THE Marine REVIEW 49 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF ADVERTISERS IN THE MARINE REVIEW. The star (*) indicates that the advertisement appears alternate weeks. For addresses see advertisements on pages noted. The dagger (t) indicates that advertisement appears once a month. Almy Water Tube Boiler Co...... 39) East End Boiler Works........... 39 ; *LeMois Scientifique et Industrial 44 | Red Star Line........ Saneuee cesses 48 American Bridge Co. of New York. 87| Elphicke, 0. W. & Co.......0002. 46 | Lockwood Mfg. Co ......... ++++++. 50] Republic Belting & Supply Co... 45 American InjectorCo............. 9} Krie Railtoad. (oc seiiia 50 | Lunkenheimer Co......... steesces 11 | Richardson, W.C........ coese sees 46 PenOricas DNS oo cy a, 48 *Ritchie & Sons E. 8..........:.. a American Ship Building Co....... 4 Z Roberts Safety Water-Tube American Ship Windlass Co...... 2) Falls Hollow Staybolt Co. ........ 45 Boiler Co ia. 0 52 *Armstrong Manufacturing Co...., -- Hix's Sons 82.0502 50 | Maytham, Frank................... 46 | Robertson, Jas. L. & Sons........ -- ved ees a Coro . none COWS Ae a MéUarthy;1 Re. 46 ie H. = Ss veneuees seesee venice o rmstrong Cork Co.............., ORE, MioW oe Ee Ne ae oss Valve Co........... venues Ss Atlantic Works ................ - 49] Fore River Shipbuilding Co...... 49 McBee' Tay Gees - tAtlantic Works, Inc............. Mallory Line... Due og 48 Safety Car Heating & Lighting : anitowoc Dry Dock Co......... -- Ose: LUN Coa 5s Se ae ; Baker, Howard H. & Co.......... 52 | General Electric Co............... 52 | Marine Iron Co., Bay City, Mich.4 Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge Co .. 45 Beleher. hred Pe 46 | Gilchrist, Albert J...... 0... 0... 46 | *Marine Mfg. & Supply Co....... 48 | Schrader's Son, Inc., A........ . 50 Bay Pour Ry... 36 | tGoldschmidt Thermit Co........ ~~ | Marine Torch Co., The........... 35 | Shaw, Warren, Cady & Oakes.... 46 Pilate DR ceo eat ou 46 | Goulder, Holding & Masten ...... 46 | Martin-Barriss Co...........-.--.- 49 | Shelby Steel Tube Co........ .... 48 Bolavids god ee ee 46 | Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co... 41 Maryland Steel Co.....52.6..5.54 10:| Sheriffs Mig. Co...5.... 45 *Boston & Lockport Block Co.... --| Great Lakes Engineering Works 12 Milwaukee Dry Dock Co.......... 5 | Shipping World Year. Book...... 47 Boston Steamship Co.............. 48 | Great Lakes Register.............. a3 | Mitchell & Co... 55000 2, 46 | tShipowners' Dry Dock Co....._ ae Bourne-Fuller Co,. 052... 6.2 052,0 35| Great Lakes Towing Oo........... -~ | Morse & Son, A. J. ..... 66255050 47 | Smith Coal & Dock Co., Stanley B Bowers, &. Mi& Con. oe 39 Mosher Water-Tube Boiler Co... 39 | Smooth-On Mfg.iCoy 35022: vce BL Breymann & Bros.,G@.H.......... dt Standard Contracting Co.......... 43 {Brown Hoisting Machinery Co., --| Hall, John B....................... 46 Starke Dredge & Dock Co:, 0. H. 4 Buffalo Dredging Co.............. 41 |. Hatinn & Co. Me Aw oe i 41 +State ManufacturingCo........... _ Buffalo Dry Dock Co.............. 5| Hawgood & Co., W. A............ 46| Nacey & Hynd........ pittteeeees 47 | Stratford Oakum Co.,Geo ...... 45 Bonker, Haw. 2...) 0... 8; b2| Holm @ Co.) D. Ree. iy.e secs 46 | National Metallic Packing Co.... 11| +Submarine Signal Company..... -- TWHelwig MIB O00. vii6 ce .es ces cine "-| Newport News Ship Building & Sullivan, Mo. al ; : Hickler Brogi<c i565. ee, Li Dry. Dock Co. 26 6 | Sullivan & Co......... 2.02. eeeeas 46 Carley Life Float Co.............. "34 Molmon; Samueliccccs. 