"'TAE Marine REVIEW 49 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF ADVERTISERS IN THE MARINE REVIEW. The star (*) indicates that the advertisement appears alternate weeks. For addresses see advertisements on page noted. The dagger (+) indicates that advertisement appears once a month. Almy Water Tube Boiler Co...... 37 | Rast End Boi tLake Erie Boiler Compound Co. --/ Red Star Line.... ...........4. American Blower Co............ « B2 HIpLicks, O We Oe 2 Lake Erie Boiler Works _....... 37 | Richardson W.C............. Pea He OOr er i: Eble Railroad 50 bgt ts ee et Industrial 2 ae . Wee. aire ane ian LING ei ee ockwoo Be CO a i Pas we oberts Safety Water-Tube American Ship Building Co ..... 4 Lunkenheimer*Co. 65.6. ines Boller Oo. 2) ane. 11 American Ship Windlass Co...... 2| Falls Hollow Staybolt Co......... 45 3 ¥Robertedu: J as. L. & Sons. ..:.. _ *Armstrong Manufacturing Co... 36| Fix's Sons,S eee fr acen 50 Roelker, HB 3 eae. 50 Armstrong, A. E.. Mfg. Co........ 11 |. Pletcher Co., W.@ A... a: 49 | Maytham, Frank ................. 45 Ross Valve Co.... 6c. 50 Armstrong Cork Co ........... 52| Fogg, M.W..... oS ves cb0 | McCarthy UR ia es 46 Atlantic Mutual Ins. Co.......,... 35 | Fore River Ship Building Co. .... 49 | McCurdy, Geo. L.................. 85 | Safety Car Heating & Lighting Co 5 A URTUIG WOEKS: 865550. 6st ne 49 McLaughlin Iron Works........ 41 | Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge Go.. 45 tAtlantic Works,Inc ......:... =| Genaral Blestvie ce Meio ie Gece eked S Schrader's Son, Inc, A.........+. 50 - ; ' al Mlectrie-OOs0 0.05550 .s5 Ory Line a ee ee *Scoville Check Valve Co......... --- eo Piiges ge & OO... .- ose0 Hs Gilchrist, Albert J.......... tManitowoc Dry Dock Co......... -- ae wee Oo eas. ae OS PELE ages eee see 41 | {Goldschmidt Thermit Co .. Marine Iron Co., Bay City, Mich. 47| Shelby Steel Tube Co.........--.. os Bin HOT z Pye eee 4g | Poulder, Holding & Masten 46 | *Marine Mfg. & Supply Co........ "| Sherrie Mit "Co... 7. a... 45 ie ee ee ae oo Dredge & Dock Co.. 39 Marine'Torch Co, The: 7.11... <- 45 Shipping World Year Book....... 47 *Boston & Lockport Block Co.... -- Boor pe an) ati Works. 12| Martin Barriss Co ... .... shneees 49 | {Shipowners' Dry Dock Co ...... _ Boston St as Ag | LCR' HAKOS NOZISUCL .. +. ase. 36 | Maryland Steel Co ...... ......... 10 | Smith Coal & Dock Co., Stanley B. 3 Hearne tater, ce coe eure' 35 Great Lakes Towing Co........... -- | Milwaukee Dry Dock Co.......... 5|Smooth-On Mfg. Co .. ...... ... 51 Rowe ee Co a oe ae pp - L Seas Bean . a . oes eUONN Boe. cs cce neces oe eas ee arke Dredge Ane Meee oe Briggs. Marvin..." v.2001..0. 88 | Hanna & Oo, Mea TTD gp | Mosher Water-Tube Boiler Co -.. 87 | state Manufscturing Co......... 2 Brown Hoisting Machinery Co.. --| Hawgood & Co, W.A ............ 46 ; ratrord Oakum UO., Ge0........ Haiti Tieadgine Co 48, é Bi oak 304 elelm Cos, D. Dos ek 46 | Nacey & Hynd 47 +Submarine Signal Company..... AL Buffalo Dry Dock Co. 3557.63. D2 eLOLWIS MIP OO... occa ae es -- ; seer SS eee Sullivan, Mice cre ke t q National Metallic Packing Co ... 11] Sullivan & Go... 46 Bunker, Hw. Aver 284005 i 52 aoe oe a ww eect een veevescecs y Newport News Ship Building & Supentod Ship Building Go 4 : see Holmes; Samuel 2.06... 0. Se acess Chasolfaghine Co cc... a4 | Hoyt Dustin & Retley..1.7.1°°°.. 