28 The hand work in Scotland would cost for calking overlapped work on shell 10 cents and edge and. edge 12 TAE. MarRINE. REVIEW The water. is pumped up until there is a steam from the drilled hole in the air pipe. The stream of water runs oe oc el LT ~ Bru FIG. 160. cents per yard, tank top 714 cents and decks 614 cents per yard, on the great lakes the cost would be the same. 'Calking by machine on -the lakes costs three cents and edge and edge work six cents per yard. Chipping' costs in Scotland five cents-per foot for each one-eighth in thickness and by machine on the great lakes costs half of the same, The chipping and calking by hand on the great lakes are the same as in Scotland but the machine calking is one-third only and the chipping one- half of the cost of hand work. TANK TESTING. The center keelson and divisions at the ends of the tanks arg made water- tight and come under a pressure of about eight pounds per square foot. fully examined after which the tank is passed as O. K. In Scotland a pan is usually fastened to the top of pipe and water is run in until it is filled to top, the water is expected to remain in the pan during the examination of the divisions and tank top. The same precautions are taken on the great lakes as in Scot- land in looking out for stoppers, etc. The cost of doing this work on the great lakes runs about the same as in Scotland. . Sweden will be represented at the »naval review in Hampton Roads on the océasion. of the opening of the Jamestown exposition, by the new at- mored cruiser, Fylgia of 4,600 tons. It will be the cruiser's maiden voyage. It is probable that she will be com- manded by Capt. Lindberg, chief ot the Stockholm naval station, and re Fic. 162. FIG, The air pipes are used for the head and a hole is drilled in same about 16 feet above the tank or any height specified. 161. into a pan or is run over to the side of the vessel not under test. This pressure is held until the center keel- son, divisions and tank top are care- 'was done in order that State among her officers will be Prince Wil- liam, second son of Crown Prince Gustave. There will be sixty naval cadets aboard as well as a commission sent to study conditions in this coun- tty: The new state canal board of New York at its first. meeting sanctioned the request of State Engineer Skene for 'the withdrawal of the plans submitted by State Engineer Van Alstyne, of the proposed barge canal work, which plans called for an expenditure of be- tween $9,000,000 and $10,000,000, This Engineer Skene might examine the plans before the board took action upon them. The Hamburg-American and Ham- burg-South American companies are meported to have decided upon inaugu- rating a combined steamship service between New York and Brazil.