'mente THE CONTINENTAL IRON WORKS, cTRUSCorT TAE MARINE. REVIEW WALKER'S FLOATING LOG | i : | AND CURRENT METER This instrument is for measuring the speeds of tides and currents and the flow of rivers and streams. It can also be used in lake surveys. PRR CARER ce MANUFACTURED BY Thos. Walker & Son, Ltd, 58 OXFORD STREET, BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND. -- SHIP.. MACHINERY, embodying the latest designs and many important patented improve- 1857 ments. SHIP WINDLASS CO. Sole builders of the Providence, R. I. Original and Only AUTOMATIC STEAM TOWING MACHINE. P. O. Box 53 Established: AMERICAN Morison Suspension Boiler Furnaces For Land and Marine Boilers Uniform Thickness--Easily Cleaned UNEXCELLED FOR STRENGTH Also Fox Corrugated Furnaces West and Cayler Sts., NEW YORK. Near 10th and 23d Sts. Ferries - Borough of Brooklyn. THE DEPENDABLE MARINE MOTOR tinuous service. A practical design character- ized by the accessibility, compactness and simple ignition, gas producing and oiling features. Perfect control. Four cycle type two and four cylinders, from 8 to 65H.P. Smaller sizes of the two cycle type. Catalogue and copy of The Launch for the asking. Department 46. eo nee in Cs. Made to withstand the most severe and con- ee We have completed our new Iron Foun- dry, and are pre- pared to execute orders for Castings, guaranteeing _ first- class work, prompt service and reason- able prices, Send for illustrated catalogue Address FRANK S. MANTON, President tt!