40 - TRAE MARINE REVIEW ie , e c e o _ Buyers' Directory of the Marine Trade. Continued. i DAVITS. ENGINE BUILDERS--Continued. FLUE WELDING. Pung Ae Pie. 2k cP ens New York. Great Lakes Engineering Works.. Hints S Sons... 25: Cleveland. i ts © aap s bes 5 aes Detroit, Mich. : ee ; yet ae a Philadelphia. FUELING pe arg AND orse, ON......-- oston. ockwoo G. CO eerie. COAL DEAL ' Schrader's Son, Inc., A..New York. ee. Bat Boston, Mass. Hanna, M. A. = ; Shee ean DREDGING CONTRACTORS. aryiand Sieel CO. wos ii. a eae e's Parker Bros. Co., Ltd...... etroit -Breymann & Bros., G. H....Toledo. ye beevccees Sparrows Point, Md. Pickands, Mather & Co., Cleveland. 'Buffalo Dredging Co........ Bualo. Milwaukee eke Dock Co., Milwaukee. Pittsburg Coal .Co,....-.. Cleveland. "Dunbar & Sullivan Dredging Co.. Mosher, Chas. D......... New York. Smith, Stanley B., & Co., Detroit. ae. Buffalo. Newport News Ship Building Co.... Toledo Fuel Company, ......Toledo, O. Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co. BOA leis 000 6. 8. olaie ta 40 Newport News, Va. FURNACES FOR BOILERS. io Chicago. | New York Ship Building Co........ Continental Iron Works, New York. a ice tae Camden, N. J. tgs ak _...Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. | Northwestern Steam Boiler & Mfg. GAS BUOYS. 'Hubbell Co., H. W..Saginaw, Mich. C6 a Duluth, Mich. Safety Car Heating & Lighting Co.. "Starke Dredge & Dock Cop CH. Quintard Iron Works Co., New York. ----__ratereecee rete sce sense New York. 2 ee Wikeaukee | Roach's Ship Yard......Chester, Pa. GAS AND GASOLINE ENGINES. 'Sullivan Me ees, Buffalo. Sheriffs Mfg. Co......... Milwaukee. Chase Machine Co........ Cleveland. me : Superior Ship Building Co.......... GAUGES, STEAM AND VACUUM. ' DREDGING Rey, : Peas co Sean Wis. Lunkenheimer Co. ...... Cincinnati. ' Quintard Iron Works Co.New York. oledo ip, Buildieg: Coc... oledo. GAUGES, WATER. Superior Iron Works.. .Superior, Wis. THOUt, fe Ges. 6 ice cy ceca Buffalo. : Lunkenheimer Co...... Cincinnati, O. DRILLING MACHINES. ENGINE ROOM TELEGRAPH Republic Belting & Supply Co...2. Cleveland Punch & Shear Works =" GayT BETIS ETC 2 creer et eeest ene eees Cleveland. ves Cleveland: CALL BELLS, ETC. ee Cory, Chas: & Sons. ii; New York. GENERATING SETS. | DRY DOCKS. Marine Mfg. Supply Co., New York. General Electric Co..........--.++0- American Ship Building Co........ ee PELE ee Schenectady, N. Y. ae we i se Hen eee ee eee GRAPHITE 'Atlantic Works ..East Boston, Mass. : ; , Buffalo Dry Dock Co ras -Buffalo. Ekert High Resistance Steam Mater- Piven isos ee ay 'Chicago Ship Building Co.......... Tale CO oe ass. eo? Dayton, O. T te da White Te da cy Tolede : O Oe ee ese ees _ Chicago. Hardy & Dischinger Co..... Toledo OrGe ee # ae oe Cramp, Wm. & Sons.. Philadelphia. Penvperthy Iniector Co. ..,..:...... GREASE CUPS. Detroit Ship Building pe sane eee Detroit, Mich. _. Williams, D. T., Valve Co.........: a ee ees vee ee Republic Beltin & Supply Co-....... ei ee Cincinnatt, ie Bete Be cas ae re ee ee ee Detroit. Lunkenheimer Co. Nears Cincinnati. sgt ' . Lockwood Mfg. Co........,.