6560 46 | New York & Cuba Mail S.8. Co.. 48 | Superior Ship Buildin Co. 8 Gites Glinen dine Ce i; a Het tae i. eonee Sea tas : New York ae peas Oa. 7 - o . ' ie Whoa tec cn eee Ory The Ws seeds se cece sees Nicholson Ship Log Co........... -- | Taylor Water-Tube Boiler Co.... 39 ue yeland oe Fore. - tron Co.. a Hunt & Co., Robert W............ 47| Northwestern Steam Boiler & TMireop, J. E.& SonsCo.. ...... 39 } ge &@ Dock Co..... Hutchinson:& Co... 46 Mig Co. icici ees 39 Tietjen & Lang Dry Dock Co .... 50 Gontinental Iron Works ......... 2| Hyde Windlass Oo11............... 35 Toledo Fuel Co ..... Ne aoa 41 Cray Wea sable 'eens Toledo Shipbuilding Co... 3 *Crandall & Son, H.'l............. -- rasente Boat iia. Se CaO eat Ge ia ee . Otis Steel Co. .... 0... 5. Ake --- 11] Truscott Boat Mfg. 6.55533): 2 Upson-Walton Co................. 52 Dake Engine'Co...0....0 45! Jenkins Brothers 52 | Parker B CG 46 | Vance & Joys Co 46 Dearborn Drug & Chemical Wks. " i Wiis ean kis eee agee arker Bros. Co.......5....<:..... 46|' Vance & JOYS.Co.,.2.,.¢.....,..), D . arin g Wat ar Tube Boiler Co ts _* | Jenkins, Russell & Eichelberger 46 Peo bactie os oO e Hipeae en eue a Walker, Thom an & Bone 2 elaware River Iron S. B. Ra aes igi ee Mae Pte Ree i ue gear an eae mere ect neta ne ne Se ar NOU Oi eee ae et ore Sica ZL oe se sae pe aes cees a Pete pe a? ya ee : Wh ones Oe ce ae etroit Ship Building Co. .. .... atzenstein Os ieee ee indivillo(& Camuans eeler Condenser ngineer- Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph....... 45 | Midd, Joseon 2.10.3. 47 Frindiville & Company... +... : ing Conc -- pone Belva e & Wrecking Co. # Kingsford poundry & Machine ; White, Johnson, McCaslin &..... a rein, 1 hos. ON cee . OPES soc is ete ea eee 38 BONOD 6 csi heen e set enc. Dunbar & Sullivan Dredging Co. 41 Hromier, ©. Bi. i5..5:..5.42.5) oe 46 | Quintard Iron Works Co........ 50} Wood, W.J.................. ce caee 47 Fore River SHipBuiLpine Co. The Martin tami eRe QUINCY, MASSACHUSETTS : : SHIP and ENGINE BUILDERS | | 654 Seneca Street CLEVELAND, OHIO CURTI S MARI NE TURBI NES IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH GRADE STEEL FORGINGS MAHOGANY W. & A. - LETGH ER co. and all Native Cabinet Woods NORTH RIVER IRON WORKS / Sees aes i f OES High Grades of Kiln Dried Woods for Cabin Work and Inside Trim ontractors for V essels omplete. arine Engines, Boilers and Machinery of all kinds WHITE OAK TIMBERS AND PLANK ie Fi y si nstantly on Hand and Sawed to Order on ort Notice Enlarged Facilities _ HOBOKEN, N. J. ene * + The Atlantic Works, 2237207 | , dll Sad sh a ee < t antic OrkKs y NMassachusetts, aa i se c : nc, Pa PLEASURE BOATS eopagphoton nee : -- Se ee LIFE PRESERVERS Steamships, Steam Yachts, Tow Boats, Etc eae erp es : Outfit for Lake Steamers a specialty. Marine Engines, Boilers and Tanks. Heavy Nachinery and Plate Iron Work. THREE MARINE RAILWAYS. THOMAS DREIN & SON, Builders, "a! $, tetow Ratrous A NEW MAP showing in detail the entire WATER FRONT OF BUFFALO, N. Y. Giving Sounds, Principal Buildings, Railroad Connections, Etc. A copy will be forwarded to responsible parties for inspection, on request. ¢ Price, Cloth Backed, $7.00. Marine Review, Cleveland, O. s hn Donnelly, Sr., Pres. hn Donnelly, Jr., Vice-Pres. gO eapely Se.. Pree : John Deanelly, f.. View Eee HE DONNELLY SALVAGE & WRECKING CO., LTD, KINGSTON, ONT. : DIVERS, STEAM PUMPS, TUGS, ETC. SUPPLIED ON SHORTEST NOTICE. é