"TAE. MARINE. REVIEW : 61 Armstrong Pipe Cutting and Threading Machines are Portable-- Sizes up to 4' can be carried to the work. For hand or power interchangeably--even the 6" size = may be turned by an apprentice unassisted. Catalogues free. THE ARMSTRONG MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Bridgeport, Conn. Chicago Branch: No. 23 So. Canal Street. ANNOUNCEMENT. 7 WE have about completed an entire new plant consisting of machine shop building, black- smith shop penlgine store room and office, and two warehouses. Our machine and blacksmith shops have both been fitted throughout with new and modern machinery, and we are now in position to handle all work connected with the lake trade with promptness and despatch. We are also dealers in engineers' supplies, electrical goods, oils, etc. McKINNON IRON WORKS, ASHTABULA, O. QUADRANT DAVIT Adopted by Several THE WELIN Governments and most of the more Prominent Steam- ship Lines. Two Men Will est Lifeboat Clear in 20 Seconds. 17 Battery Place, Whitehall Building, LUNDIN, Manager, NEW YORK. Swing the Heavi- ' Zenith -Anti-Rust Coating A LIFE PRESERVER for STEEL PLATE. See descriptive matter pp and then write us. We make a full line of MARINE PAINTS and SPECIALTIES. TOLEDO WHITE LEAD CO. Toledo, Ohio. fee Katzenstein's Self = Acting Metal Packing For PISTON RODS, VALVE STEMS, ee etc. of every description for Steam Engines, - Pumps, etc., etc. Adopted and in use by ne the principal Iron Works and Steamship sek Companies in this and foreign countries. Kaa FLEXIBLE TUBULAR METALLIC PACKING, for slip-joints on Steam Pipes, and for Hydraulic Pressure. - For full particulars and reference, ad- dress L. KATZENSTEIN & CO. General Nachinisis. 358 West Street, New York. Automatic Self-Grinding Check Valves ou heard tlave "il ae It? Descriptive circular sent on request THE SCOVILLE CHECK VALVE CO. ASHTABULA, OHIO MAAR eS aCe Aa aaa ee ue | AVERAGE LENGTH OF HOLLOW BARS Ae ate Ve '| ae HOLLOW iT aT ) MADE OF BEST QUALITY DOUBLE REFINED IV Yoke) IRON OR STEEL. CUYAHOGA FALLS. 0. U.S.A. Safety and Coal Economy a are realized by our Hollow Stay Bolts. Steam from the center of a broken Hollow bolt always gives positive warning, hence SAFETY Air passing into the firebox through the hollow bolt clos combustion, hence ECONOMY Tell-tale holes clog up. Hollow stays "never." Passage of air always keeps the holes open. Send for free literature. Falls Hollow Staybolt Company Cuyahoga Falis, Ohlo The National and Inter- national ANCHORS. Furnished to Hey Lake Trade Wie The Upson-Walton Co., CLEVELAND, O. LATEST PATENT ANCHOR ff THE NATIONAL 'Hess APPROVED BY LLOYDS. Manufactured by L.M.BOWERS &CO., Binghamton, N. Y. Catalogue on Application.