the Fassett street bridge with a view to obtaining greater depth and_ in- creased width of approximately 100 ft.; Erie harbor, with a view to obtaining a depth of 21 ft. and protecting Presque Isle peninsula; Algoma (Ahnapee), "TRE MarRINE. REVIEW ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. The Baptist Missionary Society has had built by Salters Bros., of Oxford, a stern-wheel steamer for use on the Congo. The vessel is 104 ft. 4 in. in length, 19 ft. beam and 5 ft. 6 in. depth. LIST OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE GREAT LAKES, Expenditures authorized, ; Appropria- continuing . Project. tions, cash. contracts, me ork: as : 3uffalo ALDOR ee eS ek, ec CN ae ie Ty on ee eee BS S486 5 Sees eee Black 'Rock Harbor and ':;Ghannele.cs is. oe ae ee Sao 000,000 Tonawanda Harbor and Niagara, River. 20.0. 46.6. oe Ge 3,000 en Charlotte "Harbor | 00a sea ee 88,500 COE: Great: Sodus Bay? Harbor kee i eee S0;000 3 26 a Pultneyvillé Harbor 220 oe ae ee G:000 are si aes 3 Little: Sodus: Bay Harbor saree i a POOO0 eee een Osweto: Harboricsir: (Cong wie ea a ee a ee 100,000 100,000 Ogdensburg Harbor eerie sen eee ee enn an P5s000: ee ee on é ort hbo te) dn a COM MOM are Se Aue ore OO Gi or 8,000) os. Sandusky veces ee See Sc Gee ger ie OO yay POS 0002 ok. ea TT PON ss eS Ae oie se ee es ARs 160003 oo as Wermilion vie cere vei er ee Cee ee ee ee as 15,000 Plc slane Black River "Clorain® Harbor) 2.02562 oe Spree cunt on 30,000). 7 ee ae. Cleveland: Harbor oo. 22 icte oe s Gilt S Lia Mis tew sei pier alee 223,000 900,000 airports Harbor 08 ee oe ee ee ce ees T0000. 2e eres Ashtabula' Harbors? 6 008450 a a ce es on ee te oe ace ee ois ZO O00. ee as ar Conneéattt Hapbor: rn cen tae eee oe ae ere eae ge ail DAU OLN ewe ein a Muskingume RIVer (oss 2 ores is ely ie ee ocean BS 000 Res ees Michigan: Ontonapon 7eo eo ees Skee oe oo ee ee ee ca 5000) <3 37ers ccs es Miarqaette: nei ee Gee Mens Ren eee sae tes sere s on 30,000 oa e Harbor of refuge ate Granid: Marais) 5.00.0. cea eee es oe SOMO OO is eee eee Manistigtie: Harbors. se. ees ic oe ee eae ee et 25, 00.0 cr ae Menominee Harbor and River, Michigan and Wisconsin .......... ge 000 case St. Joseph Harbor and River 240- SO. oe eres Pra Groans 16, O00. ees South Haven Harbor: (conditional) <0 ..4 20.3 ee ee 40,000 OE ai ian, Harbor at. Saticatuck and: Kalamazoo River <2... 600. csc oreas 75,000 cee Res Holland (Black Lake® Harbor): 600.473 ects en a cee le ee VBS 45ers a Grand "Havens "Harbor. 2s fee ice ss ole Oe ee Pe eee en SOOO Bees Muskeson "Harbor cscs iets ces 0 len sche eco tis Oeste cca anes FO SOOO sy Fe Oe BN es White Lake® and Pentwater Harbor ........... Picea ices a nies 20,000 eaten Le Ludington: Harbot =. 0ic ese. eae bie ed ca occas enw ae cls 100,000 739,087 MANISECE 25 oo Sartore ois Oe We OAS Sie me a se ea Sea ak DO OOO! eke nto nats Harbor of Refuge at Portage Lake, Manistee County soc see VO;000 se ees ae Arcadia® VWarbor, veces © cock ice oe learnt aie wo stere one Ne ie siete Wuareret C000os ie ee ee: Branktort - Harbor ices. oo ee ee DO 000 eek eer ras Charlevoix Harbor and entrance to Pine Lake'... 0.00 dus... 5.00. DO O00 Ss Fae es ae Petoskey. Harbor (oo e e. ieaics is bas Oe ose es sees ene ee 7 SOOM ieee oo e Alpena Harbor, Dhunder Bay River 000.6504 ban ere eis oe sa es ne 4 O00 fe eee wa. Cheboysanu Harbor 35 (ict ca tec cs oe et enue ee AS O00. chs ee rea Harbor of Refuge at Harbor Beachy Sei sis aes bas osc ene ae ee TSO;00086 es Gratid River Soyer sare es a Se pe es he ee ee cle we etens 88000) eee te Sapinaw Raver ec cus cs soos occ es ee Sew: sie eles wa ere ete eee 75,000 es Sebewaine River Goi. seta ee oe aie oes ce ee sacnas we ees 2,000.7 ee eee 4 Mouth of Black River, Rouge River, and Mone PATHOL: cu nie ks f P2000H a eo ee. Black River at Port Huron HEEB ere e rip Mirae Sarr Par RPI Fut eet 6,000 eee: Clinton River (ome is er ee aes Meee nies ere ates D500 a cee mn Sto Matys River at thes alls 5.053 foci ees ee ee 1,200,000 5,000,000 Detroit River, alternative channel 3.20502 oN ee econ ct ses 2,000,000 4,670,950 Detroit. River, Old PLosvect nico ewe ec aoe is oe rian wiersieke @ ctolete 150,000 150,000 Wisconsin: Kenosha: Batbor oy scree tae ee ese as ae ew eae ee DO OOO see re iy Racine "MAb cco ee aie oo oso Sie sinc s acs oo lacie oe vrais SO0008 was Mal waukee PIarDOtl 6 ot ee or eee ot ee Care ee eins eee 200,000 392,000 Sheboyean: Harpon. oi. sty. wy ce tic sys see ces nee on ee We SA eis over ale 40000 Bee, Manitowoc Harbor . 