TAE Marine. REVIEW - a3 6 filets St ee ' ) Reliable . Durable THE oy Automatic ®e-Starting Injector = Is the favorite today with over 450,000 engineers, because it never A disappoints. It is known in every country under the sun as:the world's = standard injector. Our catalogue of injectors, oilers and engine room specialties sent to any engineer on request, The Penberthy " Engineer and Fireman" sent three months Free to any engineer or fireman sending us his name and address e Made in Canada by ey Largest Manufact f Inj i The Penberthy : urers of Injectors in the World intewor Cou ltd: --<| 351 Holden Ave., DETROIT, MICH., U. S. A. Windsor, Ont. = = (sins ( owed [4 Automatic MEW (rare en The U. S. Automatic Injector isn't 'the Best " simply because the U.S. Goverament adopted it. The U. S. Government adopted the U. S. Bs Automatic because it is the best. wd _ LUNKENHEIMER Brass '"'Pop" Safety Valves POSITIVELY RELIABLE VERY SENSITIVE TO EXCESSIVE PRESSURES Scientific tests prove that the U. S. Automatic has 100 per cent effici- ency, that it is ideally perfect, that there is absolutely no waste. fay aA i pou il Continuous use has demonstrated the U. S. Automatic the most re- liable and trustworthy Injector on the market. That's why over 200,000 engineers endorse it as the Best. Note these Facts: --The VU. S, Automatic has wider range, feeds hotter water, is the only injector with a drip cock--a mighty valuable feature, aud the only injector accompanied by a bona fide certificate of range and capacity, Want more facts? Write for the Engineer's Red Book--Sent Free! This modest little booklet deals in facts --not theories. It has proved helpful to thousands of engineers. It will prove valuable to you. Free for the asking. WILL NOT STICK, POUND OR LEAK IF YOUR LOCAL DEALER CANNOT FURNISH THEM, NOTIFY US =-------- The Lunkenheimer Co. LARGEST MANUFACTURERS OF .HIGH-GRADE ENGINEERING SPECIALTIES IN THE WORLD General Offices Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S. A. American Injector Co, Detroit, * . _ NEW YORK, 66-68 FULTON ST. Branches: [ONDON, S.E., 35 GREAT DOVER ST. M. R. 3