TAE MARINE REVIEW 67 sg 2 AN Watson-Stillman HYDRAULICS _ Think of the work you expect a hydraulic jack to do, if it's going to be any good to you--to lift and carry for an indefinite period, a load that nothing but a good hydraulic jack can stand under. Then ask yourself if such loads should be imposed upon anything but the very best of workman- ship and materials. We took this into consideration in rejecting so-called seamless tubing for Watson-Stillman Jacks and make rams and cylinders from solid steel forgings: The Jack we built can be trusted, and we furnish them in 300 varieties suited for every purpose. Send for our Jack List, Edition N. WATSON-STILLMAN CO., Offices: 26 Cortlandt Street, NEW YORK 453 The Rookery, Chicago eee 7 ROAGH'S SHIP YARD. | | Ship Building in all its Branches BUILDERS OF STEAMSHIP AND MARINE MACHINERY. Delaware River Iron Ship Building & Engine Works CHESTER, PA. fe Katzenstein's Self- = Acting Netal Packing For PISTON RODS, VALVE STEMS, D etc. of every description for Steam Engines, oe Pumps, etc., etc. Adopted and in use by the principal Iron Works and Steamship ce Companies in this and foreign countries. > FLEXIBLE TUBULAR METALLIC PACKING, for slip-joints on Steam Pipes, and for Hydraulic Pressure. For full particulars and reference, ad- dress L. KATZENSTEIN & @O. General Nachinists. 358 West Street, New York. The Cheapest and Best Flanged Joints for any pressure and any temperature are made with Smooth-On _ Corrugated Iron Gaskets Our New coated with Instruction Book be Smooth-On iFree to Any One. Elastic It tells Cement When, Where and How to use! the Different Smooth-On Iron Cements. Write for prices. Smooth-On Mfg, Co, Jersey City, N. J. VW; CLEVELAND, 0. 2- WRON OR STEEL FORGINGS FINISHED COMPLETE, ROUGH MACHINED OR SMOOTH FORGED ONLY, OF ANY WEIGHT. COUPLING LINKS AND PINS. PRESSED WROUGHT IRON TURNBUCKLES. CAR IRON SPECIALTIES. "ESSERE STS SPIES IIE Neversink Cork Jackets and Life Belt Warranted 24 pounds. Buoyancy and full weight of Cork, as required by U. S. Inspectors. 5 Safes Cheapest Consolidated Cork Life Preservers. Appr ored and adopted by U. 8. Board of Supervising Inspectors. Als Ring Buoys and Fenders. o adopted by the principal Ocean, Lake and River Steamer Lines as the only Reliable Life Preserver. Awarded four Medals by World's Columbian Exposition. Metallic and Wooden NS Mey, Life Boats. =& ean EY=-- Manufacturers of Woolsey's Patent Life Buoy--the . lightest, cheapest and most compact life raft known. DAVID KAHNWEILER'S SONS, --= Fox Building, Cor. Franklin Sq. and Dover Street, ' NEW YORK CITY.