+sseee: Northwestern Steam Boiler & Mfg. Williams, D. T., Valve Co.......... re East Boston, Mass. Ce Taluth. Minn. 0 cee re ee eee Cincinnati. Milwaukee Dry Dock Cou... ..... 65% , 'HAMMERS. STEAM ee Be ace: ENGINEERS, MARINE, Chase Machine Co........ Cleveland. ee , - MECHANICAL, CONSULTING "Cleveland "Punch & Shear Works ek ek ewpor Ww : Superior Ship Building Co Purctenau, M, Co... «2s Philadelphia. CO. cece eee ee eens eres Cleveland. Ce, Superior, Wis. noe Spa aes Vico' HEATING AND VENTILATING ' Tietjen & Lang Dry Dock Co...... ae ns ee ee pea O: - APPARATUS Pe Hobok NOL Kidd, Joseph.......... Duluth, Minn. : ere Toledo Ship Building o. ocds ee D...----- a a American Blower Co., Detroit, Mich. , Pames casi 7 ee eveland. HOISTS FOR CAR : DYNAMOS. Rociker, HB... Wew York. Aer rean ehieBulidine ae. egeral Piettric: CO. ccs. es 2s. 5 WV OOU, Wo cee ne (iiceeo. Cleveland. aes e "seeeeees-Schenectady, N.Y: FANS. Brown Hoisting Machinery Co...... EJECTORS. American Blower Co., Detroit, Mich. Chase Machine Co. eee Penberthy Injector CS a FEED WATER PURIFIERS AND Dake Engine Cons esenees rein ee : HEATERS a : General Electric Co...... New York. ELECTRIC HOISTS AND Ross Valve CO... 8. Troy, N.Y. : is CRANES. Wheeler Condenser & Engineering we a Co.....-., poe Me. Be aeest Plecitic (0.2 0262. ..3 0 oes CO. cece cece ee eees 1a New Vork. On Sven ay Oy ee rata eepemceiady Ne, Se FITTINGS: F he as aioeare IRON. epublic elting upply Republic Belting & Supply Co...... alls Ollow Staybolt Co... ..... eae a kp aes Cleveland. ee end S20 fi ca eaanoes Falls, 0. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER HYDRAULIC DREDGES. PLANTS. BRASS FITTINGS. Great Lakes Engineering Works.... : -\Wisinis, O: 1. Valve: Co.: : ener! electric CO... 6. i. eee. ee Pie ey esas tenia s a Detroit. OG ee Loan ee Cincinnati. ENGINE BUILDERS cine a poreic cee Wetson-Stillman Co The American Blower Co., Detroit, Mich. General Electric Coe Ri ees oe ee es ete ere te New York. American Ship Building a ee epee Schenectady, N: - ¥. ICE MACHINERY. Atlantic Works, East Boston, Mass. FORGINGS FOR CRANK, PRO- -- mrcat Takes Engineering ie a Briggs, corn ee a ees New York. te ce ee Rottes Bon New Vork. 'Chicago Ship Building Co., Chicago. ear ee ae yee Pape k eos 5 - Cleveland, Cleveland City Forge & ee oe a INJECTORS. ramp, m ons, VIGGO A, or es a ee ae ee es Cleveland. American Injector Co...... Detroit. Detroit Ship Building Co., Detroit. Fore River Shipbuilding Co......... TOUKING DFOS 665 os base New York. Fletcher, W. & A. Co., Hoboken, N. J. ww ee eee ese ce ees e eens Quincy, Mass. Lunkenheimer Co. ...... Cincinnati Fore River Shipbuilding CO ee es Ohio Machine & Boiler Co..... ae Petibérthy- Injector Co. .45 226.500. serie eek eves ccs Oey, MBBS. 6 i Oi ie Fig Senne Cleveldad = Ge Detroit, Mich.