48 THE MaARINE. REVIEW 'ARMSTRONG. MEG . BRIDGEPORT, CT. , _ BARD'S PAT.JULS 96g NO BUSHINGS TO GET LOST OR MISLAID. No bushings to change. A simple twist of the cam-plate gives you _ a bushing of exactly the right size for the pipe. The Bard Adjustable Bushings fit all sizes of Genuine Armstrong Die Stocks. Write for catalogue and prices. The Armstrong Mfg. Co. 314 Knowlton St., Bridgeport, Conn. The Water Light Self-Igniting Inextinguishable For Life Saving Salvage Distress Signal Submarine Repairs and General Construction. Illumination. Send for Sample. Patentees and Manufacturers THE MARINE TORCH CO. BALTIMORE, MD. Especially approved by The British Board of Trade, either of Life Buoy Lights or Deck Flare. Going to Pittsburg 1 The Erie Railroad is the only road that sterilizes and purifies, through a process invented by its own chemist, its Passenger coaches, Parlor cars, Cafe cars, Dining cars and Sleepers, a very essential safe-guard to its patrons, for it kills all poisonous germs and makes traveling in such sterilized cars absolutely safe in preventing disease infection. 2 The Erie Railroad has the largest passenger locomotives in the world--only eleven words but they mean a good deal. 3 The Erie Railroad has built and uses a steel Baggage car--something new on steam roads. 4 The Erie Railroad is the road that runs every day (not every day except Sunday, but every day). Seven fine passenger trains from Cleveland to Pitts- burg and seven from Pittsburg to Cleveland--that's fourteen fine passenger trains daily between the two cities. 5 The following may surprise you--The Erie Rail- road--was the first railroad in the world to run sleep- ing cars. The Company built two cars, known by the names of "Ontario" and "'Erie'"', remember please that this was before Pullman or Wagner Cars existed. 6 Patrons of the Erie Cafe Club cars Cleveland to Pittsburg have FREE use of the spacious lounging and smoking parlors of the car. ~ --L----------_--_--_--_--_--_--_--____ Mounted on Linen. suitable for framing. SS A FHlandy Little Chart of the Great Lakes 10%X15 INCHES. Price Postpaid, 25 cts. Clearly showing every port on the Great Lakes from Clayton to Duluth. It is small enough to fold up and carry in the coat pocket or pigeon hole of a desk, and is also very ne With this little chart near at hand, you save the trouble of stepping to a chart case and taking out a great big three-foot square chart that is awkward to handle. The Most Accurate Small Chart Ever Published. FOR SALE BY THE MARINE REVIEW, - - CLEVELAND. d ER