Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 13 Dec 1906, p. 49

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"THE Marine REVIEW 49 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF ADVERTISERS IN THE MARINE REVIEW. The star (*) indicates that the advertisement appears alternate weeks. For addresses see advertisements on page noted. The dagger (t+) indicates that advertisement appears once a month. tAkers Steering Gear Co......... -- | Detroit Ship Building Co.......... 4| Lake Erie Boiler Works ......... 37 (| Red Sti ING.cs< coe aoe ae -- Cow eas pe Dien, sone we ce a He a Sell pei fne et Industrial 39 Bichaninon a C as Le Ge: : ib merican OWer CORK ies oaks - 52 onnelly Salvage recking Co. ockwood Mfg. Co.......... secess 00) *Ritchie, He 8S: & Sons. 2 oc. -- American Injector Co............. 9) ;sDouglas, Geli dr: ics. mee eet 46 lunkenisiner COs mitwiwee ee Rover. datety Wonntiae American Wines iis ce, oe oes 48 | Drein, Thos., & Son.. . 49 Boiler Con 202 a 500. ss ors ats 11 ren Bhip eae oe seeee : Dunbar & Sullivau Dredging Co. 39 Roelker, Hob 437 ere 50 ican Ship Windlass Co...... x Aergathone Manutacturing: Co = fee Ce & (Ole ee 46 Beas fae ue SSWen wee C OR os cen 46 Ross Valve Coc. c.. ise kc is os 50 Armstrong, A. E., Mfg. Co........ id merson Shoe Co... cies _ cCurdy. Geo. Ios cee. 35 Remattone. Cork Co = Pek 5p | Erie Railroad? s,s... 30.2. crass 50 | McLaughlin Iron Works........ 37 Behe he raltet tos Tignes © Ce tAshton Valve Oo... 0.0... 5.335 7, | Falls Hollow Staybolt Co 45 | MacDonald, Ray G................ 46 | Schrader's, A., Son, Inc... 50 Atlantic Mutual Ins. Co........... 41 Wiss 8 Sons. oe 50 | Mallory Line. . 48 | +Scoville Check Valve Co......... os AtlnAtic Werks. coc 49 ; 'Oa *Marine Iron Co., Bay City, Mich. --| Shaw. W Cady & Oakes... tAtlantic Works. Inc ............. -- Fletcher, ee 50 | *Marine Mfg. & Supply Co........ 'shelby eicel Wate Co. ogg, M.W ..... seas Marine Torch Co , The:........... 45 Sh y Cee : Raker H dH.&C 59 | Fore River Ship Building Oo erilis Mite Cocos)... sss: 45 aker, Howar Oe oes tee. @ | Porst MC 47 Martin-Barriss Co.... ........... - 49| Shipping World Year Book 47 ee ee bse Sure ee . ursteonau, M. CO ......seeeeeere ees Movie ae. ce P cerialae a eemaanse 10 Siggers & Sipgors 0) a 47 - Big Four Sess eee eeik veg her iae q i Blectric Cov so 5 aytham Prank? ooo: ceeccn tones 49)| Genith: Stanlaw-Bo Ons & Dark On Billotty Pe HES 48 | Glichrist, Albert Jess 200.0022. 48 | Milwaukee Dry Dock Go ,..00.2.0 3 ee eS ee Ss OC ere ca +Goldschmidt Thermit Co ....... ae itche Orel Wee oecaneee Standard C Con *Boston & psa Ercoe ae ae Goulder, Holding & Masten....... 46 | Morse, A. J.. & Son............0. 47 Btarke O. ti. Spree i Dock Co. : ae eer ON se seees 48 alee! Lakes Deedee & ae W eee a Mosher Water-Tube Boiler Go... 37 +State Manufacturing Co......... ~ Sineie aus scene 8 Sion e828 a reat Lakes neinecrag orks. Stratford, G Oak Sees ais Bowers L. ora CO. see cece eee ee a Great Lakes Register.. ica 100 +Subiariic Signal Canes Mes = Biogin ann GH Se Brod a *Great Lakes Towing Co.......... -- | Nacey & Hynde a 47 | Sullivan, xs YS te At Briggs, Marvin...) s.;¢;....... 36\ Halli Jolie Bs... ti 46 | Newport News Ship Building S Sullivan. D. & Co........++-++005 - 6 tBrown Hoisting pecoiaess Co.. --| Hanna, M.A.,&Co ............. 37 Dry Dock Co 6 | 'Superior Iron Works. A Buffalo Dredging Co..........+... 39 | Hawgood, W. A., & Co .......+5.. 45| Now York & Cuba Mail 8. 8$.Co.. 48 Superior Ship Building Co... : Buffalo Dry, Dock: Co.) ..44,..... 