48 | now Work & Gaba Mall'§'8°06.. | taylor WaterTabe Boller Co... 3 Chicago Ship Building Co......... 4 | Hubbell Co., H.W... .......0+.02. 39 | New York Shipbuilding Co....... 7|Thropp, J. E. & Sons Co . Sos BE Cleveland City Forge & Iron Co . 52 | Hunt & Co, Robert W............ 47 | +Nicholson Ship Log C L Mebice ere Go: : + a) Hudohingon @ Ooi... .ce.. 25.5, 46 Fe a Tietjen & Lang Dry Dock Co....+ 59 Continental Iron Works.......... 2 Hede Windies 6 35 Northwestern Steam Boiler &- Toledo MuekW6s. sc oe. 41 eS = por se _ FN ROTO ats Cah ass tae Mig Co 2 tee ea 37 Toledo Ship Building Co..2- 4: £ ' . ,S. . B. Co. rout, HG. 3 a *Crandall & Son,H« Lissa a : i i Ob Boat Mic Oe. © @/B, Transit Co. ess 48 | a ORORITNS Marino' | OtiaSteclCo, 2 ye : Dake Engine Co .............. | Upson-Walton Co ... -.. ....+4.-- 52 Dearborn Drug & Chemical Wks. 3 i é 2 : Dearing Water Tube Eolke Ge co ne a ciioce bs Parker Bros: Oo 3. ag, Vance. & Joys Cos: 3 coins: 46 Dewars River Iron S. B. & E. i, : oat Ps sine Iglesied me sees wee _ eee Thomas & §Son........... 2 OPES Se eee Ore oe cee cs ' , sven ee oes ard Line ..... a hi eee 8 Detroit Ship Building Co .......2! 4 | Kahnweiler's Sons, David......... 51 | Dickands, Mather & Co....... -- 41] *Watson-Stillman Co.... ....-.-.- = Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph. ..... 45 | Katzenstein & Co., L.... .... 51 | Bittsburg Coal Co... ........... 3] #+wheeler Condenser & Engineer- Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co. 49 | Kidd, Joseph ..............cccceeee 47 | Prindiville & Company ..... ... 47 INE" CO fr ee ee _ Douglas Gets It vv occ 46 | Kingsford Foundry & Machine White, Johnson, McCaslin & Drein, Thos. & Son: 3... 2... 49 WOrks eke ie es Cann core ee 46 Dunbar & Sullivau Dredging Co. 39| Kremer, ©. B...........cceceese ees 46 | Quintard Iron Works COM ire CO WV OO, We Us a. co Fore River Suipsuitoine Co. The Martin-Barriss Co \ ae : QUINCY, MASSACHUSETTS = a SHIP and ENGINE BUILDERS | | 654 Seneca Street CLEVELAND, OHIO CURTIS MARINE TURBIN ES | IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH GRADE STEEL FORGINGS MAHOGANY W. & A. FLETGHER CO. and all Native Cabinet Woods NORTH RIVER IRON WORKS rr ARSONS MARINE TURBINE 3 High Grades of Kiln Dried Woods for Cabin Work and Inside Trim Contractors for Vessels Complete. Marine Engines, Boilers and Machinery of all kinds WHITE U4 e mc iu BERS ' ND ae _ NK ; Constantly on and an awed to rder on ort otice Enlarged Facilities HOBOKEN, N. J. ; y at The Atlantic Works, 'isocnseen" BUILDERS OF . Steamships, Steam Yachts, Tow Boats, Etc. Marine Engines, Boilers and Tanks. Heavy Nachinery and Plate Iron Work. THREE MARINE RAILWAYS. THOS, DREIN & SON BUILDERS of Metallic Life Boats and Rafts, Governmentand Pleasure Boats, Block and Granu- lated Cork Life Pre- servers. Outfits for Lake Steamersaspecialty: Tat- nall St. below Railroad. WILMINGTON, DEL. . Ate DA showing in detail the entire WATER FRONT OF BUFFALO, N. Y. Giving Sounds, Principal Buildings, Railroad Connections, Etc. A copy will be forwarded to responsible parties for inspection, on request. | Price, Cloth Backed, $7.00. : Marine Review, Cleveland, O. --. ha Decade Se Peak eae . Joa Denwlls Je, View Pos ghey Pannelly St., Pres joe Denne a THE DONNELLY SALVAGE & WRECKING CO., LTD, KINGSTON, ONT. DIVERS, STEAM PUMPS, TUGS, ETC. i SUPPLIED ON SHORTEST NOTICE.