THE Marine REVIEW 9 WPEUZ!2HEii iI. TTA NKAPo MMMM = = S % j----, _----, = Eu Electric Bell Bell-Buoy Vessel with Receiving Apparatus. Lightship Bell mn = = en = 2 SUBM | NE SIGNALS : 5 . = Submarine Signals have been adopted by the United States Light- = a house Board; and light-vessels from Portland, Me., to Cape Hat- = = teras either are equipped or will be equipped by October 1, 1906. = = Apparatus for receiving submarine signals installed on steamships and sailing vessels, = = on application to = _ Submarine Signal Gompany ®°SToN | = | | MASS. = = = THE ROBERTS (| ae ~ Qumtard SAFETY WATER=TUBE Iron Works Company BOILER CO. - Manufacturers of 7 = "High Grade C= > Office 742 E. 12th St oe NEW YORK _ Marine are Water Tube pete BOILERS Boilers MARINE. TURBINES (ienerators of the Highest Quality of Steam oe as orks Apparatus, ee ee Sugar, Cement, Mining, Dredging eae te and all kinds of Machinery. MAIN OFFICE 39 Cortlandt St. New York City N. F. PALMER, President Phone 599 Cortlandt STEVENSON TAYLOR, Vice Pres. Works: Red Bank, N. J. Cable Address GEO. Q. PALMER, Treas. and Genl. Mer. Phone, 49 Red Bank '¢Bruniva"®