THE Marine REVIEW Buyers' Directory of the Marine Trade---Continuea. SHIP LANTERNS AND LAMPS. Upson-Walton Co.......... Cleveland. SHIP TIMBER. Martin-Barriss Co......... Cleveland. SIGNALS--SUBMARINE. : Submarine Signal Co.. .. Boston SMOOTH-ON COMPOUND, noe REPAIRS. Smoctu-On Wie, Co... .:...06 6555s ee eo Jersey City, N. J. STAYBOLT IRON OR STEEL BARS, HOLLOW OR SOLID. Falls Hollow raveolt G0... 22.525. ihe .... Cuyahoga Falls, O. STEAM VESSELS FOR SALE. Hholmes, Samuel ........ New York. McCarthy, T. R.....Montreal, Can. STEAMSHIP LINES, PASS, AND FREIGHT. American Line ..........New York. "Anchor LINE Gi. een. ... Buffalo. Boston Steamship. ....... Boston. ©. & Bi 1 canst Co; ..... ..+, Cleveland. International Mercantile Marine Co. ee ee cea es Philadelphia. Mallory Line ees New York. New York & Cuba Mail S. S. Co.. Be Ges ces os .. New York. hed Stat. Line (4.6.5. : New York. STEAM SPECIALTIES. Robertson, Jas. L. & Sons ..New York. STEEL CASTINGS. Otis Stecl! Co... 2.85. :. Cleveland. STEERING APPARATUS. American Ship Building Ors. f- OS ah ee aes Cleveland. Chase Machine Co....... Cleveland. Drake Eee Cos. ccc. ee ae SO So ain 4 Grand Haven, Mich. Detroit Ship Building Co.. Detroit. fiyde Windlass Co.......: Bath, 'Me. Marine Mis. & Supply Co........+. SUBMARINE BOS APPARA- TUS. + Morse & Son, A). i. cis, Boston. Schrader's Son, Inc. A....New York. SURVEYORS, MARINE. Tiynd, Alexander' .....:.. Cleveland. Parker Bros... Co., Lid.....: Detroit. Nacey, Jauies (..:...1.:.. Cleveland. tee), Adam 2. i.e. cs: +. Cleveland. my OOd, Wed. kes ++-Chicago. TESTS OF MATERIALS. Hunt, Robért W. '& Co....Chicago. Lunkenheimer Co....Cincinnati, O. THERMIT. Soldseninidt Piermnit Co. ........... OA eee, New York City, TOOLS, METAL WORKING, FOR . SHIP AND ENGINE WORKS. Watson-Stillman Co...... New York. TOOLS, WOOD WORKING. Atlantic Works, Inc.... Philadelphia. TOWING MACHINES. Ametican Ship: Windlass Co.....:..;. VON Od Gay ween a. Co Providence, R. I. Chace. Machine .Co....... Cleveland. TOWING COMPANIES. Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co.. Se Pee a Kingston, Ont. Great Lakes Towing Co..Cleveland. TRUCKS. . Boston & Lockport Bigck: Cor..7: Boston. eo eee eee eee ere eee eee eee eee - TUBING, SEAMLESS. Shelby Steel Tube Co..Pittsburg, Pa. VALVES, STEAM SPECIALTIES ' ETC. Jenking ts. |... 2. wie: New York Lunkenheimer Co........ Cincinnati. Ross Valve Co. ..2..0". TEtoOy, WW. VALVES FOR WATER AND GAS. msuton 1 Valve. Co... .... 55% Boston. Lumkenteimer Co........ Cincinnati. Repupne Belting & Supply Co.3 i... es Cleveland, O. eo eee rece eee ee ee Ross Valve Co..2.... Troy; N.Y. VESSEL AND FREIGHT AGENTS. Pomna, Jon fi. 2. 23s... Buffalo. biguicke, C, Wo .& Co... 233) Chicago. ioe Joni Bo)... kN Buffalo. Wei a CO. 1. Fe on, Duluth. Hawgood & Co., W..A....Cleveland. iaGimes, Samuel ....... New York. Piiwtcninson & Co....:.... Cleveland. P Mct arene LOR es Montreal. VESSELS AND FREIGHT AGENTS--Con. Mitchell & (oo... 5...%. Cleveland. Parker Bros. Co., Ltd foes Detroit. Prindiville, & €o?. i. 2.0... Chicago. Richardson, Ww. to . Cleveland. Sullivan, D. & Co. 2 Chicago . WATER GAUGES. Lunkenheimer Co..... Cincinnati, O. WHISTLES, STEAM. Lunkenheimer Co..., 244 Cincinnati. WILFORD'S WATERPROOF CLOTH. Bunker, BAL. 2g New York. y "WIRE ROPE AND WIRE ROPE FITTINGS. Baker, i Ho & Co. oo... Buffalo. Upson- Walton €o.. +. ....; Cleveland. WINDLASSES. American Ship Windlass Co... 3.0 3 Re tie eel eet Providence, R. I. American Ship Building Co......2- tay Oe ea . Cleveland. Dake Bngine (Co) 46 akc ee Sie ei eee Grand Haven, Mich. Hyde. Windlass €0.......- Bath, Me. Marine Mfg. & Supply Co.. Piya we ee bes Vk es New York. WINCHES. American, Ship Windlass Co........ Coe eee Providence, R. I. Iiydée Windlass Co........ Bath, Me. WOOD WORKING MACHINERY. Atlantic Works, Inc.... Philadelphia. WRECKING AND SALVAGE COMPANIES. Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co.. Pee, ee Kingston, Ont. Great Lakes Towing Co..Cleveland. Patrer Bros, Co: itd... 22; Detroit. YACHT AND BOAT BUILDERS. Drein, "Those & Sone 420 P oo FO Gog Wilmington, Del. Manitowoc Dry Dock Co.... 22.4, pec tee ee «Manitowoc, Wis. 'Truscott' Boat Mis. Co... 3. ba a ee St. Joseph, Mich. YAWLS. & Son... 2... a. .Wilmington, Del. Drein, Thos. ee eee eee eee eee -- Sa oes ICRI ONT Sa S REOENTLY ADDED, 25,000 NEW WORDS PHRASES ; New Gazetteer of the World 2380 Quarto Pages New Biographical Dictionary Editor in Chief, W. T. HARRIS, PH.D.,LL.D.; U.S. Com. of Education. Chief Justice FULLER, U.S. Sisnecnie Court, Says: I regard the International as of the utmost value in accuracy of definition, and have found it in all , respects complete and thorough, Also, Webster's Collegiate Dictionary oD) Latest and Largest Abridgment of the International. FREE, "Dictionary Wrinkles."' Also illustrated pamphlets. G.&C.MERRIAM CO., Springfield, Mass., v. S.A... GET THE BEST CATALOGS WANTED. We are requested to in- form the INDUSTRIALS of all branches that our French contemporary, "LE MOtTES -SCIEN.- TIFIQUE ET INDUS- TRIEL"' of 8rue Nouvelle Two Editions. ©) lished an Information Branch from which particulars on any question may be obtained. It is of great interest for all manufacturers to send regularly their "Catalogues'"' to "Le Mois Scientifique et Industriel " from where they will be forwarded to every one interested in the line. Do not delay to send them and note the address is LE MOIS SCIENTIFIQUE ET INDUSTRIEL 8 rue Nouvelle at Paris--9° Ask for a specimen notice free on application. at PARIS, 9°, has estab-