovclock, «Pi My. oyuly 17th, 1906, and then opened, for furnishing the materials and labor of all kinds neces- sary for the construction and delivery of the single-screw steel steam light-house tender condenser. WANTED.--Master Shipfitter (out- side), $6.00 per diem. A competitive, examination will be held for the above position July 12, 1906, For, further in- formation address "Commandant, Navy Ward. Portsmouth, .N. Hz' GREAT LAKES REGISTER FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF STEEL AND WOODEN VESSELS. 1% in, chain. diameter. Estb. 1828 ' i] Estb. 1896 COMBIMED AND ISSUED IN CONNECTION WITH BUREAU VERITAS INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF SHIPPING. THE RATINGS OF GREAT LAKES REGISTER GO BEFORE AND ARE ACCEPTED BY THE LEADING UNDERWRITERS OF AMERICA AND EUROPE. VESSELS BUILT UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF ITS SURVEYORS WILL RECEIVE SPECIAL RATING, AND WILL ALSO BE PUBLISHED IN BUREAU VERITAS INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF SHIPPING. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FURNISHED. GREAT LAKES REGISTER SURVEYORS ARE ESTAB- LISHED AT ALL THE PRINCIPAL PORTS ON THE GREAT LAKES. ® F. D. HERRIMAN, SURVEYOR GENERAL, 820-322 Perry-Payne Building, Ch) een CLEVELAND, O. For Sale. 1,000 h. p. fore and aft Neafie & Levy compound Engine; ser; independent pumps. Two 12-foot Scotch Boilers. One 13%-foot Scotch Boiler, One 10 16-25 x 16 triple expansion En- Three 150-h. p.,Almy Boilers. One 200-h. p. Tregurtha Boiler. tons. Rating in Inland Lloyds Regis- One 14 30 x 24 fore and aft Engine and tet, A-i6%,: valuation' « $22,000," |For One Williamson steering Engine. One to k. w. electric lighting Set. Anemone. One 15 k. w. electric lighting Set. One Providence Windlass, 50 fathoms Two thrust Shafts and Bearings, 8% in: MARVIN BRIGGS, 17 Battery place, New York, N. Y. capstan 6 x 14 inches. Machinery as good as new; 4 boilers, 44 inches by 26 feet, allowed 156 pounds steam. Will sell altogether 'or separately. Address W. J. Kelleher, O. & C. R..R. Co., New Orleans, La. Steamer T. S. Christie. Length 160 ft.; beam 30 ft.; carrying capacity, lumber 525,000 ft., coal 80a surface conden- | price and particulars address Capt. P. Iharsen,care Francis. Beidler:, & Co. Loomis & 22nd Sts., Chicago, Ill. For Sale. | Five Scotch Boilers, allowed 160 lbs, steam. Good as new. ERIE MA- CHINERY CO., 729 Garfield Bildg.. Cleveland, O. Wanted. A position by a marine goods salesman, am now con- nected and have been for several years with a marine specialty concern, have a personal acquaintance with most of the ship builders on the Atlantic coast, the purchasing agents and superintending engineers of steamship com- panies and the captains and engineers of the prominent yachts. Am capable of organizing and maintaining a sales department, references furnished. Address, C. L. F., Marrne Review. The Blue Book of American Shipping, Marine Directory of the World, $5.00 @HARLES £E. PEOK. WILLIAM A, PRIME, CHAS. E. & W. F. PECK, Insurance Brokers. Average Adjusters. ESTABLISHED 1870. NEW YORK, 58 William Street, BOSTON, [53 Milk St. BUFFALO, 914 The Fidelity Bidg. CLEVELAND, 1006-1008 Rockefeller Bldg. GHIGAGO, I114-15 Royal Insurance Bidg. REPRESENTED BY GC. T. BOWRING & GO., (Insurance) LTD., 5 and 6 Billiter Ave., LONDON, and at ""LLOYD'S"" LONDON. HULLS and CARGOES. We place insurances in the most advantageous markets, employ- ing, in the interest of our clients and with equal facility,all Foreign and Home.companies, at the best procurable rates and terms. We Represent Only the Assured.