TAE Marine REVIEW WANTED and FOR i PROPOSALS. U. S. Engineer Office, Jones Building, De- troit, Mich., Aug. 22, 1906. Sealed pro- posals for removing earth and boulders from Section 3, channel along Bois Blanc Range, . Detroit river, will be received at this office . mnt) 2 p.0 m., 'sept. 11, 1906,. and: then publicly opened. Information furnished on application. .-Chas, «B.-L, Be Davis, Col.; Engrs. FOR SALE. Steamer T. S. Christie. Length 160 ft.; beam 30 ft.; carrying capacity, lumber 525,000 ft., coal 800 tons. Rating in Inland Lloyds Regis- ter, A1¥4*, valuation $22,000. For price and particulars address Capt. P. Lar- sen, Box 249, Chicago, III. For Sale, Tug Gladiator. Length, 115 ft.; breadth, 22 ft.; depth, 12 ft.. Steeple compound engine 22 x 42 x 30. Housed in forward. Tug can be seen under working conditions at. Du- luth, Minn., by applying to Split Rock Lumber Co., Duluth, Minn. Tug Boat. Tug Boat for sale--62_ gross tons, Ai condition; also . light draught steamer, 380 tons, 165 ft. A. P. LANE, 520 Commercial, Boston, Mass. Steamer Canada. 123 ft long, 24% ft. beam, hull, 4- inch oak; speed, 11 to 12 miles: 200 tons freight, 8 state-rooms for: passen- gers, dining accommodation and equip- ment for forty. passengers, ferry license for 450 people; engine fore and aft compound 18 and 32 by 18, new Scotch boiler 1144 x 13, electric lighted. _Can now be seen running on ferry route between Owen Souad and King's Royal Park. Possession given after September Ist, price $7,000.00. For futther particulars apply to J. K. Mc- Laughlan, Owen Sound Park Co., FOR SALE. Steamer for Sale Cheap. The lighthouse steamer Haze, 145 ft. long, 27-ft. beam, 9-ft. draught, 500 tons capacity, 300 horsepower engine and boiler, suitable for passenger or freight business, fully equipped. Steam cap- stan, donkey boiler. Lloyd street, Buffalo, N. Y. Steamer Hazel. FOR SALE.--The freight steamer "Hazel." ft.; .-beam,. 18 ft.;: draught about: 7° ft: 6 in. For further particulars address R. B. Rice, Grand Haven, Mich. passenger and Jacob Ullman, 46 - Length, 93 FOR SALE Revolving or '* Whirley "' Derrick. In good order. Immediate pos- session. Address : 916 Sixteenth St. Detroit, Mich. WANTED For Sale. 1,000 h. p. fore and aft Neafie & Levy compound Engine; surface conden- ser; independent pumps. Two 12-foot Scotch Boilers. One 13%4-foot Scotch Boiler, One Io 16-25 x 16 triple expansion En- gine, 'Three 150-h. p. Almy Boilers. One 200-h. p. Tregurtha Boiler. One 14 30 x 24 fore and aft Engine and condenser. One Williamson steering Engine. One 10 k. w. electric lighting Set. One 15 k. w. electric lighting Set. One Providence Windlass, 50 fathoms 1% in, chain. Two thrust Shafts and Bearings, 8% in. diameter. MARVIN BRIGGS, 17 Battery place, New York, N. Y. Boilers for Sale. Five Scotch Boilers, allowed 160 lbs, steam. Good as new. ERIE MaA- CHINERY CO., 729 Garfield Bldg. Cleveland, O. MAN WANTED near Cleveland, to show and assist us to sell properties. No: experience necessary, if you are willing to let us teach you the real es-' tate business. Salary $60.00 a month' to start. Steady position to good man, who is willing. to devote part of his time to handling customers. Address W. C. Cunningham, Andrus Bldg., Min-. neapolis, Minn. INFORMATION WANTED - re- garding good farm for sale, with good title, somewhere near Cleveland. Give price, description and character of soil. Also state when possession can be had. Owners only, need answer. State how far from town. Address W. C. Cun- nehan Andrus Bldg.,. Minneapolis, inn. PASSENGER STEAMER. WANTED.--A small passenger steam- er in exchange for tug 77 ft. over all, beam, 18 ft. ; draught, 7 ft.; engine, 16 in. by "16 in. boiler, steam allowed, 110; hull rebuilt 1904. Address C. H. M., Marine Review, Cleveland, O. Tug. WANTED to purchase large power- ful tug capable of towing heavy barges on nine hundred miles outside run. R. L, Gillchrest & Co., Mission Wharf, San Francisco: Suitable for all Boats from 3: to 200 IP Over 100 in successful use. Also the well known and always reliable Wootters Gas or Gasolene Stationary Wires HOISTING AT Of all kinds and sizes, at for all purposes, especially MK RY Wire reac Me U Tis mens A ize Leo: ee CeT se MOT TET Somewhat the are arte altogether the best. eI Bereta tii caa @ ert MIRE Ke sth ree Steam Steering Engines. FOR THESE AND OTHER WELL KNOWN SPECIALTIES ADDRESS ALL INQUIRIES TO. THE CHASE MACHINE CO. Engineers and Machinists, CLEVELAND, Onto.