22.2... POO a hee re ee cee ee 100,000 276,000 (wo @RiVers HIATDOR 5 sore oo eae ho ae hice we Giais b tsieeie wor eeiscs ative 900008 Aa et ee ass Kewaunee Harbor ......... DSRS G1 Si Ge Dies MOS Wa aes Oman' aes 5,000) 2 ees . 'Algoma Harpor CAbnapeey ists et ees ee 93,0005) eee Green Bay Harbor ..... Pei Se ive ee cig eo ee sy tee a ee SHOOO aa arr eo aa Ashland HAarpot Seb ae acca oc eek oie ob es fees ce wietce Rie aie ore OD: 000 eee ns ea ie Porto Wittig: Harbot 38 6.2 oy os ose se te eee eeip ete ees tear P2000 ee eee as eas Pox Rivet oer ec: Me eh ot aah oss Gay seles es sire anes ieee S5000 St. Croix River, Minwesota and Wisconsin ...6. 005.2. 0+-seu eure 4,000 HOSE odes eee Minnesota: Grand ao Tarboro hs os ese ce ie wie ees pane cena BS 0008 8 eee, yalery doula} Nice eure Sey ad tye Wemiaes HAS FRAMERS fear sn Mtr Are Get ees AO00 258 Ue ees Duluth, Minne, and Superior; Wiss... were yes ces ee es / 525,000 Pate ass Wivinesota "River 200 se a a ee 21000 ee es ae Michigan City "Harbor. i266 ae os is css eis te aie ere case owns ise ee 60,0008 eas Illinois: Watikesan Harbor 2.0... sess oes SOU awe Na ie eon SO;0Q0 is eet ee Chicaso. Hatbor sere ow cee as oe tas ee ee i ner 250 O00 eee eats Calimet "Harbor oo 0 ene ee wc eo ein we One emerge oie Vo) 20,000 oe ce Chieiso River: jordin cis cares we ee ge a ee ee ses seaeta 20000 re ees -Calumet River, Illinois and Indiana BE Coos eas Dives Cor cle eu wwe TOU SOO. au ee with a view to constructing an outer harbor, and obtaining a channel 16 ft. in depth; Kewaunee, with a view to obtaining depth of 18 and 20 ft., re- spectively. The Maryland Steel Co., Sparrow's Point, Md., has just received contract from the Isthmian canal commission for the construction of two suction dredges. A new 14,000 ton twin-screw steam- ship for the Dominion line's Canadian service will be built by Harland & Wolff, Belfast. The anchor and chain of the con- federate armor clad Merrimac, which fought the famous battle with the Monitor, was recovered from the bot- tom of Hampton Roads recently, a fishing schooner's mud hook having got afoul of it. 19 The Moroccan gunboat Side el Turki which ran ashore in a recent storm, is probably. a total loss. The crew was saved. The Eastern Steamship Co. has awarded contract to the Bath Iron Works, Bath,.Me, for. a furbine steamer to be named City of Belfast. She will be 335 ft. long, 40 ft. beam and 17 ft. deep. Arrangements have been completed for the inauguration of a steamship ser- vice between Mexican and Canadian Pacific coast ports and the first. sail- ing will be made from Vancouver to Salina Cruz, in March. The steamer Empress of China has broken the record for the trip from Yokohama to Victoria, B. C., having made it in 10 days, 3 hours, 30 min- utes. The previous record was held by the Empress of Japan. Two hundred men of Long Beach, Cal., are making great efforts to raise $100,000 to induce the construction of -a ship building plant by the Craig in- terests of Toledo, $66,000 having already been subscribed, exclusive of mere guarantees. The La Veloce Steamship Co.'s ser- ice from Naples to New York has been resumed, the new steamship Brazile having sailed for the latter port Feb. 7. The service has been discontinued for the past month or two owing to labor troubles at Naples. The Hawaiian Immigration Society is reported to have chartered a steam- er in London, purposing 'to take a thousand Spanish immigrants to Hawaii. Some time ago the steamship Suveric landed 1,200 Portuguese at Honolulu, the vessel having been chartered for that purpose. Capt. Thomas Peabody, ee of the United States army transport Sheridan when it ran on a reef near Barber's Point, Island of Oahu, Aug. 3%; 1906, has had his license as master and pilot of steamships revoked for six months and has been removed from his command by the war department. | Fifty-six members of the crew of the steamship Sonoma struck at Syd- ney, N. S. W., recently, delaying the mails to San Francisco. They were ar- rested and sentenced in police court to a month's imprisonment at hard la- -- bor for having disobeyed lawful com- mands. - The Cunard line turbine steamers now building are not 25-knot vessels, as has been commonly stated, but are required to make an average of 2434 knots on a round trip within one year after their completion. The British government is to.-pay £150,000 annu- ally on condition that the speed is not below 23% knots.