TAE. Marine REVIEW WM. H. EDGAR, Founder DEARBORN FEED-WATER TREATMENT Made to suit the water as per analysis, used regularly, keeps boilers free from scale and prevents any corrosive.action the boiler water may have on the iron. Economy of operation is possible only with clean boilers. 20 Branch Offices in the U. S. 226=234 Postal Telegraph Bldg., 299 Broadway, CHICAGO NEW YORK j i Ee oof Sgn ¥ olan tf 'ie ii) Ro SE na A rE q SS In the mind of "Uncle Sam" the U. S. Automatic is the World's best in- jector. It is officially endorsed by the U. S, Government because of superior merit. The U. S. Automatic feeds hotter water than any other injector and works.equally well as a lifting or non-lifting injector. Never freezes, easily cleaned and always reliable. Saves fuel, water and worry-- 100% efficiency. Each one is tested before leaving factory and actual results shown on the Certificate of Range and Capacity attached to it. Business prudence demands that you buy the U. S. Automatic injector. Free. Let us send you a copy of our famous '¢ Engineer's Red Book"--free on request. American Injector Co. DETROIT, U. S. A. {Lh aN i PENB , rm Injectors and Engine Room Specialti pecialties are upheld by over 450,000 engineers as the standard automatic injector of the world. PENBERTHY water gages, gage cocks, oil and grease cups, injectors, oil pumps. etc., maintain the high standard of excellence which the § name of PENBERTHY stands for. e@ Penberthy Engineer & Fire- man, a 32-page monthly magazine for engineers, sent 3 months free on request. Write for our catalog for engineers. 28 Vy Wh PENBERTHY INJECTOR CO. Largest manufacturers of tnjectors in the world. 351. Holden Ave,, Detroit, Mich. MADE IN OANADA BY The Penberthy Injector Co., Ltd., indsor, Ont. U ld LALLA LLLdldldl a neccamrOES BAO A IES a: NCE RRA RT AG VR EN er > A Handy Little Chart of the Great Lakes 10%X15 INCHES. Le Mounted on Linen. Price Postpaid, 25 cts. Clearly showing every port on the Great Lakes from Clayton to Duluth. It is small enough to fold up and carry in the coat pocket or pigeon hole of a desk, and is also very suitable for framing. With this little chart near at hand, you save the trouble of stepping to a chart case and taking out a great big three-foot square chart that is awkward to handle. The Most Accurate Small Chart Ever Published. FOR SALE BY THE MARINE REVIEW, - - CLEVELAND. » Automatic MXN : --eAeclor ee Les FE " ' SS. i illu lx gqfq um MLL TT l:z:1cc0azeQTuztvtccc: HLL Lda