48 TAE MARINE. REVIEW Books on Naval Architecture, Ship Yard Practice, IMUTH TABLES BETWEEN PARALLELS OF LATI- 5 TUDE 30° AND 60° INCLUSIVE--Burdwood.......... MUTH TABLES FOR PARALLELS OF LATITUDE BE- aE WEEN 40° N. AND 50° N. INCLUSIVE--Hydrographic office AMERICAN PRACTICAL NAVIGATOR--Nathaniel Bowditch. TOO dition 6s siekn wer boc stew c a: cies ccctesccsesccccseees Come e ree ere rere eeeseeseeeesesreeeesseseeeseeeeseseeee CLASS BOOK OF NAVAL ARCHITECTURE--Practical--Layin Off--Theoretical--By W. J. Lovett......csccscccccccecces COURSE CORRECTOR--A great aid to those who use true and , magnetic courses, and apply deviation, etc.--Capt. R. M. Pugsley COURSE PROTRACTOR--Capt. R. M. Pugsley CURRENT-COURSE PROJ ECTOR--Use this instrument and know exactly how much to allow for a current--Capt. R. M. Pugsley .. DATA BOOK--Naval architects and engineers' data book. By T. H. Watson. A reliable and simple means of recording valu- able data, etc., of vessels and engines. Size of book, 83% in. Dy: Go 30h ClOGH cocci cc oie cee ees cee e ccc scecsccices ELECTROMAGNETIC PHENOMENA AND. THE DEVIA- TIONS OF THE COMPASS--Com. T. A. 'yons .......... ELEMENTARY NAVAL TACTICS--Bainbridge-Hoff........ ELEMENTARY SEAMANSHIP--By Barker. New and en- larged edition .....ccccccces cece eee ec eens. ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION--Henderson ............-00. ELEMENTS OF YACHT DESIGN--Norman L. Skene..... GUIDE to the U.S. Local Inspectors examination of masters and mates of ocean-going steam and sailing ships, with complete instructions and informtaion for those who wish to learn naviga- tion and save the expense of attending school by preparing themselves for the examination--Capt. R. M. Pugsley -HAND BOOK OF ADMIRALTY LAW--Robt. M. Hughes.... -HINTS ON LEGAL DUTIES OF SHIPMASTERS--B. W. Gins- HOW TO BUILD A LAUNCH FROM PLANS--, with general instructions for the care and running of gas engines. 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