THE Marine REVIEW 65 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF ADVERTISERS IN THE MARINE REVIEW. The star (*) indicates that the advertisement appears alternate weeks. For addresses see advertisements on page noted. The dagger (t+) indicates that advertisement appears once a month. Akers Steering Gear Co. . ....... il | Detroit Ship Building Co......... 4, Lake Erie Boiler Wks............ 51; Safety Car Heating & Lighting Almy Water Tube Boiler Co..... 51] Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph ...... 49| Le MoisScientifique et Industriel 59 CO eo ee, 15 American Blower Co.............. 68 | Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co 65| Lockwood Mfg. Co................ 66 | Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge Co. is American Injector Co............. 13°); Douglas, Gobet. ot oe e Tiukeniminens 06.6 8c a Wo ee ee American Dine <2 a 61] Drein, Thos., & Son .. Schrader's Son, Inc., A. .......... "66 American Ship Building Co ...... 4| Dunbar & Sullivan Dredging Co. Br MacDonald, Ray G....0:.0......- 6g | Scoville Check Valve Co.......... 55 American Ship Windlass Co ..... 2 Mallory Line essen 61 | Shaw, Warren, Cady, & Oakes... 62 Armstrong Cork Co .............. 68 | Elphicke, C. W., & Co............. 62! Marine Torch Co., Tie 2 49 | *Shelby Steel Tube Co....... .... 14 Armstrong Mfg. Co, = :..05.06.450%: 55 | Emerson Shoe Co...... See eeu: 15 Marine Iron Co [Bh | Sheritts MigeCow 2. Armstrong Mfg. Co., E. A........ 15:| Erie Railroad Co.......33. 6. 64] xy Mfe. & Supply Go... ..... 55 | Shipping World ie Book +Ashton Valve C 60 ering Mie & Espply Ce. 5 | Si & Si BRON VAIN OG 10 ce te ines st Martin-Barriss Co ...............- 65 | Liggers A SROMS Gia s ccs cs. « Atlantic Mutual Ins, Co............ 48 | Falls Hollow Staybolt Co......... 64. Maryland Steel Co................ 10 | Smith Coal & Doct Co., Stanley B 60 Atlantic Works 00.00.0036. 65) Bix's\ Si, Sons: 2.5. es 66 Maytham, Frank ............ 62 | Smooth-On Mfg. Co............... si tAtlantic Works, Inc.............. 14 peceee BE SOR, OOK rate . McGarthy; T. Roi oie Be eed oe eae Be ef Ogg, M. Ww ttsseceeessssseces 66) MoGurdy, Geo... ............ 47 arke redge & Doc '0. Seas oes < wee pe a Fore River Shipbuilding Co...... 65 Motocoulia toe Works 55 Stratford Oakum Co., Geo........ Big Mone Houten 53 Furstenan, Mos, 3.23 oad. 63 | Milwaukee Dry Dock Co ......... 5 poe Manufacturing COL Ae 53 Willett 1 Re oe a 62 | General Electric Co............... Mitchell & Co o.0.0 va ieee dee 62 Sat ae am [pany = aeeee o Boland. Jb 62} Gilchrist, Albert J.. : Morse & Son, A.J ......... 0 ..... oat Stoo a ore aH Be Boston & Lockport Block Co..... 64| +Goldschmidt Thermit Co.. Le Mosher Water-Tube Boiler Co . 1 Somenigg Ton Wrotits. Ca eee 51 Boston Steamship Co............. 61} Gould's Nautical School...... Sie Stipesion Shiu Building oo : Bourne-Mullor 3| Goulder, Holding & Masten...... 62| Nacey & H ee Bec seee meee ee ene OO GR ec un eam vere nme mee Cy eis ices Bowers, L. M., & Co..... ......... 55| Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co.. 1] Newport News Ship Building ee pe Dg. co = coe eons pores Works : + Dr ee rf Mais Suse reymann ON?, Ge Ee 8s ee reat Lakes Register .. ......... ew Yor uba Mai On eae. Marvin. ¢: oe oe. 48| *Great Lakes Towing Co........ 60 | New York Shipbuilding Co....... 7 Tope er ane ae se ab +Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. 8 9 | tNicholson Ship Log Co. . ...... 2 Tole F Cs PY SOCK V0.2: 59 Buffalo Dredging Co,....... ..... 57| Hall, John B..... . .............5. 6 Northwestern Stemi Boiler & Oe a ane ta cree Buffalo Dry Dock Co.. ..... 