"TAE Marine. Review 39 Hickler Brothers SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH. MARINE RAILWAY Capacity, 1,000 tons. Draft, 7% it. forward, 13% ft. aft. Length on keel blocks, 180 ft.; over all, 190 ft. _ Machine Shop, Foundry and Steam Forge, Dredges, Drill Boats and . Derrick "Scows. G. H. Breymann & Bro's CONTRACTORS FOR PUBLIC WORKS Dredging, Dock Building, Etc. o.8 AND 7 MARINE BUILDING TOLEDO, OHIO. Great Lakes Dredge @ Dock Company RIVER AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS Foundations, Bridges, Piers, Breakwaters, Lighthouses, Tunnels, Pneumatic | and Submarine Work. CHICAGO DULUTH CLEVELAND TOLEDO SAULT STE. MARIE Dunbar and Sullivan DREDGING Company BUFFALO, N. Y. REMOVE SUBMARINE ROCK OR EARTH Buffalo Dredging Co. GENERAL CONTRACTORS ON . SUBMARINE WORK Offi D, S, Morcan Bite. BUFFALO, N. Y. We are requested to in- C AT ALO GS form the INDUSTRIALS » ; of all branches that our French contemporary, D "LE MOIS. SCIEN- e TIFIQUE ET INDUS.» TRIEL' of 8rue Nouvelle at PARIS, 9°, has estab- lished an Information Branch from which particulars on any question may be obtained. It is of great interest for all manufacturers to send regularly their "Catalogues" to "Le Mois Scientifique et Industriel' from where they will be forwarded to every one interested in the line. \ : Do not delay to send them and note the address is LE MOIS SCIENTIFIQUE ET INDUSTRIEL 8 rue Nouvelle at Paris--9° Ask for a specimen notice free on application. RE RT RE SE. ALOE IE ACTOS I ET SAGINAW a en. H. W. HUBBELL CO. Submarine Work of all kinds Dredging Hard Material a Specialty...