TAE Marine REVIEW TRADE MARE @ Wilford's Waterproof Cloth is made of It is stronger pure twisted flax thread. and more durable than cotton, and on account of its light weight is most desirable for Hatch, Boat or Sail covers, Tarpaulins, Side Cloth or Roofing. It will not crack and is positively impenetrable by salt or fresh water. Our customers know this-- from others we 'solicit a trial order. EDWARD A. BUNKER Sole Agent for the United States and Canada P.O. BOX 1579, NEW YORK OEE oe nee Se ala eel ae 4d eed A eal Safety and Coal Economy are realized by our. Hollow Stay Bolts Steam from the center of a broken Hollow bolt always gives positive warning, hence SAFETY Air passing into the firebox through the hollow bolt helps combustion, hence ECONOMY Tell-tale holes clog up. Hollow stays "never." Passage of air always keeps the holes open. Send for free literature. Falls Hollow Staybolt Company Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio T Jenkins 96 Packing is a joint packing such as can only be produced by | the compounding of the purest and best ingredients, . and the use of great care in the manufac- ture. It is guaranteed to make a perfect steam joint instantly. For durability it is unequalled. Write for booklet-- Points on Packinrg." JENKINS BROS., New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, London, i CUYAHOGA FALLS. 0. U.S.A. General Electric Company Series edgewise wound arc lamps for ship yards. Special enclosed arc lamps for use on shipboard. 851 ) 'Sales Offices in all large cities. Principal Office: SCHENECTADY, N. Y. A FIRST-CLASS Barometer will often pay for itself a thousand fold. If you wish to make an in- vestment of that character, write us. We carry a full line with or without ther- mometers. : The UPSON-WALTON Co. CLEVELAND, O. LIFE PRESERVERS--BUOYS ACME. SOLID CORK. Each Preserver stamped by U. 8S. In- spector guaranteeing proper buoyancy. Cork Filled Yacht Fenders. Cork Mooring Buoys. Material and Finish Guaranteed. Orders filled promptly. ARMSTRONG CORK COMPANY New York Philadelphia St. Louis Baltimore Boston. Chicago Pittsburg Cincinnati HOWARD H. BAKER & CO. SHIP CHANDLERS and SAIL MAKERS BUFFALO, N. Y. 18 to 26 Terrace,