Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 11 Oct 1906, p. 47

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"THE MARINE REVIEW 47 PROFESSIONAL. PROFESSIONAL. PROFESSIONAL. _ James Nacey. ROBERT W. HUNT & CO ' a cons W. J. WOOD *y ' ; NACEY & HYND, ey Bureau of Inspection, Marine Architects, Naval Architect, Consulting Engineer. Testy bad. Gosisatanon Mechanical Draughtsmen. Prepares designs or working drawings ' Consulting Engineers. eee Soa for all classes a. vessels 5 ' and superintends construct irs. 1121 The Rookery, CHICAGO Sees and designs for all de- Surveys damaged praperty wad. eniiaicn : " . ons of marine vessels, engines and cost of repairs.' Arbitrator and court Monong. Bank Bldg., PITTSBURG eon Papervision om cdnabcaction and expert. : : mage an 5 66 Broadway, NEW YORK Sully: attended! to. oe . FIRE BOATS A SPECIALTY. Agents for Marine Specialties. Complete Plans furnished for Steel, Com- Inspectors of shipbuildin terial and 208- S142 posite or Wooden Vessels. Ee Ine ine a ue 08-9 Western Reserve Building, --s Duty tests of engines and boilers. Physical CLEVELAND, oO: 543 Postal Telegraph Bldg. and chemical laboratories. Phone, Main 3339 J. Tel. Harrison 1020. ' CHICAGO. JOSEPH KIDD, Pee) HAND BOOK JUST PUBLISHED ADMIRALTY LAW, CLASS BOOK OF Marine Architect and Surveyor. Rost. Menge, NAVAL ARCHITECTURE : : 6 a Price $3.75. -BY W. J. Lovett Consulting Ship Builder and Engineer Tue Penton Pur. Co, Illustrated _ Price $2.50 Over giliy years' experietiée, "Geeenen Cleveland, O. Order from Marine Review, Cleveland. tions, designs and estimates. Superintend- 'ence of construction and repairs. Damage = -- etc pr mete attended to. GOULD'S NAUTICAL SCHOOL, NAVAL ARCHITECTS' anp otiations for t ; , ele. or all laniia ot eects aah muting: 265 Marcy Avg., CLEVELAND, O, - ENGINEERS' DATA BOOK, Established 1894. By T. H. Watson Fall and complete instructions in Lak d yee c 610 Board of Trade, Ocean Naren ae the. Laws of Wecner T pce 31 50. Cc : ism as applied to the compass, its effect HE FENTON LFUB. CO., DULUTH, MINN. adjustments, etc. Will open about Dec. loth. Cleveland, O. ¢ Weekly. Illustrated. Price 6d. - a | j é 6 6 "Th e Shi ins W orl d"' - Prindiville & Company pp $ Pe Eee INCORPORATED Written by Experts. Illustrated by Artists. AVERAGE ADJUSTERS DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS ae AND OF A SHIP AND HER CARGO INSURANCE BROKERS SPECIAL FEATURES: Current Events, by the Editor. Special Articles on TRADE, COMMERCE, SUBVENTIONS, 234 La Salle St. Chicago, Ill. d all TIONS? Representing Foreign Representatives Saha a - a . . _ = Johnson & Higgins Willis Faber & Co., Ltd., London. New York John D. Tyson & Co., Liverpool. Shipping and the Law. . Ship Sales and Contracts. Neptune's Mail, with exclusive News and Notes. ; a Notes by a Naval Architect, written by Practical Scholars. | l Reports on Freight and Marine Insurance. Trade and Finance. 'Board of Trade Notes. | Reviews. | Prices Current. Launches and Trial Trips. Orders for subscription to "The Shipping World" are received at the office of the MARINE REVIEW. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION: United Kingdom, 2\Is. Foreign Countries, 28s. THE "SHIPPING WORLD," LTD., EFFINGHAM HOUSE, ARUNDEL STREET, STRAND, S LONDON, W. C. : ay Ls FIOISTING ENGINES. WRITE US We build them in all sizes from new and pe OT FOR ANY BOOK ON i 1 d before leavi r shop, and gu eect Hhecn cts" waa of 5 bistut for _-- work, MECHANICAL SU BJ ECTS. k, mining, th , kindly permit us to name you : : Be ea wae non | The Penton Publishing Co. MARINE IRON CO., = = ° Bay City, Mich. Cleveland.

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