6| Hanna, M.A., & Co...............5 39 Mig CO oe ee 51 | Poledo ae CO... . ee eee 5 Bunker E A aun acon 68 Hawegood, W. A., & Co 6p ee RSs « 62 Trout, Beceem rece poate elec a cbow 49 Ween areca WES ue ee Helm:-D; D8 Co. oka eee ai 300 0 M & 1 Truscott Boat MEER COR ters cence 64 *Carley Life Float Co. ........... 15 |. Bicklor Brog 20. 57 ce ae Boiler Co........ a Chase Sao Oe eee ae = polmes, aah ee eee i is Steel Co..... 2... eevee eee eee Chicago Nautical School......... 4 oy ustin OLOGY a ee : Chicago Ship Building Co...,.... 4} Hubbell Oo., Ho Woeeccsen cc ven ees DT | Bankes Broa Coc gg | Upson- Walton Co........--..6. « 53 Clemente; Tne Co Con es 65| Hunt, Robert W., & Co............ 63 | Peck, Chas. E. & W.F........... 48 Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co.. 61} Hutchinson & Co ............0++0- 62! Penberthy Injector Co ........... 13 Cleveland City Forge fi Iron oe . 67| Hyde Windlass Co _ ............ 47] Pickands, Mather & Co........... BY anes riugsco. 6 62 pevoeay Panel ee pe rors j2| International Mercantile Marine Pittsburg Coal Co ge es yok teens . Collingwood Shipbuilding Co..... 5 COme ie Oe eee 61 Gory, Oise. fo 6 eae Seer 68 Quintard Iron Works Co.......... 9 Walker, 'Thomas, & Son ......... 2 NT i CU EN enkins, Russe ichelberger.. APG INC ass ee a cos oes Crenty, Wm. & Sons, 8. & E. B. 8 = Red: Star ine: 224.3 a 61 | *Watson-Stillman Co ...... 67 Curr Rabert Be re ee 63 | Kahnweiler's Sons, David ........ 67 | Richardson, W. C fee OU cies 62 Weel Condenser & Engineer- s DWODETE, 0... ce eee eee ewer eee Katzenstein, be Co 67 | *Ritchie & Sons, E.S ......... 64 SCO eee 11 Dake Hngine Co. ic... 49| Kidd, Joseph ............ 63| Roberts Safety Water-Tube White, Johnson, McCaslin & Dearborn Drug oo Wks.. 53} Kingsford Foundry & Machine BoilerCor eae ie oe 9 Oannon 216s eek ee, ee 62 Delaware River Iron S. B. & E. OPES tec ee '51 Roelker: Ho Bas. 66 | {Williams Co., The G. Wo Ss 3 WiOPES 2s oo ee 6 Kremer Cit 22s. 62:| Ross Valve:Co ohn ae cae ce OB2lWiOOd, Wore hd ee «¢°-68 HIP FLOORING f0e0 : Sawdolet (made of wood fiber, and mineral The Martin- Barriss Co. substances ) can be applied to steel decks cheaply. It is fire proof, water proof, dust proof, and vermin 654 Seneca' Street CLEVELAND, OHIO proof. Can be colored any tint and is practically indestruct- ible and monolithic. Samples submitted and estimates fur- nished. IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF The C. Clemente Company 'cisvsvany' MAHOGANY 3 WHITE MAHOGANY Fore RivER SHIPBUILDING oO. ond alk Nudes 'Babinel Weeds QUINCY, MASSACHUSETTS SHIP and ENGINE BUILDERS . High Grades of Kiln Dried Woods for Cabin Work and Inside Trim CURTIS MARINE TURBINES WHITE OAK TIMBERS AND PLANK HIGH GRADE | STEEL FORGINGS -- on Hand and Sawed to Order on Short Notice W. & A. FLETCHER CO. NORTH RIVER IRON WORKS PARSONS MARINE TURBINES Contractors for Vessels Complete. Marine Engines, Boilers and Nachinery of all kinds THOS. DREIN & SON BUILDERS of Metallic Life Boats and Rafts, Government and Pleasure Boats, Block and Granu- lated Cork Life Pre- servers. Outfits for Lake Steamersaspecialty. Tat- nall St. below Railroad. Enlarged Facilities HOBOKEN, N. J. WILMINGTON, DEL. i x) EAST BOSTON, ohn eee. ae Eis John Peco, Jr, Vico- Pres The Atlantic Works ) Massachusetts. i ies THE bee Exosdlly Seo | BUILDERS OF Steamships, Steam Yachts, Tow Boats, Etc. DONNELLY SALVAGE & WRECKING C0,, LTD. Marine Engines, Boilers and Tanks, KINGSTON, ONT. -- Heavy Nachinery and Plate Iron Work. DIVERS, STEAM PUMPS, TUGS, ETC. THREE MARINE RAILWAYS. I! SUPPLIED ON SHORTEST NOTICE.