VOL. XXXIV. CLEVELAND, OCT OBER 11, 1306, No. 15. ANNOUNCEMENT @. Onur plant having been thoroughly reorganized both as to management and equipment, we are enabled to do all kinds of ship repairs at reasonable cost to the owners, whose patronage is solicited with the guarantee of satisfaction in all particulars. @. We call attention to our facilities for the construction of new vessels of all kinds, particularly dredging outfits, tugs, scows, fuel lighters, etc., plans for which we will furnish on application together with specifications and estimates of cost. | The Buffalo Dry Dock Company Buffalo, New York EDWARD SMITH, President EDWARD N. SMITH, Superintendent WILLIAM KNIGHT, Ass't Sec'y and Treas. Office Telephone, 515 Seneca.» President's Office Telephone, 2329 Seneca. President's Residence Telephone, 209 Bryant Ass't Secy's Telephone, 324 North. Superintendent's Telephone, Bryant 209