Pintsch Gas Lighted Buoys BURN CONTINUOUSLY FROM 80 TO 365 DAYS AND NIGHTS WITHOUT ATTEN- TION AND CAN BE SEEN AT A DISTANCE OF SIX MILES. Brilliant G Steady Illumination. Economical 6 Reliable in Operation: Adopted by the English, German, French, Russian and United States Light House Departments for Channel and Harbor Lighting; over 1800 gas buoys and gas ee gale in service. Controlled by the SAFETY CAR HEATING © LIGHTING COMPANY 160 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY. Milwaukee Dry Dock Ca The 'Buffalo Dry Dock | MILWAUKEE | WISCONSIN Company SHIP REPAIRS eUKRAKO NEW YORK OF "ALL KINGS : Operating four Docks, Sixty-Ton Shear Legs, and in every way equipped with modern plant -for building and the economical re- pars of STEEL AND We have two ship yards offering every facility for the repair of both steel and wooden vessels. South Yard Dock is 450 ft. long on keel blocks ; 460 ft. over all ; 60 ft. width of gate and 16 ft. over sill. West Yard Dock is 312 ft. on keel blocks; 45 ft. width of gate and 12 ft. over sill. Rudder pit in each dock. Electric lights for night work. WOODEN SHIPS. EDWARD SMITH, President EDWARD N. SMITH, Superintendent WILLIAM KNIGHT, Ass't Sec'y and Treas. Office Telephone, 515 Seneca.. President's Office coer 2329 Seneca. President's Residence Telephone, 209 Bryant. Ass't Secy's Telephone, 324 North. Superintendent's Telephone, Bryant-209. MAIN OFFICE AT SOUTH YARD Foot of Washington Street Telephone Main 3 "Tl THE TOLEDO SHIPBUILDING COMPANY ¢ "BUILDERS AND REPAIRERS OF SHIPS AND ENGINES FRANK E. KIRBY, CONSULTING ENGINEER. ALEXANDER MCVITTIE, PRESIDENT. TOLEDO, OHIO 'H. S. WILKINSON, SECRETARY. CHAS. B. CALDER, GENERAL MANAGER. © : - L.C. SMITH, TREASURER. IL | a TAE Marine REVIEW 5 | |