Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 18 Oct 1906, p. 42

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"TAE. MARINE REVIEW Buyers' Directory of the Marine Trade---Consinued. IRON ORE AND PIG IRON. . ect CO. ss Cleveland, O. Hanna, M.A. & Go.ii..... Cleveland. Pickands, Mather & Co., Cleveland. LAUNCHES--STEAM, MOLT, ELECTRIC. mrecott boat Mig. Co........ 2.5. See eae St. Joseph, Mich. LIFE PRESERVERS, LIFE BOATS, BUOYS. Armstrone Cork Co...... Pittsburg. Oaricy Lite Plost Co..............% Oe a ass ss New York, N. Y. et 08 SON... a te De ee ere ss Wilmington, Del. Kahnweiler's Sons, D..... New York. LIGHTS, SIDE AND SIGNAL. Suséell Ge Watson. <......... Buffalo. 'LOGS. Nicholson Ship Log Co., Cleveland. ev aicer @ Sons, Thomas... <i... 6. Be Gere is .. Birmingham, Eng. LUBRICATING GRAPHITE. Dixon Criucipie' Co,, Joseph... <0... Lee ees Jersey City, IN. oJ. LUBRICATORS. Lunkenheimer: Co. ...... Cincinnati. LUMBER. 'Martin-Barriss Co. ...-... Cleveland. MACHINISTS. Chase Machine Co......... Cleveland. 'Hickler Bros., Sault Ste. Marie, hE Lockwood Mig. COcs. = i456 See eS ee eS East Boston, NERS McLaughlin Iron Works, Ashtabula, O. MACHINE TOOLS (WOOD WORKING). » Atlantic Works, Inc.... Philadelphia. MARINE RAILWAYS. 'Hickler Bros., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. MARINE RAILWAYS, BUILDERS OF. amad: O00, Hy liek cc eee ee ee eh ae East Boston, Mass. MATTRESSES, CUSHIONS, BEDDING. ee OW ie ees. New York MECHANICAL DRAFT FOR BOILERS. = munerican. Blower Co., ........ Detroit. Minetican Ship Building Co..:...... Be es es Cleveland. Detroit Ship Building Co., Detroit. Great Lakes Engineering Works.. Bd eh even ese idee oe Detroit. METALLIC PACKING. Katzenstein, L. & Co., New York. The National. Metallic Packing Co.. es ss Oberlin, O. MOTORS, GENERATORS-- ELECTRIC. epere Picciric CO..........--0-0: Oe aeree FE Schenectady, N. Y. - NAUTICAL INSTRUMENTS. Bice fo, & Sons..............- Le es re Brookline, Mass. NAVAL ARCHITECTS. Pivna, Alexander ......... Cleveland Sieg, Joseph ...:.... Duluth, Minn. miGuuor, Chas, D..:...... New York. PEOCEY) FONE = ba vies e050 4s Cleveland A ein tice ss Chicago OAKUM. Stratiord, Oakumi Co... a. oct. es Cee is ees Jersey City, N. J. OILS AND LUBRICANTS. on Crucible Coi,° JOSeph... 3 a. Pied Jersey City, N. J. PACKING. Jenkins BYOS.6. i.e iG : New York. Katzenstein, L. & Co...New York. obertson, Joss 1. Ce Sons... i505. oe The National Metallic Packing Co... hee Nea ee PEs Oberlin, O. Republic Belting & Supply Co...... oe yy ee levelana, 0, PAINTS. Baker, Howard H. & Co....Buffalo. Upsen-Walton. Cour... 2... Cleveland. PATTERN SHOP MACHINERY. Atlantic Works, Inc. ..Philadelphia. PILE DRIVING AND SUBMAR- INE WORK. Buffalo: Dredging Co. wc... % Buffalo. Dunbar & Sullivan Dredging Co.... es ae Oe eae Buffalo. Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co.... ee ee eee Chicago. Hickler Bros..Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Hubbell Co., H. W...Saginaw, Mich. Parker Bros; Co, Ltd... <3. Detroit. Smith Co, L. P. & J. A...Cleveland. Starke Dredge & Dock Co., C. H... pa ee ee eae a Milwaukee. Sullivan, My sess i erie Detroit. PIPE, WROUGHT IRON. Bourne-Fuller Co...... . Cleveland, O. PLANING MILL MACHINERY. Atlantic Works, Inc.... Philadelphia. PLATES--SHIP, STRUCTURAL, ETC. Bourne-Fuller Co...... Cleveland, O. Otis Steel Co... eas Cleveland. PRESSURE REGULATORS. Ross Valve Co..;..... <: Troy, "Ne Y. PROPELLER WHEELS. American, Ship Building Co........ ape eee Cleveland. Atlantic Works ..East Boston, Mass. Cramp, Wm. & Sons. . Philadelphia. Detroit Ship Building Co.... Detroit. Fore River Shipbuilding Co ie eases oes eee Gee tae Quincy, Mass. Great Lakes Engineering Works.. Be er Gee aor Detroit. Hyde Windlass Coro. Bath, Me. T-ockwood blige. Co..., (ates s ae eee os East Boston, Mass. Milwaukee Dry: Dock Co.:...5..-. SE, Fee ee ee Milwaukee. Newport News Ship Building Co.. Pee ee Newport News, Va. Roelker, Fl.. Dic... wees New York. *"Sherifis Mig. Con. ..-. Milwaukee. Superior Ship Building Co....... a ee eres Superior, Wis. 'Thre & Sone Co. 3. boas cs a ak era ee es Trenton, N. J. Toledo Ship Building Co...... Toledo. Trout, PROJECTORS, ELECTRIC. Caneral. Blectric: CO.cs.eescutaecs ss Pe nia ce Schenectady, N. Y. PUMPS FOR VARIOUS PURPOSES. Great Lakes Engineering Works.. POE eo ne ee Detroit. Kingsford Foundry & Machine MV DIRE "oy sees Oswego, N. Y.: Wheeler Condenser & Engineering COn ee Sie a New York. Roelker,. fs Bie a ck New York. REGISTER FOR CLASSIFICA- TION OF VESSELS. Great Lakes Register...... Cleveland. RIVETS, STEEL FOR SHIPS AND BOILERS. Bourne-Fuller Co.......Cleveland, O. Great Lakes Pee Works.. Cenk eta baw vos Detroit. SAFETY VALVES. Lunkenheimer Co.........Cincinnati. SAIL MAKERS. Baker, Howard H: & Co..:. Buffalo, Wpson-Walton CoO. o..5,.3 Cleveland. SALVAGE COMPANIES. See Wrecking Companies. SEARCH LIGHTS. (seneral "Hlectri: CO. : 3.65 co oe ak ce igo eae aes Schenectady, N. Y. SHEARS. See Punches, and Shears. SHIP AND BOILER PLATES AND SHAPES. Bourne-Fuller Co...... Cleveland, O. Ot Steel Co. ck ck Cleveland. SHIP BUILDERS. American Ship Bilding Cov uss: .:. Sse Se ree Se Cleveland. Atlantic Works ..East Boston, Mass. Biflalo: Dry Dock 60... a8, Buffalo. . Collingwood Shipbuilding Co.,...... Pees ce pee as 4 Collingwood, Ont. Cramp, Wim. & Sons.. Philadelphia. Chicago Ship Building Co..Chicago. Detroit Ship Building Co.... Detroit. Fore River Ship Building Co....... uke ed eae ed ae ..Quincy, Mass. Great Lakes Engineering Works.... Pes ie es a a re ee Detroit. Rockwood Min Co...., 5. .0.5548.- Pee a East Boston, Mass. Manitowoc Dry Dock Co. ;. 3... ree ee temo Manitowoc, Wis. WeaEVignG StCGl Ac0.. sce eee be obo cae Sparrow's Point, Md. Milwaukee 'Dry Dock Co... . 5c. ee ay oc ee ws Cena Milwaukee. Newport News Ship "Building Cex. eee ac Newport News, Va. New York Shipbuilding Co.... .. i: poe ree ee errs Camden, N. J. Roach's Ship. Yard..... Chester, Pa. Shipowner's Dry Dock Co..Chicago. Toledo Ship Building Co...... Toledo. SHIP CHANDLERS. Baker, Howard H. & Co....Buffalo. Marine Mfg. & Supply Ch ss, eva ae es New York Upson-Walton Co. ...0.%. Cleveland. SHIP DESIGNERS. Ride. JOSepi ica vce vce Duluth. Steel, Nacey, & Hynd....Cleveland. WVGOG, We deci sais cerca cs Chicago.

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