5} Helm; D: T= & Oo BG Oar ote weed 46 | New xor Ipbullding Uo....... Taylor Water-Tube B Ses Bunker, HdW. As-... 2.26...) 6B | Hickies Brod... osic.-.c chia es: 39 | {Nicholson Ship Log Co _.......... --| mieten & Lang Dry male ie a *Carley Life Float Co Sue ets ne ae DME Oe Steam Boiler & 37.| Loledo Fuel Co....... ak : RSet ea ieee eb eee see 2 a oy ustin e ey... Vice u aoe ee ane ine tee ost ermialts muni ernters Toledo Ship Building Co.......... ees qtatttacee ee eens 44 Hgbhell, W. W.C0..-i.....05-2; 39 front, G0 = ees 8 One ee dine Go ttt eeenes a Hunt, Robert W., & Coe. te av ohio Mache R Ge Prascete 'Boat Mip. Oo..iic5... 0). 2 niaiia os sisi utchinson Ov case ce coer io Machine oiler Co........ ae Clement, The ©... Co... 0.66: a... 49 i cS 2 Clevelan ach ty Borge & iC Bi ae ee sass ; : : = a 35. Otis Steel Co... Gee 11 | Upson-Walton Co ......-......... 52 eveland Punz ear s.Co.-- | International Mercantile Marine : *Collingwood Shipbuilding Co.... -- OOo ee oe 48 | b. kor Bees; Ob = 46 Men ee Oe = pone eases er 6 | Jenkins Brothers............e.00++ 62 | Peck, Chas. EB. & W.F.....000002) 36 | Walker, Thomas, & Son........... 2 Cory, Chas. & Son.. 50 ! : Ward Line 48 Cramp, Wm. & Sons, 8. & E. B. Go. 8 | Jenkins, Russell & Eichelberger.. 46 | Penberthy Injector Co............ 9) ewatson-Stillme Ge Pen hast Go 48 | dear ets B David 51 Pickands, Mather & Co............ 41 *Wheeler G ae) One eee aS Carr Roberbec.. : 47 Patrevehotn ae °& Co AVIA. .cceeeee 51 Pittsburg ee AS Rae US a Gian e eC ondenser ngineer- 95 UN Ee Rees Bee's w 91078: 0, one 8 Niels ee: Ot MATZ ONAN DOL 1a. OC WO ol voici co viees rindiville mpany | See ce) MMe A se Be Or NR RIO E 8, seve Si SNe SSB Sees 59) ime ere : : Kidd: Joseph... ae es 47 +Williams. Ge, On oe es on Dearborn Drag & Chemical Wiss, "8 | Kingsford Foundry & Machine" || White. Johnson, McCaslin & Delaware River Iron S. B. & E. - OVERS Eee ode acne ees es 37 2 Cannon seco te cece reer ence ence 46 Works eee Kremer, One eee ne eras 46 | Quintard Iron Works Co.......... BO | WO0d, Wid ccs ss ee 47 HIF FLOORING | . : : Sawdolet (made of wood fiber, and mineral The Martin - Barriss Clo. substances) can be applied to steel decks cheaply. It is fire proof, water proof, dust proof, and vermin 654 Seneca Street CLEVELAND, OHIO proof. Can be colored any tint and is practically indestruct- ible and monolithic. Samples submitted and estimates fur- ished IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF The C. Clemente Company 'CLEVELAND | MAHOGANY | WHITE MAHOGANY FORE RIVER SHIPBUILDING 0. and all Native Cabinet Woods QUINCY, MASSACHUSETTS SHIP and EN GIN E BUILDERS High Grades of Kiln Dried Woods for Cabin Work and Inside Trim CURTIS MARINE TURBINES WHITE-OAK TIMBERS AND PLANK HIGH GRADE STEEL FORGINGS Constantly = Hand and Sawed to Order on Short Notice METALLIC LIFE BOATS AND W. & A. FLETCHER CO. NORTH RIVER IRON WORKS Pe ane PARSONS MCARINE TURBINES <4. LIFE PRESERVERS Contractors for Vessels Complete. Marine Outfit for Lake Se a specialty. Engines, Boilers and Nachinery of all kinds Be atna . DelOw Kalir Enlarged Facilities HOBOKEN, N. J. THOMAS DREIN & SON, Builders, ™'\isineson, nev : ~ ° EAST BOSTON, Sp egrcetonect Flam z John Deena J ee The Atlantic Works y Massachusetts, ENS THE = we gs BUILDERS OF Steamships, Steam Yachts, Tow Boats, Etc. DONNELLY SALVAGE & WRECKING C0,, LTD. Marine Engines, Boilers and Tanks. KINGSTON, ONT. : Heavy Nachinery and Plate Iron Work. DIVERS, STEAM PUMPS, TUGS, ETC. THREE MARINE RAILWAYS. Hl SUPPLIED ON SHORTEST NOTICE.

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